Popup Box Business and Developer versions changelog
This is the official changelog page of the Popup Box Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Feel free to give us your suggestions by taking this Popup Box Plugin Survey.
= 20.9.1 / 7.9.1 = (November 5, 2024)
* Added: Feature to display a popup based on the post category
* Added: Email configuration submenu on the general settings page
* Added: Display post-subscription message option
* Added: User input name message variable
* Added: Current popup author email message variable
* Added: Current popup page link message variable
* Added: Current date message variable
* Added: Spanish translation
* Added: Popup views count on the popups list table
* Added: Popup conversions count on the popups list table
* Added: Confirmation box for unsaved changes on the admin dashboard
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the enable blured overlay option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the disable popup scrolling option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the hide timer option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the dismiss ad text option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the opening animation speed option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the closing animation speed option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the closing animation option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the opening animation option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the display content option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the background color option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the overlay color option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the border color option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the border style option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the border width option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the border radius option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the background image option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the background image position option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the background image sizing option
* Added: Box shadow on mobile option
* Added: Title text shadow on mobile option
* Added: Background gradient on mobile option
* Added: Option to define mobile width by pixels
* Added: Popup max-height option
* Added: Redirect to the new tab option for image popup type
* Added: Redirect URL option for image popup
* Added: Use small header option for Facebook popup type
* Added: Redirect to the new tab option for notification popup type
* Added: Box shadow option for notification popup type
* Added: Button background hover color option for notification popup type
* Added: Button text hover color option for notification popup type
* Added: Button letter spacing option for notification popup type
* Added: Exclude the animation CSS file option on the General Settings Page
* Fixed: Issue connected to the open by scrolling down option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Post ID
* Fixed: Conflict with Rich editor
* Fixed: Subscribe and get a file type popup and popup overlay options conflict
* Fixed: Disable popup scrolling option conflict with yellowish template
* Fixed: Pagination issue on the submissions page
* Fixed: Issue connected to the popup image sources after export/import
* Fixed: Style issue on the subscription popup type
* Fixed: Issues connected to the subsciption popup email
* Fixed: Disable page scrolling option conflict with sticky elements
* Fixed: Social media buttons style issues
* Fixed: Display for certain user roles and display for guests options conflict
* Fixed: Issue connected to the close Popup by pressing ESC option
* Fixed: Translation problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Filters conflict on the popups list table
* Fixed: Popup displaying conflict with Elementor
* Fixed: Popup duplication issue
* Improved: Plugin performance on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Add new button on the list tables page
* Improved: Footer style on the admin dashboard
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.3+
= 20.9.0 / 7.9.0 = (December 4, 2023)
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the popup position option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the open delay option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the open by scrolling down option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the close by clicking outside the box option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the close button position option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the close button text option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the autoclose option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the overlay option
* Added: Suboption to customize mobile settings for the Close button delay option
* Added: Confirmation Box before removing the popups and categories
* Added: Show scrollbar option
* Added: Lazy loading option on the general setting page
* Added: Italian translation for the plugin
* Changed: Width and Height options design on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Add new buttons design
* Fixed: Border style option issue
* Fixed: Popup showing issue on Elementor page
* Fixed: ADA compliance error on front page
* Fixed: Accessibility error on front page
* Fixed: Security issues on the plugins page
* Fixed: Issue connected with display popup once per user option
* Fixed: Some conflicts with PHP 8.2.6 on the dashboard
* Fixed: Issue related to the default template
* Fixed: Custom Content type content issue
* Fixed: Style issues on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Issue connected to the background image option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the hide close button option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the show popup only for author option
* Fixed: Issue connected to the email content
* Improved: Default popup styles
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Improved: Plugin performance on the front page
* Improved: Ask a question button style on the admin dashboard
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 20.8.9 / 7.8.9 = (May 29, 2023)
* Added: Status filter on the popups list table
* Added: Author filter on popups list table
* Added: Popup content padding option
* Added: Reset styles option
* Added: Close button hover text option
* Added: Autoclose on video completion option
* Added: Opacity suboption for enabling overlay option
* Added: Update database tables option
* Added: Tooltip for save buttons on the admin dashboard
* Added: Redirect to another popup after clicking on their functionality on the popups page
* Added: reCAPTCHA integration
* Fixed: Search result display issue on multi-page list tables
* Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Popup duplication issue
* Fixed: Styling problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Post ID
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Display for logged-in users option
* Fixed: Exit intent option issue
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Sendinblue Integration
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2+
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 20.8.8 / 7.8.8 = (December 21, 2022)
* Added: Inherit suboption for Font family option
* Added: German translation
* Added: Close button hover color option
* Added: Enable blurred overlay option
* Added: Popup name on export/import popup
* Added: Button styles option on cookie type
* Fixed: Template position issue
* Fixed: Popup category issue on imported popup
* Fixed: Popup position and Windows XP Theme Resize conflict
* Fixed: Closing issue for Redirection URL option in case of Close popup option
* Fixed: Username issue on Detailed report popup
* Fixed: Display for certain browser option issue
* Fixed: Style issues on some types
* Fixed: Timer displayed issue in case of long text
* Fixed: Book template style issue on Mozilla browser
* Fixed: Button style issue on woocommerce type
* Improved: Russian translation
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+
= 20.8.7 / 7.8.7 = (November 9, 2022)
* Added: After visiting x pages trigger (Developer version)
* Added: Inactivity trigger (Developer version)
* Added: Scrolling to element trigger (Developer version)
* Added: On hover trigger
* Added: France translation
* Added: None suboption for the Closing animation option
* Added: Buttons Layout for Yes or No Buttons
* Added: Enable popup only for author
* Added: Instagram and Behance links suboptions for the Enable Social Media links option
* Added: Close button color option
* Added: Background image style on mobile option
* Added: Hide on tablets option
* Added: Hide popup on PC
* Added: Disable popup scrolling
* Added: Box shadow option
* Improved: Limit by Country Option
* Changed: Change the popup author option design
* Changed: Background image position option design on admin dashboard
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: Login form redirection issue
* Fixed: Popup duplicate issue
* Fixed: Google map JS error
* Fixed: Show on home page issue on the front page
* Fixed: Style issues on the admin dashboard and the front page
* Fixed: Disable page scrolling option issue on iOS
* Fixed: Enable dismiss option issue
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1
= 7.8.6 = (September 5, 2022)
* Added: WooCommerce Product type
* Added: Book popup template
* Added: Holiday popup template
* Added: Send Autoresponder to emails in Subscription type
* Added: Dismiss by Closing Option
* Added: Live preview for the Frozen theme
* Added: Live preview for the Food theme
* Added: Live preview for the Forest theme
* Added: Export to XLSX on the submissions page
* Added: Dismiss popup after subscription option for Subscribe and get file type
* Added: Show template name on the editor page
* Added: None option for opening animation option
* Added: Filter by popup type option on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Subscribe and get file type functionality on the front page
* Improved: Subscribers page on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Issues with live preview
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1
= 7.8.5 = (July 13, 2022)
* Added: Google Map type
* Added: Download type
* Added: Login Type
* Added: Enable dismiss ad option
* Added: View demo link for each popup type
* Added: Close buttons on types page
* Added: Back button on themes page
* Added: User nickname message variable
* Added: Creation date message variable
* Added: Popup title message variable
* Added: Show User role shortcode
* Added: Customize link on the popup banner
* Fixed: Conflict with Quiz Maker plugin
* Fixed: Button size issue
* Fixed: Video type selected issue
* Fixed: Popup Category saving issue while pressing enter key on the title input
* Updated: POT and PO files
= 7.8.4 = (June 20, 2022)
* Added: Frozen popup template
* Added: Food popup template
* Added: Forest popup template
* Added: Custom fields
* Added: Statistics tab on the results submenu
* Added: Show random popup by category on each category edit page
* Added: Affiliate page on popup submenu
* Added: Button section
* Added: Button 10+ styles options
* Added: Popup Name option
* Added: Documentation button on the admin dashboard
* Added: Scroll from the top by percentage
* Added: Popup type name on each popup's page
* Added: Message variables tab on general settings
* Added: Show current popup author shortcode
* Added: Show the image that is applied for the default Themes
* Added: Popup category title shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Popup category description shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Next Popup button on the Popups Edit page
* Added: Previous Popup button on the Popups Edit page
* Added: Next popup category button on the Categories edit page
* Added: Previous popup category button on the Categories edit page
* Added: Heading for share buttons suboption
* Added: Mobile height option
* Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Our Products submenu Interface design
* Changed: Integration tab's placement
* Changed: Send file after subscription type's name
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.0
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1
* Fixed: Style problem with Datepicker addon
* Fixed: Open by scrolling down option conflict with Exit Intent trigger option
= 7.8.3 = (May 25, 2022)
* Added: MailChimp integration
* Added: Campaign Monitor integration
* Added: ActiveCampaign integration
* Added: GetResponse integration
* Added: ConvertKit integration
* Added: Sendinblue integration
* Added: MailerLite integration
* Added: Exit Intent Popup
* Added: The confirmation box option when clicking on the Submit button
* Changed: The options are grouped based on their function
* Changed: The options' names and Tooltips
* Changed: The popup theme will be selected after choosing the type
* Changed: The Popup description section is moved from the Video type popup dashboard
* Changed: The Popup description section is moved from the Cookie type popup dashboard
* Changed: Popup text in the plugins section
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.0
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8+
* Fixed: Empty value and schedule option conflict on the front-end
* Fixed: Issue connected to the countdown option on the mobile version on IOS
* Fixed: The list of the subscribers will be added on the Send file after the subscription type
= 7.8.2 = (April 08, 2022)
* Added: Shortcode tab in General Settings
* Added: Title text shadow option
* Added: Link to open popups from popup category list table
* Added: Change the author of the current popup box
* Added: Change current popup creation date option
* Added: Description font size for mobile option
* Added: Image column on the popups list table
* Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.2
* Updated: POT file
= 7.8.1 = (January 14, 2022)
* Added: Coupon type
* Added: Count Down type
* Added: Accept Cookie type
* Added: Write message content option on the Send file after subscription type
* Added: Redirect on another tab option on the Yes or No type
* Added: Social media links option
* Added: Display page/post content option
* Added: Description font size
* Added: Excerpt word count on the general settings
* Added: Background image sizing option
* Added: Background image position option
* Added: Popup min height option
* Added: Help Tab on admin dashboard
* Updated: POT and Po file
* Fixed: Command prompt theme buttons issue
* Fixed: Red theme close button issue on the live preview
* Fixed: Show on option problem on the front page
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 5.8.3
= 7.8.0 = (September 8, 2021)
* Added: Send file after subscription popup type
= 7.7.9 = (August 16, 2021)
* Fixed: Sound issue while closing the video popup
* Fixed: Close button appearing delay conflict in some popup types
* Fixed: Actions while clicking on the popup issue
* Fixed: Actions while clicking on the popup conflict with Close by clicking outside the box option
* Fixed: Open delay conflict with the Autoclose delay
* Fixed: Schedule the popup option default value
* Fixed: Close button issue in the Red theme
* Fixed: Red theme header conflict with the title
* Fixed: On click popup trigger issue
* Fixed: Yes or No type issue in a live preview
* Fixed: On click trigger issue in iframe type
* Fixed: Background gradient issue in a live preview
* Fixed: New themes' images displaying issue
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.6.1
= 7.7.8 = (February 22, 2021)
* Fixed: Sound issue while closing the video popup
* Fixed: Close button appearing delay conflict in some popup types
* Fixed: Actions while clicking on the popup issue
* Fixed: Actions while clicking on the popup conflict with Close by clicking outside the box option
* Fixed: Open delay conflict with the Autoclose delay
* Fixed: Schedule the popup option default value
* Fixed: Close button issue in the Red theme
* Fixed: Red theme header conflict with the title
* Fixed: On click popup trigger issue
* Fixed: Yes or No type issue in a live preview
* Fixed: On click trigger issue in iframe type
* Fixed: Background gradient issue in a live preview
* Fixed: New themes' images displaying issue
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.6.1
= 7.7.7 = (January 29, 2021)
* Added: Yes or No buttons content type
* Added: Iframe content type
* Added: Video content type
* Added: Contact form content type
* Added: Limit by country option
* Added: Who will have permission to Popup menu functionality
* Fixed: Hide Close button conflict with some themes
* Fixed: Show once per session option issue
* Fixed: Close button appearing delay conflict with some themes
* Fixed: Delete button in the Schedule the popup option
* Fixed: Some word fixation
= 7.7.6 = (December 25, 2020)
* Redesigned: the Popup content option
* Added: Subscription content type
* Fixed: Conflict between new and old themes
* Fixed: Show on option issue while duplicating
* Fixed: Width option issue
* Fixed: Close button conflict with Peachy and Yellowish themes
* Fixed: Timer displaying issue on Modern theme
* Fixed: Style issue on Coral theme
= 7.7.5 = (December 2, 2020)
* Added: Video,Peachy,Yellowish and Coral themes
* Added: Close button size option
* Added:Hide Timer option
* Fixed:Scroll Down option issue
* Fixed: Autoclose Delay (in seconds) and Close by clicking outside options conflict
* Fixed: Autoclose Delay (in seconds) and Close by pressing ESC options conflict
* Updated POT and PO files
= 7.7.4 = (November 10, 2020)
* Added: Opacity to Color Pickers
* Added: "Open Full Screen" option
* Added: "Title style" option
* Added: "Actions while clicking on the popup" option
= 7.7.3 = (October 5, 2020)
* Added: "Close popup by clicking outside the box" option
* Added: "Close popup by scrolling down" option
* Added: "Close popup by classname" option
* Fixed: Media issue in "Custom HTML"
= 7.7.2= (September 11, 2020)
* Added: Popup Box width percentage option
* Added: "Close Popup Box by pressing 'ESC' button" option
* Added: "Show on homepage" option
* Added: "Font Type" option
* Added:"Closing sound" option
* Fixed: "Comand prompt" theme border Issue
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to: 5.5.1
= 7.7.0= (July 22, 2020)
* Added: Limitation Users tab
* Added: Limitation count of PopupBoxes option
* Added: Quick Unpublish/Publish buttons in the list table
* Added: Export/Import functionalty for Popoup Boxes
* Fixed: Box title issue in Sale theme in front-end
* Fixed: Click selector element issue in front-end
* Fixed: Autoclose from seconds and Delay Opening issue
* Fixed: Screen options confirmation issue for all list tables
* Fixed: PopupBox Opening Issue in front-end
* Fixed: PopupBox Position issue in front-end
* Fixed: PopupBox Position issue in mobile devices
* Fixed: Box header background color option issue
* Fixed: Background color issue in Live Preview in Windows XP Theme
* Fixed: Font Family conflict with Quiz Maker Plugin in front-end
* Fixed: Restore down button issue in some themes
* Fixed: Closing Overlay issue in front-end
* Fixed: Some style bug in Ubuntu theme in front-end
* Fixed: Comand promt theme buttons issue in front-end
* Fixed: Logged in users and Schedule the PopupBox options conflict
* Changed: PopupBox Position option
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.4.2
= 7.5.6= (June 12, 2020)
* Added: Close button text option
* Added: Show PopupBox only once option
* Added: Only for selected user OS option
* Added: Only for selected browser option
* Added: PopupBox max-width for mobile option
* Added: Close Button Position on Container option
* Added: Popup Position with animation in Admin Dashboard
* Fixed: DB error in admin dashboard
* Fixed: JS error in admin dashboard
* Fixed: PHP error in Reports page
* Fixed: Admin style tag issue
* Fixed: Closing Overlay Issue
* Fixed: Show promoter every 'X' minutes option issue
* Changed: PopupBox Position option
* Updated: POT and PO files
= 7.4.5= (May 14, 2020)
* Added: Hide Popupbox on mobile option
* Added: Animation speed option
* Added: Confirm box when deleting the popup in the list table
* Fixed: Opening video in PopupBox description issue
* Fixed: Autoclose from seconds and Scroll from top options conflict
* Transfered: Action button for open PopupBox option to general settings
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to: 5.4.1
Get Started with Popup Box plugin and Create Interactive Popups in Several Minutes