Advanced Display Quizzes addon

Advanced Display Quizzes addon

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We're sure that you'll love our Advanced Display Quizzes addon, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

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Advanced Display Quizzes Addon Description

Advanced Display Quizzes Addon for the Quiz Maker plugin allows the users to have their quizzes displayed on one page in 3 different ways: table view, list view, and image view. The primary aim of our addon is to help the users choose and take the quizzes they like. Our addon allows you to choose the method of displaying quizzes so they can be shown either from oldest to newest, from newest to oldest, or you can have the quizzes displayed randomly every time users refresh the page.

With the help of our addon, the users can see the number of quiz takers who passed or failed, their scores, and points on exact quizzes. Moreover, Advanced Display Quizzes Addon allows you to choose whether to have all the quizzes displayed or only the quizzes assigned to the given categories.

You just need to have the Pro package of the Quiz Maker plugin and the Advanced Display Quizzes addon.

How to Use the Advanced Display Quizzes Addon

  • Install the Pro Version of the Quiz Maker plugin on your WordPress dashboard. ( Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin )
  • Then, install the Advanced Display Quizzes addon and activate it.
  • Choose the method of displaying quizzes ( Table View, List View, or Image View )
  • Copy the shortcode and paste it into any post or page.

Table View

Shortcode for All Quizzes:

[ays_quiz_display_all_quizzes_table orderby="ASC/DESC/random"]

  • choose the way of ordering the quizzes: ASC ( oldest to newest); DESC ( newest to oldest ); random

Shortcode for Categories:

[ays_quiz_display_quizzes_by_category_table display="all" id="N" orderby="DESC"]

  • choose the method of displaying quizzes: all ( all the quizzes); quiz_category ( all the quizzes assigned to the given category)
  • enter the ID of the given category (you can select multiple IDs)
  • choose the way of ordering the quizzes: ASC ( oldest to newest); DESC ( newest to oldest ); random

Advanced Display Table View

List View

Shortcode for All Quizzes:

[ays_quiz_display_all_quizzes_list orderby="ASC/DESC/random"]

  • choose the way of ordering the quizzes: ASC ( oldest to newest); DESC ( newest to oldest ); random

Shortcode for Categories:

[ays_quiz_display_quizzes_by_category_list display="all" id="N" orderby="DESC" layout="list"]

  • choose the method of displaying quizzes: all ( all the quizzes); quiz_category ( all the quizzes assigned to the given category)
  • enter the ID of the given category (you can select multiple IDs)
  • choose the way of ordering the quizzes: ASC ( oldest to newest); DESC ( newest to oldest ); random
  • choose the design of the layout: List or Grid

Advanced Display List View

Image View


[ays_quiz_display_quizzes_with_image display="all" id="N" orderby="DESC" layout="grid"]

  • choose the method of displaying quizzes: all ( all the quizzes); quiz_category ( all the quizzes assigned to the given category)
  • enter the ID of the given category (you can select multiple IDs)
  • choose the way of ordering the quizzes: ASC ( oldest to newest); DESC ( newest to oldest ); random
  • choose the design of the layout: List or Grid

Advanced Display Image View

In case of any pre-sale questions or support requests, you can easily contact our Customer Care specialists via this email address:

 Our team is ready to answer all of your questions.

* This addon works with the Free, Business or Developer versions of the Quiz Maker plugin.





1.0.1 (21.06.2024)

  • Added: Compatibility with Quiz Maker free versions

1.0.0 (01.01.2024)

  • First release

Business version: 1.0.1

Developer version: 1.0.1

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Quiz + Poll + Survey