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Changelog for the Chart Builder plugin

Chartify Business and Developer versions changelog


 This is the official changelog page of the Chartify Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.

= 20.0.9 = (June 13, 2024)

* Added: Filter by date functionality on the charts page
* Added: Filters ordering functionality on the charts page
* Added: Order by functionality on the charts page
* Added: Organization chart border color option
* Added: Organization chart border width option
* Improved: Charts list table styles
* Improved: Frontend actions button styles on the front page
* Fixed: Issue with decimal numbers not saving in the manual source type
* Fixed: PHP issue on the charts edit page
* Fixed: Issue with show chart title option
* Fixed: Series color option issue
* Fixed: Chart border-radius option issue
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.5.4
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.3+


= 20.0.8 = (March 4, 2024)

* Added: Styles tab on the admin dashboard
* Added: Row settings tab
* Added: Enable row settings option in the row settings tab
* Added: Single bar color option in the row settings tab
* Added: Single bar opacity option in the row settings tab
* Added: Chart border-radius option
* Added: Chart position option
* Added: Transparent background option
* Added: Horizontal axis Label interval option
* Added: Axes baseline color option
* Added: Axes minor gridlines color option
* Added: Information popup about the form after creating a form
* Added: Italian language support
* Added: Spanish language support
* Added: French language support
* Added: Dutch language support
* Added: Portuguese language support
* Added: Russian language support
* Improved: Live chart functionality on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Styles on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Sanitizing issues on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Chart display issue on the front end
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.4.3
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


= 20.0.7 = (December 29, 2023)

* Added: Live chart functionality
* Added: Integration with WooCommerce
* Added: Frontend print chart action
* Added: Frontend XLSX export action
* Added: Frontend CSV export action
* Added: Frontend copy data action
* Added: Option to select custom columns for Google sheet data
* Added: Duplicate action for charts
* Added: Publish/unpublish action for charts
* Added: Filter by source functionality on the charts page
* Added: Chart responsive width option
* Added: Chart border color option
* Added: Chart border width option
* Added: Chart background color option
* Added: Chart area margin options
* Added: Chart area border width option
* Added: Chart area border color option
* Added: Chart area background color option
* Added: Chart title italic option
* Added: Chart title bold option
* Added: Chart title gap option
* Added: Show chart description option
* Added: Chart description position option
* Added: Chart description italic option
* Added: Chart description bold option
* Added: Axes text italic and bold options
* Added: Axes text italic and bold options
* Added: Axes gridlines count option
* Added: Axes min/max value options
* Added: Axes label font size option
* Added: Axes format option
* Added: Axes label font color option
* Added: Axes text font size option
* Added: Tooltip text bold option
* Added: Tooltip text italic option
* Added: Tooltip font size option
* Added: Legend text italic and bold options
* Added: Legend font size option
* Added: Line chart autofill nulls option
* Added: Line chart crosshair opacity option
* Added: Line chart crosshair orientation option
* Added: Line chart crosshair trigger option
* Added: Maximized view option
* Added: Status column in the charts list table
* Added: Source column in the charts list table
* Added: Date column in the charts list table
* Added: Functionality to change chart types directly from the edit page
* Added: Ability to set chart width and height in percentage or pixels
* Added: Manual data navigation with Enter key
* Improved: Bars width option
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Improved: Filters section on the all charts page
* Fixed: Bar width option issues
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.4.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


= 20.0.6 = (July 10, 2023)

* Added: Combo chart type
* Added: Stepped area chart type
* Added: Bubble chart type
* Added: Scatter chart type
* Added: Table chart type
* Added: Timeline chart type
* Added: Candlestick chart type
* Added: Gantt chart type
* Added: Sankey diagram type
* Added: Treemap chart type
* Added: Word tree chart type
* Added: 3D pie chart type
* Added: Manual data ordering functionality
* Added: Manual data ordering by column functionality
* Added: Combo chart series type option
* Added: Org chart source image option
* Added: Org chart source URL functionality
* Added: Org chart allows collapse option
* Added: Org chart custom class name option
* Added: Org chart node background color option
* Added: Org chart node padding option
* Added: Org chart node border-radius option
* Added: Org chart node text color option
* Added: Org chart node text font size option
* Added: Org chart node description color option
* Added: Org chart node description font size option
* Added: Geo chart source URL functionality
* Added: Geo chart keeps aspect ratio option
* Added: Treemap chart shows scale option
* Added: Treemap chart min color option
* Added: Treemap chart max color option
* Added: Word tree max font size option
* Added: Timeline chart single color option
* Added: Timeline chart show row labels option
* Added: Sankey chart link color option
* Added: Sankey chart link border color option
* Added: Table chart sort column index option
* Added: Table chart shows row number option
* Added: Gauge chart minor ticks option
* Added: Line, area charts orientation option
* Changed: Styles on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Chart display issues on the front page
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.2.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


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= 20.0.5 = (June 15, 2023)

* Added: Enable chart interactivity option
* Added: Bar, column charts bar width option
* Added: Pie chart slices text color option
* Added: Pie chart slices offset option
* Added: Bar, column, line chart series visible in legend option
* Added: Pie chart slices settings tab
* Added: Bar, column, line chart series settings tab
* Added: Pie chart slices color option
* Added: Bar, column, line chart series color option
* Added: Line chart point size option
* Added: Line chart point shape option
* Added: Line chart multiple data format option
* Added: Line chart multiple data selection option
* Added: Pie chart data grouping label option
* Added: Pie chart data grouping color option
* Added: Pie chart data grouping limit option
* Added: Chart animation startup option
* Added: Chart animation easing option
* Added: Chart animation functionality
* Added: Chart animation duration option
* Added: Chart title position option
* Added: Line chart line width option
* Added: Filter by author functionality on the charts page
* Added: Filter by chart type functionality on the charts page
* Added: Search by title functionality on the charts page
* Added: Settings live preview functionality
* Added: Tooltip text color option
* Added: Horizontal axis slanted text option
* Added: Horizontal axis slanted text angle option
* Added: Horizontal axis text color option
* Added: Vertical axis text color option
* Added: Horizontal axis direction option
* Added: Vertical axis direction option
* Added: Horizontal axis text position option
* Added: Vertical axis text position option
* Added: Horizontal axis title option
* Added: Vertical axis title option
* Added: Show chart title option
* Added: Opacity option for line, bar, column types
* Added: Change the author of the current chart option
* Added: Chart type settings tab on admin dashboard
* Added: Pie chart slice text option
* Added: Pie chart tooltip text option
* Added: Pie chart reverse categories option
* Added: Legend Font Color option
* Improved: Legend position option
* Changed: CSS Styles on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Style issues on the front page
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.2.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


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= 20.0.4 = (February 6, 2023)

* Added: Integration with Quiz Maker plugin
* Added: Area chart type
* Added: Gauge chart type
* Added: Chart description font color option
* Added: Chart description font size option
* Added: Delete column functionality
* Added: Chart title font size option
* Added: Bar, column, area charts Is stacked option
* Fixed: Google sheet integration issue
* Fixed: Manual data show on chart issue
* Fixed: Delete row button tooltip display issues
* Fixed: Chart display issue on admin dashboard
* Fixed: CSS Styles on admin dashboard
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


= 20.0.3 = (January 05, 2023)

* Added: Titles for chart data
* Added: Import data from file option
* Added: Chart shortcode for text editor
* Added: Confirmation for delete actions
* Added: Histogram, bar, column, line charts focus target option
* Added: Pie and donut charts rotation degree option
* Added: Pie and donut charts slice border color option
* Added: Titles for chart data
* Fixed: Database import issues
* Fixed: Tooltip display issues on admin dashboard
* Fixed: Org chart show on chart functionality
* Fixed: Google sheets import issues
* Fixed: CSS Styles on admin dashboard
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


= 20.0.2 = (December 22, 2022)

* Added: Elementor block
* Added: Bulk delete action
* Added: Except words count on list table page setting
* Added: Legend alignment option
* Added: Donut chart hole size option
* Added: Line chart curve type option
* Added: Org chart font size option
* Changed: CSS Styles on admin dashboard
* Fixed: Google sheet import issues
* Fixed: Database import issues
* Fixed: Mobile responsive style issues
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


= 20.0.1 = (December 05, 2022)

* Added: Donut chart type
* Added: Histogram type
* Added: Geo chart type
* Added: Org chart type
* Added: Gutenberg editor widget
* Added: Chart description option
* Added: Legend position option
* Added: Add column option for Column and Bar chart types
* Fixed: CSS Style issues on admin page
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


= 20.0.0 = (November 25, 2022)

* Added: First Release

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