Klaviyo Integration addon

Klaviyo Integration addon

Quiz Maker Download 100
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Feature iconSupport for 12 months


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One-time payment

We're sure that you'll love our Klaviyo Integration addon, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

Klaviyo description

Klaviyo integration with the Quiz Maker plugin allows you to build email lists for your email marketing by collecting them from quiz takers. The platform provides a variety of features, including email templates, signup forms, segmentation, A/B testing, and analytics to help businesses create and execute effective email marketing campaigns.

Make sure to have the Quiz Maker premium version(Business or Developer) along with this addon zip file. Or you can purchase the Agency version of the Quiz Maker which already includes the addon.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Install and Activate the Integration

  1. To begin, you need to add the Quiz Maker plugin to your WordPress Dashboard by navigating to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  2. Then, install the Klaviyo Integration addon in the same way: by going to the Plugins section on your WordPress Dashboard.
  3. Now as you already have Quiz Maker and Klaviyo integration, you need to connect your Klaviyo account to the plugin. To do that, please go to the General Settings page of the Quiz Maker plugin and navigate to the Integrations tab. Find the Klaviyo section and enter your API Key. To get the API Key, you need to go to your Klaviyo account. If you do not have an account, then please create one.  Then, go to Account > Settings > API Keys. Click on the Create Private API key button. Name your key, select the Full Access Key as your Access Level, and click Save. It will generate a API key for you, copy and paste it into

    Klaviyo Add-on for Quiz Maker

  4. Copy the key, go back to the WordPress dashboard, and paste the key in the field. Save changes.
  5. Go to the preferred quiz, from where you want to transfer the email lists. To do that, go to the Quizzes > preferred quiz > Integration tab > Klaviyo section. Tick on the Enable Klaviyo box and select your preferred list from the dropdown. Save and close.

Great news! We have now activated the Klaviyo Integration for the Quiz Maker plugin. Make sure to activate Information Form for your quiz, so that your users can fill in their email addresses before or after taking the quiz.

If you have any questions before making a purchase or require assistance, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team at info@ays-pro.com.

Business version: 1.0.0

Developer version: 1.0.0

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