Photo Gallery WordPress plugin

Photo Gallery Pro versions changelog


 This is the official changelog page of the Photo Gallery Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Feel free to give us your suggestions by taking this Photo Gallery Plugin Survey.
Get to know all the tools and learn how to display a stunning gallery on your website by checking out the WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin's user manual.

= 8.4.0 = (October 8, 2024)

* Added: Show User WordPress Roles shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Reset styles button
* Added: Progress line color option for Lightbox images slide
* Added: Hide progress line option for Lightbox images slide
* Added: Help Tab on the Admin Dashboard
* Added: Excerpt words count option for gallery image categories list tables
* Added: Class for filter
* Added: Information popup about the gallery after creating a gallery
* Added: Gallery category column in the galleries list table
* Added: Gallery categories option
* Added: Category for galleries
* Added: Bulk publish/unpublish action on the galleries list table
* Added: Show gallery button to Admins only option on the general settings
* Added: Home page URL variable on the general settings
* Added: Post ID message variable on the general settings
* Added: Site title variable on the general settings
* Added: Post title variable on the general settings
* Added: Post author email variable on the general settings
* Added: Post author nickname variable on the general settings
* Added: Admin email variable on the general settings
* Added: Gallery creation date message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery page link variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery title variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery date message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery images count message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery author email message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current gallery author message variable on the general settings
* Added: Gallery ID message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: User ID message variable on the general settings
* Added: Add new submenu
* Added: Ability to change All images text on the general settings
* Added: User IP address message variable on the general settings
* Added: User Nickname message variable on the general settings
* Added: Images hover animation speed option
* Added: Images hover scale animation speed option
* Added: Images hover zoom animation speed option
* Added: How to create a gallery in one minute video on the galleries page
* Improved: Ask a question button style on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Public styles
* Improved: Add new button on the list tables page
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Fixed: Issue with Elementor plugin
* Fixed: JS conflict with Gutenberg block
* Fixed: Tab navigation responsiveness on the mobile version
* Fixed: Image category issue after duplicating
* Fixed: Security issue on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Image position option design on admin dashboard
* Changed: Some CSS style issues on the admin dashboard
* Updated: POT and PO Files
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.3+


= 8.3.9 = (September 21, 2023)

* Added: Functionality to insert message variables into the wp editor on the gallery description
* Added: Preview animation icon on the admin dashboard
* Added: Tooltip for Save buttons on the admin dashboard
* Added: Title name live displaying on the Dashboard
* Added: Loader while clicking on the Save button
* Added: Show images count by category shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Redirect to another gallery after clicking on them functionality on the galleries page
* Added: Show User Nickname shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Next category button on the categories edit page
* Added: SVG gallery icon in Gutenberg editor
* Improved: Change the gallery author option design
* Fixed: Select gallery issue on the Gutenberg editor
* Fixed: Conflict with the WP 6.1 version
* Fixed: Loader conflict with Survey Maker plugin
* Fixed: Images order by option issue
* Fixed: Load more button logic issue on front page
* Fixed: Gallery Block Icon issue on Elementor
* Fixed: Gallery Category delete functionality on category list table
* Updated: POT and PO Files
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.3.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


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= 8.3.8 = (February 27, 2023)

* Added: Pagination option
* Added: Show gallery category description in a shortcode with a category ID on the general settings
* Added: Show images count in gallery shortcode
* Added: Show User First Name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Last Name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Display name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Email shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Custom gallery loader type
* Added: user_display_name message variable on the general settings
* Added: user_wordpress_email message variable on the general settings
* Added: user_wordpress_roles message variable on the general settings
* Added: Previous Gallery button on the galleries edit page
* Added: Custom gif functionality instead of the loader
* Added: Gallery loader custom gif width functionality
* Added: Documentation button on the admin dashboard
* Added: Option to Specify the opening method of the Image URLs
* Fixed: Shortcode showing issue in Description
* Fixed: CSS style issues on the admin dashboard
* Updated: POT and PO Files
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


+     Suggest a new Feature

= 8.3.7 = (July 18, 2022)

* Added: Excerpt words count option for galleries list tables on the general settings
* Added: Exclude general CSS file from home page option on the general settings
* Added: Change the author of the current gallery option
* Added: Images hover animation preview
* Added: Gallery title text color
* Added: Gallery description text color
* Added: Show current gallery author shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Excerpt words count option for gallery categories list tables
* Added: Show gallery title in a shortcode with a category ID on the general settings
* Added: Next Gallery button on the galleries edit page
* Added: Tooltips for admin dashboard fields
* Fixed: CSS problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Lightbox option for search and filter
* Fixed: Allow thumbnails Lightbox settings issue
* Fixed: Shortcode showing issue in Description
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


= 8.3.6 = (May 17, 2022)

* Added: Search Functionality on the Categories List Table
* Added: Image column on the galleries list table
* Added: Shortcode copy functionality on the galleries page
* Added: General Settings tab
* Added: WP Editor height option on the general settings
* Added: Extra Shortcode Section on the general settings
* Added: Show gallery creation date shortcode on the general settings
* Added: message variable tab on the general settings
* Added: user_first_name message variable on the general settings
* Added: user_last_name message variable on the general settings
* Fixed: Code correction on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: CSS conflict with Elementor plugin on the dashboard
* Fixed: Custom CSS option quote conflict on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Category title displaying issue
* Fixed: Search for image option issue
* Fixed: Quote conflict on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: JS conflict with Elementor plugin
* Improvement: Gallery description option changed to the WP Editor
* Updated: POT and PO Files
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.3


= 8.3.5 = (April 06, 2022)

* Added: Categories filter animation
* Added: Thumbnail title text color
* Fixed: Image lightbox preview url issue
* Fixed: Disable lightbox option issue
* Added: Touch effect to see full image
* Fixed: Conflict between the "Height / Width ratio" option and a lazy loading mode
* Fixed: Image rows unstable display in the admin dashboard
* Added: Ctrl+S saving combination option
* Fixed: Image rows responsive style issue
* Fixed: Top banner responsive style issue
* Added: Make a link on the whole image option
* Added: Search Functionality on the List Page
* Fixed: Some style issues on the Admin Dashboard
* Added: Created date column in the galleries list table
* Fixed: SQL query problem on the admin dashboard
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.2


= 8.1.2 = (January 31, 2022)

Added: Touch effect to see full image for mobile devices
Added: Use RTL direction option
Added: Shortcode text for an editor in add/edit gallery page
Added: Height / Width ratio option
Added: Opacity to Color Picker
Added: Custom Class option
Added: Ascending / Descending select for Images order by option
Added: Enable search for image option
Added: Choose filter for thumbnail option
Added: Choose filter for lightbox
Fixed: Background color of the gallery thumbnail title and thumbnail hover options conflict
Changed: Custom CSS option editor
Updated: POT and PO files

Get Started with Photo Gallery Plugin, Create Visually Appealing Galleries!

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey