WordPress FAQ Builder

WordPress FAQ Builder

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WordPress FAQ plugin

The FAQ Builder plugin enables you to build quick and easy FAQ lists and boost your site traffic. If you want to serve your customers better or turn your prospective customers into buyers, the WordPress FAQ Builder plugin is a must-have for you!

FAQ Builder is a well-developed tool to make use of. All you need to do here is to give a title to your frequently asked questions list and describe it shortly. Then, you need to write down the questions along with their corresponding answers. After designing your list and setting it up properly, click on the Save F.A.Q button. As a final step, copy its shortcode ([ays_faq id=1]) and paste it into any post or page.

Could you imagine creating your own frequently asked questions list would be this easy?


There’s no need to worry if you are a non-technical person. The simple interface of this WordPress FAQ plugin is designed especially for you. You don’t need extra time and effort to be spent on getting acquainted with the plugin.
As for 2021, more than 55% of site traffic is mobile-based. That’s the reason why the FAQ Builder plugin supports mobile-friendliness. You are free to access your lists or build new ones not only via PCs but via mobile devices and tablets as well. The same also applies to your website visitors.


With our FAQ Builder, you can customize the style of your frequently asked questions list according to your preferences. To begin with, there are three amazing themes at your disposal. Try them out to see which one you like more. A wide range of functionality for your FAQ lists is right at your fingertips. Define the FAQ width, border style, border-radius, text color, and many more. You can also write your own CSS code if you have relevant skills. Another useful thing to consider while building your FAQs is the Collapse option. Decide if the already opened answers should be collapsed when opening a question or not.


If you want to receive queries from your users, you need to enable this option. This is an effective way to keep yourself in the know about what really matters to your customers. After activating the option, the users will be given a field to type in their own questions. Next, they will click on the Add button, and the questions will be sent to the admin (to you). Later on, you can add the questions you find necessary to be on the FAQ list on the General tab. Make sure to give comprehensive answers to get them across.


The commonly asked questions page is an integral part of most websites. From a business perspective, you will benefit a great deal from having a frequently asked questions page on your site.

Our WordPress FAQ plugin provides lots of benefits, which include:

  • Building brand awareness: At first, your website visitors will try to find out what your brand represents. For this, they’ll search for your FAQ page to go through ready-made queries and answers.
  • Increasing sales: Most probably, your website visitors will be eager to do business with you. Why? Because you have given a clear picture of your services through commonly asked questions.
  • Improving customer service: Our WordPress FAQ plugin gives a solution to the problem of responding to every customer. Instead, you can compile a list of frequently asked questions. And, as a result, your customers will easily find the answers to their concerns.
  • Establishing yourself as a professional: Your business will be trusted and will look more professional. People will rely on you as you have been able to answer their inquiries even before they were asked.


Search engines do love frequently asked questions pages. The reason is that they provide the necessary information for understanding your business. So, to rank high in search engines, you need lots of relevant and quality content on your website. The FAQ page of your site is the perfect place to publish useful information on your product. Make your website stand out by including specific and detailed questions and answers. Be patient, and you’ll soon be able to reap the benefits.
Improve the SEO ranking of your FAQ page by using long-tail keywords in the content. Make it keyword-rich so that your prospects can easily find the frequently asked questions section of your website. The commonly asked questions included on your site should represent your customers’ needs. As long as you continue to add relevant FAQs, you will maintain your good SEO ranking.


The FAQ Builder plugin is regularly updated and is kept up to speed with recent preferences.

Our team spares no effort to provide you with the support you need. In case of any queries or difficulties, feel free to get in touch with us via this contact form. We’ll be quick to address all your concerns.

We're sure that you'll love our FAQ builder plugin, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money-back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

Business version: 7.3.0

Developer version: 7.3.0

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