WordPress Poll Maker plugin

Poll Maker Business and Developer versions Changelog


This is the official changelog page of the Poll Maker Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Feel free to give us your suggestions by taking this Poll Maker Plugin Survey.

= 31.4.3 / 21.4.3 / 8.4.3 = (September 01, 2023)

* Added: Redirect to another polls functionality on the polls page
* Added: Confirmation box for deleting poll answers
* Added: Tooltip for Save buttons on the admin dashboard
* Added: Reset styles button on the admin dashboard
* Added: SVG poll icon in Gutenberg editor
* Added: Shortcode attribute for ayspoll_results to show latest result
* Added: Default message for text type
* Added: Title option for Poll logo
* Added: Functionality to insert message variables into the wp editor on the result message
* Added: Button text color changing option
* Added: Option to be able to show results after schedule without button
* Added: Button background color changing option
* Added: Results column on the polls list table
* Added: Ability to copy the shortcode from the polls list table
* Added: Add new submenu
* Added: Introduction page for Poll Maker
* Added: Setup Guide
* Added: User phone column on the poll results list table
* Added: Status filter on the polls list table
* Added: Ability to order the information form
* Added: Mailerlite integration
* Added: reCaptcha integration
* Added: Hide question text on the results page option
* Added: Custom Fields exporting feature with all the answers
* Added: Clickable URL in the Detailed Report Popup
* Added: 7 and 10-star rating options for the Rating Poll Type
* Fixed: Default poll creation date and admin displaying issue in admin dashboard
* Fixed: Categories list table pagination issue
* Fixed: The Search box and pagination conflict on all list tables
* Fixed: Select poll issue on the Gutenberg block
* Fixed: Security issue on the poll integrations page
* Fixed: Issue connected to the name placeholder text
* Fixed: Issue connected to the checkbox custom field alignment
* Fixed: Issue connected to the HTML and the login form
* Fixed: Grid view responsiveness issue
* Fixed: Issue connected to the scrolling
* Fixed: Issue connected to the save as default button
* Fixed: Issue connected to the required field of the information form option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the translation of the placeholder texts
* Fixed: Issue connected to the create post for poll option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the default poll type
* Fixed: Issue connected to the range type results
* Improved: Change the author of the current poll option
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.3
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+


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= 21.4.2 / 8.4.2 = (December 5, 2022)

* Added: New bar chart type on the front page
* Added: How to create a poll in one minute video on the polls page
* Added: User IP address message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current poll page link message variable on the general settings
* Added: Show poll answers count shortcode
* Added: All passed polls count per user message variable
* Added: Attributes to Global leaderboard settings shortcode
* Added: All results settings shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show user nickname shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Popup Poll submenu
* Added: User activity per day shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Poll activity per day shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Create quick Poll functionality on the admin dashboard
* Added: Subject and Email Message suboptions to Send Mail to Admin option
* Added: Most popular Poll shortcode on the general settings
* Improved: Poll type choosing functionality while adding a new poll
* Changed: Poll type choosing page design
* Changed: Community section style on the How to use page
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: CSS style issues on the front page
* Fixed: Alignment issue on the front page
* Fixed: Default poll choosing issue on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Select poll issue on the Gutenberg editor
* Fixed: CSS style issues on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Translation issue on How to use submenu
* Fixed: Poll type choosing functionality issue
* Fixed: PHP problem after clicking on Export Polls button
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+


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= 21.4.1 / 8.4.1 = (June 28, 2022)

* Added: Export results to XLSX
* Added: Frontend Statistics shortcode
* Added: Phone form field on the information form
* Added: Display form fields with labels option
* Added: Label fields for Fields placeholders option on the General Settings page
* Added: Alt attribute for the question image
* Added: Passed polls count per user shortcode
* Added: Change the author of the current poll option
* Added: Exclude general CSS file from home page on General Settings page
* Added: Current poll author message variable
* Added: All passed polls count per user shortcode
* Added: Open in a new tab suboption for Poll logo option
* Added: Title font size on mobile devices option
* Added: Question image column on the polls list table
* Added: Poll categories descriptions shortcode on general settings
* Added: WP Editor Height suboption for the Default parameters option on the General Settings
* Added: User information message variables
* Added: Poll width for mobile option
* Added: Show poll categories titles shortcode
* Added: Poll pass count message variable
* Added: Show current poll author shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Social media links option
* Added: View Documentation link on admin dashboard
* Added: Affiliates submenu
* Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Inserting answers design of the dropdown type
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.1
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: PHP Problem on the admin dashboard


= 21.4.0 / 8.4.0 = (March 03, 2022)

* Added: Message variables section
* Added: Poll password message option
* Added: Animation top option on the general settings page
* Added: Answer font size option for mobile devices
* Added: Show answers image after voting option
* Added: Filter by the user on the all results page
* Added: Responsive design for tabs on the polls page
* Added: Link to open the poll category on the polls list table
* Added: Search functionality by title on the categories page
* Added: Show user first name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User last name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Display name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Email shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Excerpt words count in categories list tables
* Added: Excerpt words count in results list tables
* Added: Excerpt words count in all results list tables
* Added: Creation date shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Enable toggle password visibility option
* Added: Answer image height for mobile option
* Added: Change current poll creation date option
* Added: Button font-size option for mobile devices
* Added: VKontakte Social share button
* Added: Title text-shadow option
* Added: Answer box-shadow parameters
* Fixed: Poll title responsiveness issue on mobile devices
* Fixed: Custom Field placeholder issue
* Fixed: Results chart printing issue
* Fixed: Limitation by IP/User ID and Set custom session options conflict
* Fixed: Multivote option style conflict with Dropdown type on the front page
* Fixed: Exports results issue
* Improved: Answer chart view
* Improved: Social share buttons option
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.0


= 21.3.9 / 8.3.9 = (August 26, 2021)

* Added: Text type for the Poll
* Added: Poll title alignment option
* Added: Poll title font size option
* Added: Poll question font size option
* Added: Poll max-width for mobile option
* Added: Poll question image height option
* Added: Maximum length option for the Text type
* Added: Fields placeholders section on the General settings
* Added: Shortcode for showing random or recent polls
* Added: Apply category button while adding a new category
* Imporved: Allow custom answer option
* Fixed: Default options displaying issue on the "Add new" page
* Fixed: See result button conflict with information form option
* Fixed: Top banner style issue on the mobile version
* Fixed: Color picker issue on the Mozilla browser


= 21.3.8 / 8.3.8 = (June 23, 2021)

* Added: Shortcode copy functionality on the categories page
  * Added: Close button within popup on the plugin page
  * Added: URL link sub-option to the Logo image option
  * Added: Answer percent showing on the Answers chart
  * Added: Filter by user answer on the results page
  * Added: Filter by user email on the results page
  * Added: Show users avatar in the see results directly option
  * Added: Minimum votes count sub-option on the setting page
  * Added: Filter by categories option to Request form shortcode
  * Fixed: Hide background image option issue concerning to background-color
  * Fixed: Hide background image disappearing option
  * Fixed: See results button issue when answers are empty
  * Fixed: Allow anonymity option issue on the front page
  * Fixed: Some PHP conflicts on the dashboard
  * Fixed: Show users avatars view more button issue
  * Improved: Shortcode copy functionality on the polls page
  * Improved: Allow adding multiple values to Polls default category option

= 21.3.7 / 8.3.7 = (May 25, 2021)

* Added: User History Settings shortcode
* Added: Global Leaderboard By Category Settings shortcode
* Added: Enable copy protection option (Developer version only)
* Added: Mad Mimi integration
* Added: ConvertKit integration
* Added: GetResponse integration
* Added: Email configuration functionality
* Added: Send email to super admin option
* Added: Additional emails option
* Added: Show passed users avatars count option
* Added: Answer sorting in the see result directly option
* Added: Social share buttons in the see result directly option
* Added: Answer percentage in the see result directly option
* Added: Disable previous button option in the category shortcode
* Fixed: Send an email by SendGrid integration problem
* Fixed: Gutenberg block and WP 5.1 version conflict
* Fixed: JavaSript conflict with Elementor plugin
* Fixed: Export result to CSV multiple answers problem
* Fixed: Fake votes and see results directly conflict
* Fixed: Answer displaying issue on the front page
* Fixed: Require admin approval option issue
* Fixed: Poll import issue concerning images
* Fixed: All polls shortcode count functionality issue
* Fixed: HTML saving issue in the results message table
* Fixed: Request shortcode style issue
* Fixed: Limitation by cookie option issue
* Fixed: Previous/Next buttons containers style issue
* Fixed: Result shortcode show by chart issue
* Fixed: Active poll and Show results directly option conflict while voting


= 21.3.6 / 8.3.6 = (April 6, 2021)

* Added: Answers numbering option
* Added: Loading effect size-changing option
* Added: See Results after clicking on the button suboption
* Added: See Results directly suboption
* Added: Do not show the poll suboption in the Schedule option
* Added: Expired/Unpublished polls custom message displaying in the Category Shortcode option
* Added: Expired/Unpublished polls message displaying in the Category Shortcode
* Added: Ability to mute answer sound on the front-end
* Added: Add answer field by pressing Enter button in choosing type
* Added: Remove answer field by pressing Backspace button in choosing type
* Added: Default category choosing option
* Added: Ctrl+S saving combination option
* Added: Default type choosing option
* Added: Default message on the Answers chart tab
* Added: Answers chart tab on the Results page
* Added: Category filter on the results page
* Added: Demo button in the plugins page
* Added: Title name live displaying on the Dashboard
* Added: Message displaying loading effect
* Added: Ask a question icon
* Tested: With PHP 8 version
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.7
* Fixed: Some PHP conflicts on the settings tab
* Fixed: Some PHP conflicts on the results page


= 21.3.5 / 8.3.5 = (March 10, 2021)

* Added: Summary emails - Send automatic email reporting to admin(s) functionality (Developer version)
* Added: Range poll type
* Added: Show results by disabling the reloading option for the choosing poll type
* Added: Show votes count per answer before the voting option
* Added: Poll answers import option for the choosing poll type
* Added: Add fake votes for answers option
* Added: Several attributes for [ays_poll_all] shortcode
* Added: Sorting functionality for the category shortcode
* Added: The previous button in the category shortcode
* Added: The auto next option for poll category shortcode
* Added: 'How to use' submenu for all users
* Updated: POT file
* Fixed: Performance issue connected with scripts loading
* Fixed: Export results issue concerning user roles
* Fixed: Default category delete issue
* Fixed: Export/import issue
* Fixed: Poll result count issue
* Fixed: Wrong closing tag issue
* Fixed: Some PHP errors after redirect
* Fixed: Filtered results count issue inside the Export popup
* Fixed: Dropdown type issue on the front page
* Fixed: live preview with images issues
* Fixed: Border style issue on the live preview
* Fixed: Answer saving and displaying issue on the front-page
* Closed: Permissions for other roles for the request page

= 8.3.4 = (December 29, 2020)

* Added: SendGrid integration
* Added: GamiPress integration
* Added: Show results by "Column Chart"
* Added: Show results by "Versus Chart"
* Added: Show results by "Rating Chart"
* Added: German language translation
* Added: Spanish language translation
* Added: French language translation
* Added: Swedish language translation
* Added: How to use submenu
* Added: All results tab in results page
* Added: Global leaderboard tab in results page
* Added: Save as default button
* Added: Detect users by IP and Cookie functionality
* Added: Detect users Cookie functionality
* Added: Limit by country
* Added: Ability to use Poll in offline mode
* Added: Filtering by category in Polls page
* Added: CodeMirror editor for Custom CSS textarea
* Added: Ability to translate DataTable default words
* Added: Answers ordering for "choosing" poll type
* Added: View results option in Polls list table
* Added: Answers sorting for "choosing" poll type in front-end
* Added: Show passed users avatars option
* Added: Add logo to the poll option
* Added: Search option for polls
* Added: Auto-approve checkbox option
* Added: Bulk approval for user requests
* Added: Notification message when all polls are expired or unpublished
* Added: Collecting information of logged in users option
* Added: Choose category option in request form
* Added: Question font size
* Added: Answers styles settings (10+)
* Fixed: Active Theme style issue in dashboard
* Fixed: Multiple schedule countdown issue
* Fixed: Schedule countdown time position in front-end
* Fixed: Export results filter count problem
* Fixed: JavaScript error in dashboard
* Fixed: JavaScript error in front-end
* Fixed: JavaScript error with Gutenberg block
* Fixed: Style conflict with SMSAlert plugin
* Fixed: Hide results message postion problem
* Fixed: Style conflict with Result by ID Shortcode
* Fixed: Background Image style problem in admin dashboard
* Fixed: Code correction in admin dashboard
* Fixed: Poll duplicate button problem
* Fixed: Buttons translation issue
* Fixed: Result countdown issue
* Fixed: Scripts on all pages issue
* Changed: Answers container style
* Changed: Default screen option values in list tables
* Tested: Compatible up to: 5.6
* Updated: POT and PO files


= 8.3.3 = (November 12, 2020)

* Added: Creating a poll by user
* Added: Username in during exporting results
* Added: Background image positioning option
* Added: Erase results option
* Added: Answer default count option
* Added: Results Settings tab
* Added: Title Attribute for each poll in list tables
* Added: View more button option
* Added: Google sheet integration
* Added: Buttons styles
* Added: Poll Min-height option
* Fixed: Schedule countdown time position in front-end
* Fixed: Form phone field issue
* Fixed: Different Smiles icons issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg block conflict with Popup Maker plugin
* Fixed: Refresh Button issue
* Fixed: Dropdown + Information Form conflict issue new
* Fixed: JS error with Gutenberg block
* Fixed: The display of overdue polls in categories
* Fixed: Style issue for category next button
* Fixed: Additional capabilities for all user roles issue
* Fixed: Who will have permission to view polls list table and results
* Fixed: List all polls which have not expired
* Fixed: Some small issue concerning overall design in the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Show timer option calculation
* Fixed: Multiple schedule countdown issue
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Updated: Color picker with alpha channel
* Updated: Plugin options name and info


= 8.3.2 = (September 8, 2020)

* Added: Show timer option
* Added: Custom Class Option
* Added: Limitation count of takers
* Added: Anonymity feature
* Added: Answers sound option
* Added: Allow users to vote by count
* Added: Answer icon
* Added: Option for disabling Label
* Added: Result message based on answers
* Added: Create post for poll option
* Added: Global Leaderboard Settings
* Added: Poll category shortcode
* Added: Send Mail to User
* Added: Allow to vote once per session
* Added: Show author
* Added: Show creation date
* Fixed: Results bar in RGBA feature issue
* Updated: POT and PO files


= 8.2.7 = (August 10, 2020)

* Added: List table completed count
* Added: Answer style option
* Added: Answer border side option
* Added: Minimal theme
* Added: Answer hover disable option
* Added: Create date and author functionality for poll
* Added: Disable IP storing option
* Added: Multi vote functionality
* Added: Show result by Pie chart
* Added: Show timer option
* Added: Password option for Poll
* Fixed: Screen option issue
* Fixed: Redirect after voting issue
* Updated: POT and PO files

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