WordPress Auto Scroll for reading

WordPress Auto Scroll for reading

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WordPress Auto Scroll plugin for Reading

If you are looking for a WordPress plugin that will add a smart scroll to your website then you should definitely try the Auto Scroll plugin. The WordPress Auto Scroll plugin is a flexible tool that can be easily installed and activated directly from your WordPress Admin Dashboard. And that is it. You do not need to undertake any other actions to implement the scrolling on your website. It will be automatically added. Yet, anytime you may control its speed and pause it. Moreover, it will not slow down your website speed. Also, the plugin is compatible with many major browsers. It is very responsive and user-friendly. All you need to do is install this blogging plugin and enjoy your best user experience. When you read a long article or scroll through a website, you have to keep moving the page yourself. With the WordPress auto scroll plugin, the page scrolls automatically, so you can focus on what you’re reading or viewing without having to scroll down all the time manually. This helps you read the content without getting distracted by the need to scroll.

Increase Productivity with Auto Scroll plugin

Don't waste your time using your mouse or touchpad to scroll through long pages, the plugin does it for you. This plugin is mainly helpful for people who need to read a lot of information for work or study. By automating the scrolling, you can read through reports, articles, or documents more quickly and efficiently. When you’re reading long articles, e-books, or academic papers, it’s easy to lose your place when you have to keep scrolling manually. An auto scroll plugin keeps the text moving smoothly, so you don’t lose track of where you are.

Customize auto scroll based on your wish

One of the best things about the WordPress auto scroll plugin is that you can customize it to fit your needs. You can set the scroll delay, auto scroll button position and so on, depending on how what kind of content you’re looking at. The plugin often includes other adjustable settings to make the scrolling experience just right for you.

Auto scroll plugin is designed to be compatible with many different websites and web browsers. This means you can use the plugin on almost any site you visit, whether you’re using Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or another browser.

How to use WordPress auto scroll plugin

It is very easy to install and use the best auto scroll plugin in WordPress. All you need to do is install the plugin on your WordPress website and that's all. Now you have an auto scroll plugin and your website and it will be easy for users to read the content displayed on your website.

  • Button position - Choose the position of the auto scroll button on your website
  • Button colour - You can decide the colour of the auto scroll button
  • Rescroll delay - With this feature, you can define the period of pause in seconds.
  • Autoplay on page load - When this option is enabled, the page will automatically start scrolling after page load.
  • Show the title by hovering - The title attribute appears instantly after hovering.
  • To top button - If this option is activated, the "to top" button will be enabled.
  • Scroll indicator - Tick this option to enable the progress bar to display how much of a page has been scrolled.
  • Background Color - Specify the background color of the progress bar.
  • Foreground Color - Specify the foreground color of the progress bar.
  • Height - Set the height of the progress bar.
  • Position - Choose the position of the progress bar. You can choose either top or bottom.

Don't forget, in case of any problems or upcoming questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail — info@ays-pro.com.

Business version: 7.0.4

Developer version: 7.0.4

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