Personal Dictionary Business and Developer versions changelog
This is the official changelog page of the Personal Dictionary Plugin Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Feel free to give us your suggestions by taking this Personal Dictionary Plugin Survey.
Check out the WordPress Personal Dictionary User Manual to learn how to make a dictionary yourself.
= 7.0.6 = (January 30, 2024)
* Added: Flashcards functionality
* Added: New game Write The Translation
* Added: Search functionality for groups
* Added: Elementor page builder support
* Added: Answer border color option
* Added: Answer border style option
* Added: Show games option
* Added: Menu items option
* Added: Menu position option
* Added: Menu layout option
* Fixed: Responsive style issue on the front page
* Fixed: Issue connected to the dictionary logo
* Fixed: Games results displaying issue
* Updated: POT and Po files
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 7.0.5 = (December 4, 2023)
* Added: Add Words to Dictionary from the front-end option
* Added: User vocabulary list table on the reports page
* Added: Games submenu on the admins page
* Added: Reset styles button
* Added: Add logo option
* Added: Container border-radius option
* Added: Container border width option
* Added: Container border style option
* Added: Container border color option
* Added: Title font size option
* Added: Answer border option
* Added: Answer border width option
* Added: Save button on the top of the Settings page
* Fixed: Dictionary displaying issue on the Gutenberg editor
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Improved: Styles on the front page
* Improved: Plugin performance on the front page
* Updated: POT and Po files
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 7.0.4 = (January 21, 2023)
* Added: Displaying answers on the results page
* Added: Text shadow for description
* Fixed: Start again button reload issue
* Fixed: Translation issue on How to use submenu
* Fixed: Add Word and filter button conflict on the front page
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+
= 7.0.3 = (September 15, 2022)
* Added: Access for not logged-in users
* Added: New game Matching Words
* Added: Gutenberg block for Personal Dictionary
* Added: Plus buttons in group's and word's lists
* Added: Alignment option for description
* Added: Button font size for mobile
* Added: Sort words in descending order button on the front page
* Added: Button for sorting words on the front page
* Added: Description font size for mobile
* Added: Documentation button on the admin dashboard
* Added: Show description option font size
* Added: Show description option
* Added: Description for PD
* Added: Alignment for title
* Changed: Our Products submenu Interface design
* Changed: Community section style on the How to use page
* Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Responsive style issue on the front page
* Fixed: Style issue on the front page
* Fixed: Label input issues on the admin page
* Fixed: JS problem on the front page
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+
= 7.0.2 = (May 17, 2022)
* Added: Text shadow for title
* Added: Show title option
* Added: Title option
* Added: Question font size for mobile option
* Added: Answer font size for mobile option
* Added: Custom class option
* Added: Buttons padding option
* Added: Buttons font size option
* Added: Buttons border-radius
* Added: Loader while clicking on the Save button
* Added: Ctrl+S saving combination option
* Added: Answer font size option
* Added: Question font size option
* Added: How to use page
* Added: Shortcode copy functionality
* Added: Show correct answer option
* Added: Move word to another group option
* Added: Full-screen mode functionality
* Added: Learned percentage filter while starting a game
* Added: Ask a question icon
* Added: Buttons text color option
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.3
* Updated: POT file
* Fixed: PHP problem on the front page
* Fixed: JS problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: CSS problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Style issue on the front page
* Fixed: JS problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: CSS problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Style issue on the front page
* Fixed: Group name quote conflict
* Fixed: Custom CSS option quote conflict on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Style issue on the Front page
* Fixed: Database issue on deactivate
* Fixed: Responsive design issue on the Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: Style issue in Mozila Firefox
* Fixed: Style issue on the Front page
* Fixed: Wp-color-picker default value issue on the Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: Some style issues on the Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: Some issues on the Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: wp-color-picker issue on the Mozilla Firefox browser
* Fixed: Responsive design issue on the Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: CSS issue on Front End
= 7.0.1 = (April 14, 2021)
* Added: The deactivation popup in the Plugins section
* Added: Background color option
* Added: Word count next to the group name
* Added: Ability to open the group by selecting an area inside the box
* Added: Confirmation box while deleting or resetting a group or word
* Added: Save and Edit group by pressing Enter key
* Added: Automatically scrolling after clicking on the tab
* Added: Active tab style
* Updated: Custom CSS option
* Fixed: Minus sign to the default value of the Wrong answer points
* Fixed: Some CSS issues
= 7.0.0 = (April 1, 2021)