Our development team is ready to listen to your suggestions by which functionality/features are added to our products that are not included in the base installation, based on your specific needs.
For your information, we have done more than 500 customizations.
The hourly rate for hiring our Developers for the customization is $20.
Depending on your case, you will receive either customization on the main plugin zip file or customization in a form of an add-on that can be installed along with the main plugin zip file.
In the case of installing an add-on, you will be able to update the plugin. Though please note, that in the case of making customization on the main plugin zip file, you will not be able to update the plugin, otherwise the customization will be lost.
Terms: Customization services will be provided after full payment and in accordance with mutually acceptable terms. The estimation does not include support. If in the future you will need new critical updates (in most cases, you will not) you can connect with the support team and receive needed help for making the plugin compatible with your needs at the maximum cheapest price.
Write your requirements on the below-mentioned form։
After estimating we will connect with you with the provided email․
Note: The customization code belongs to us and can be used in general updates in the future(if needed).
Note: Customization service includes customization for our products only.
Note: The customization is not refundable.