WordPress Personal Dictionary Plugin

WordPress Personal Dictionary Plugin

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Feature iconSupport for 12 months

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Feature iconResponsive design

Feature iconUnlimited groups and words

Feature iconRevision games

Feature iconImport words (XLSX)

Feature iconLeaderboard

Feature iconAnalyitics

Feature iconAccess for not logged-in users

Feature iconMatching Words game

Feature iconWrite The Translation

Feature iconCustom Branding

Feature iconAdd words from frontend

Feature iconFlashcards

Feature iconImage for word

Feature iconAudio for word

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Feature iconSupport for unlimited sites

Feature iconUpdate for lifetime

Feature iconSupport for lifetime

Feature iconUsage for lifetime

Feature iconResponsive design

Feature iconUnlimited groups and words

Feature iconRevision games

Feature iconImport words (XLSX)

Feature iconLeaderboard

Feature iconAnalyitics

Feature iconAccess for not logged-in users

Feature iconMatching Words game

Feature iconWrite The Translation

Feature iconCustom Branding

Feature iconAdd words from frontend

Feature iconFlashcards

Feature iconImage for word

Feature iconAudio for word

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We're sure that you'll love our WordPress Personal Dictionary Plugin, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

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WordPress Personal Dictionary plugin

The Personal Dictionary WordPress plugin allows your users to create their own digital dictionaries and learn new words and terms as fastest as possible. Your users can build unlimited groups with unlimited words and practice unlimited times.

Are you an online teacher, university instructor, or language tutor? If yes, then it is crucial for you to make the learning process of your students more organized and efficient. Without a doubt, this tool is an essential part of your WordPress website. Discovering a new unfamiliar term, the student can just add it to his group, write its corresponding translation, and then study by practicing it over and over again. In most cases, without revising the word or team, again and again, the chances of forgetting it are extremely high.

What kind of devices are your users using? In fact, it does not matter :).  The plugin runs smoothly on all kinds of computer screens, mobile devices, and any other types of gadget. With its user-friendly interface, you will not need to make any guide or practice for your students: the plugin is easy as pie to use.

All you need is to copy the shortcode of this personal dictionary maker and paste it to any page or post to activate the personal digital dictionary.

Shortcode: [ayspd_userpage]

User Dashboard

After activation, each user will see his/her individualized dashboard with their personalized dictionary. Let us see the possibilities this dictionary builder gives your students:

How to create a personal dictionary in a few steps:

  • Go to the Group section and create a group about a particular subject, such as English, Spanish, cooking terms, chemical equation, and so on.
  • Create words within the given group and give their corresponding translations or meanings. 
  • Go to the Games section and pick your favored revision game type: Find the word or Find the translation. Select the group and word counts, which you are going to play, and click on the Start button.

How does this smart dictionary consider the word as learned? There are three inputs that need to be specified: Learnt, Right answer, and Wrong answer.  You need to define after how many attempts the word will be considered already learned. For example, if you give 1 value to the Right answer, 0.25 to the Wrong answer, and 10 to the Learnt one, then if the user answers the question 10 times (10 x 1) correctly, then the given word will be considered already studied.  After that, it stops appearing in revision games. Although the learned word does not appear in games anymore, it remains in the dictionary word list. You can reset a word anytime you would like to and it will be considered as a new one.

Import words via XLSX file format

Make the experience of your users more effortless. If your learners are examining with Oxford English Dictionary, Cambridge dictionary, or any other online vocabulary resources, then certainly it will be more useful to import their vocabulary words in bulk. The plugin allows importing words with their corresponding translations via Excel file format from their user dashboard. The Excel file must consist of two columns: Word and Translation. That’s all – isn’t that amazing!

Tracking Leaderboard

Why should I use this tool if there are thousands of mobile apps for creating online dictionaries or personal dictionary software? The answer is obvious: You can track your students’ activity. If you are a teacher, I assume participation and activity point is an essential part in your grading system. In most cases, it is quite difficult to calculate it objectively. Here, the plugin can be of help. If you have assigned to use this tool for homework, then you can track their records with the help of Tracking Leaderboard, which is visible only to the admin of the WordPress website. It shows the name of the student, email, created words count, learned words count, percentage, games count, groups count, and rate. You can order based on any of those values.

Reports and Analytics

The analysis is always important! This WordPress lingo presents summaries, charts, and reports concerning the dictionary you activated. There you will find line charts such as Games count per day, Words count per day and Users count per day. It allows you to track activities over some periods of time. You can find some statistics in the Statistics Signboard section. Lastly, you will see Learned words average in percentage and Inactive users count last 30 days.

In case of any pre-sale questions or support requests, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Care specialists via the following email address: info@ays-pro.com

Pro Version Changelog

Business version: 7.0.7

Developer version: 7.0.7

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