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WordPress Easy Form Plugin User Manual

This is the official documentation(user guide) of the Easy Form plugin. We are continually updating our plugin, and with each update, we are introducing new features that match the demands of the market and feedback that we receive from our clients. Any feedback that you have for us will be taken into consideration with great interest.

Let's get started together!

Easily create forms and collect the needed data with the Easy Form plugin.

How to create a form in 3 easy steps with Easy Form

  1. Go to the Forms page and build your form by clicking on the Add New button.
  2. Fill out the information by giving a title, adding fields, choosing field types, and customising the style.
  3. Copy the shortcode [ays_form id='your form id'] of the form and paste it into any post or page.

That's it! Your form is ready!

Now let's see what features Easy Form plugin offers us for building form that will meet all your requirements!

1. Forms

1.1 General Settings

Choose the main setting for the form.

1.1.1 Page title: Add the page title of your form.

1.1.2 Fileds Library:

1.1.3 Page Description: Add the description for the form.

1.1.4 Collapse Sections: By clicking on the collapse section option the current section will be collapsed.

1.1.5 Duplicate Section: The current section will be duplicated after activating this option.

1.1.7 Field: Write the field. You can also attach an image to the field. Upload or choose an image from the Media Library. Duplicate the field, delete it, or make it required if necessary.

1.1.8 Field Types:

  • Short Text: The users will be able to write a short paragraph.
  • Paragraph: The users will be able to write a paragraph.
  • Radio: A multiple-choice field with the possibility to choose one answer.
  • Checkbox: A multiple-choice field with one or more answer possibilities. You can again reorder the options, add new ones, delete any options, and add images. "Add Other", that is, allow your form takers to add their own answers.
  • Name: The form takers will be able to write their names
  • Email: The form takers will be able to write their email addresses
  • Dropdown: A multiple-choice field allowing survey takers to choose an answer from a dropdown menu. Rearrange the options, add or delete them, and add images if necessary.
  • Number: The form taker needs to fill the field with a numeric value.
  • Date: The users can choose the date.
  • Time: The users will be able to choose the time.
  • Yes or No: The form takers will need to answer only Yes or No
  • Hidden: The filed is hidden and only
  • Linear Scale: A question that needs to be rated with 1 to 10 scale and ranges between two extreme viewpoints. You have to define labels for 1 and for 5.
  • Star Rating: A question that needs to be rated with 1 to 5 scale stars. You have to define labels for 1 and for 5 stars.
  • Slider: The form taker needs to move throught the slider length to choose the answer (in scale). You need to determine the slider length, slider step length, slider minimum value and the slider defaul value beforehand.
  • File Upload: The form takers will be able to upload files.
  • Matrix Scale: A group of multiple-choice fields that are displayed in the form of grid. You have to fill-in the information in the row(s) and column(s).
  • Star List: The form taker will be able to choose the answer in the Star list of up to 10.
  • Slider List: The form taker will be able to choose the answer in the Slider list of up to 10.
  • PayPal: The PayPal field type is responsible for creating payment forms.

1.1.9 Add Field: Click on the Add Field button to add other fields as well.

1.1.10 Add Columns: Display the fields in columns. You will be able to display in 2 columns, 3 columns and 4 columns.

1.1.11 Add Section: Create sections for fields. You will be able to display as many fields in one section as you may need.

1.1.12 Save Changes: After setting up the settings you will need to click on the "Save Changes" button, otherwise, the changes will not be saved.

1.1.13 After this section: Choose which section will come after the current one.

1.2 General

1.2.1 Enable Description: After enabling this option the field description will be visible in the Front-end

1.2.2 Enable User Explanation: After enabling this option the users will be able to add explanations to their answers.

1.2.3 Enable Admin note: After enabling this option the admin will be able to add notes to the answers.

1.2.4 Enable limitation: You will be able to add limitations to the form

  • You can limit by Characters, Word
  • You can limit by length: choose the acceptable answer length.
  • Add Show word/character counter in the particular field.

1.2.5 Required: Make the fields required so that the form takers cannot move to the next field before answering it.

1.3 Style

1.3.1 Add custom class: Add a custom CSS class to the fields.

1.4 Advanced

1.4.1 Hide label: The labels of the field will be hidden.

2. Styles

Customize the style of your form. Choose the text colour, background colour, width and height of the form, and many other options included in this section.

Form Styles

2.1 Theme: Choose the theme for your form.

  • Classic Light: Light background, dark text.
  • Classic Dark: Dark background, light text.
  • Minimal: Transparent background, dark text.

2.2 Form colour: Specify the main colour of the form. The borders of your form will get the colour that you choose. You can also define the transparency level of a specific colour.

2.3 Background colour: Specify the background colour of the form. Define the transparency level of the chosen colour.

2.4 Text colour: Identify the text colour of the form. Again, you will be able to make the colour more transparent.

2.5 Button text colour: Define the colour of the button text.

2.6 Form width: Set the width of the form in pixels or in percentages. For a 100% width, leave the field blank.

2.7 Form mobile width: Specify the width of the form in pixels or percentages for mobile devices.

2.8 Form max-width for mobile: Specify the maximum width of the form container for mobile in percentage. This option will work for screens with less than 640 pixels width.

2.1.9 Form logo: Add a form logo. Click on the "Add image" to add.

2.1.10 Form title alignment: Write the alignment of the form title.

2.1.11 Form title font size: Specify the font size of the survey title. You can choose both for PC and for Mobile

2.1.12 Form title box shadow: After enabling this option a shadow will be displayed on the title box.

2.1.13 Form section title alignment: Specify the alignment of the section title. The possible options are: Left, Center and Right

2.1.14 Form section description alignment:Specify the alignment of the section description. The possible options are: Left, Center and Right

2.1.15 Form section description font size:Specify the font size of the section description.

Field styles

2.1.16 Field font size: Define the font size of the form fields in pixels.

2.1.17 Field font size on mobile: Define the font size of the form fields in pixels on mobile devices.

2.1.18 Fields image styles: Customize the image styles included in the form.

  • Image width (px): Set the field image width in pixels. For a 100% image width, leave the field blank.
  • Image height (px): Set the field height in pixels.
  • Image sizing: Configure the scales of the field images. It can be: Cover, Contain, None and Unset

Option Styles

2.1.19 Option font size: Specify the font size of the answers in pixels.

2.1.20 Option view: Arrange the options by the following layouts. Two layouts are available: List and Grid. Note that if at least one of the options has an image, the options will be shown in the grid layout. In this case, it won't matter if you have chosen the list layout.

2.1.22 Option image sizing: Define the size of the images added to the options. The following options are available:

  • Cover
  • Fill
  • Contain
  • Scale-down
  • None

2.1.23 Option padding: Define the distance between the text and the border of the options box in pixels.

2.1.24 Option gap: Specify the gap size between options in pixels.

2.1.25 Option image size: Specify the size of the options image in pixels.

Button styles

2.1.26 Button background colour: Specify the colour of the form buttons.

2.1.27 Button size: Specify the size of the buttons in your form. It can be: Small, Medium and Large

2.1.28 Button font size: Specify the text font size inside the buttons in pixels. Note that the button size will change simultaneously with the button text size.

2.1.29 Buttons mobile font size: Specify the text font size inside the form in pixels for mobile devices.

2.1.30 Button padding (px): Define the distance between the text and the border of the buttons in pixels.

  • Left/Right
  • Top/Bottom

2.1.31 Button border-radius: Make the corners of the buttons rounder by setting a pixel value.

2.1.32 Custom class for form container: Use your custom HTML class for adding your custom styles to the form container.

2.1.33 Custom CSS: Enter your own CSS code.

3. Settings

Form Settings

3.1 Form categories: Choose the category/categories your form belongs to. You can choose multiple categories at once.
To create a category, go to the Categories page.

3.2 Form status: Decide whether your form is active or not. If you choose Draft, the form won't be shown anywhere on your website (you don't need to remove shortcodes).

3.3 Show form title: Show the name of the form on the front-end.

3.5 Show section header info: When enabled, the title and the description of the section will be displayed on the front-end.

3.6 Enable previous button: If this option is enabled, the users will be able to go back to the previous section.

3.7 Allow HTML in answers: This option is enabled the users will be able to implement HTML coding in answer boxes. This works only for Radio and Checkbox (Multiple) fields.

3.8 Allow HTML in section description: This option will allow implementing HTML coding in section description boxes.

3.9 Schedule the Form: Define the period of time when your form will be active. When the time is due, a message will inform the form takers about it. You will need to write Start Date, End Date, also you can add a Pre-start message and Expiration message.

  • Start Date: Set a date since which your form will be active.
  • End date: Set a date since which your form will be inactive.
  • Pre-start message: Write a message that will inform the form takers about the activation of the form.
  • Expiration message: Set down a message that will inform the form takers that they cannot take the form anymore.

3.10 Enable confirmation box for leaving the page: If this option is enabled, the form takers will receive a popup box whenever they want to refresh or leave the page while taking the form.

3.11 Answers numbering: Assign numbering to each answer in ascending sequential order. Choose your preferred type from the list.

3.12 Questions numbering: Assign numbering to each field in ascending sequential order. Choose your preferred type from the list.

3.13 Change current form creation date: Change the form creation date to your preferred date.

3.14 Show questions count: After enabling this option every sections questions count will be displayed.

3.15 Autofill logged-in user data: After enabling this option, the logged-in user's name and email address will be auto-filled in the Name and Email fields.

3.16 Allow collecting information of logged in users: This option will qllow collecting information from logged-in users. Email and name of users will be stored in the database. Email options will be work for these users.

3.17 Enable full-screen mode: This option will allow the form to enter full-screen mode by pressing the icon located in the top-right corner of the form container.

3.18 Enable live progress bar: If this option is enabled the current state of the user passing the form will be displayed. It will be shown at the bottom of the form container.

3.19 Enable chat mode: This option will allow you to create a chat. It will print each pre-set field instantly after the user answers the previous one.

4. Results Settings

Form results settings

4.1 Redirect after submission: Redirect to the custom URL after the form taker submits the form. You will need to add the Redirect URL and choose the Redirect delay (sec).

  • Redirect URL: Specify the URL for redirection after the form taker submits the form.
  • Redirect delay (sec): This option will allow you to redirect the form takers to the custom URL in atter submitting the form. You will need to specify the number of seconds beginning from 1.

4.2 Enable EXIT button: After enabling this option the EXIT button will be displayed on the results page. It will redirect the form taker to the custom URL. You will need to add the Redirect URL. Right after the form taker hits the EXIT button, they will be directed to the specified URL.

4.3 Select form loader: This option, will allow you to choose the preferred loader icon which will appear while the system calculates the results. The loader icon will take the form text color.

4.4 Thank you message: In those field you will be able to write a thank you message, which will be displayed after form submission. You can also Add Media to the message if you wish.

5. Conditional Results

Set the conditions to your forms. Send different messages, show different result messages and redirect to different URLs based on the user's chosen options.

Additional condition

5.1 Add Condition: Click to the "Add Condition" button for adding conditions.

  • Page: After setting the conditions you will be able to customize the Result message. It will be displayed in your survey page to that specific group of people after taking the forms.
  • Email: Customize the Email that will be sent to that specific group of people after taking the form. You can add "Email Attachment file" by just clicking on the Add file button.
  • Redirect: Add the URL where you want to redirect that specific group of people. Write the Delay and URL.

6. Limitaion Users

Add limitations to your form. Make it available only for a small group of people.

Limitation of Users

6.1 Maximum number of attempts per user: After enabling this option, you can manage the attempts count per user for taking the form.

  • Detect users by: Choose the method of user detection
  1. By IP: By choosing this option you can detect the users by their IP addresses and limit them. This will work both for guests and registered users. Note: in general, IP is not a static variable, it is constantly changing when the users change their location/WIFI/ Internet provider.
  2. By User ID: Detect the users by their WP User IDs and limit them. This will work only for registered users. It's recommended to use this method to get more reliable results.
  3. By Cookie: Detect the users by their browser cookies and limit them. It will work both for guests and registered users.
  • Attempts count: Choose the count of the attempts per user for taking the form.
  • Message: In this field, you can write the message for those form takers who have already passed the form under the given conditions.
  • Redirect URL: Add the URL where you will redirect the users.
  • Redirect delay(s): Choose the delay on the redirect in seconds. If you set it 0, the redirection will be disabled.

6.2 Access only to logged-in users: After enabling this option, only logged-in users will be able to participate in the form.

  • Message: In this field, you can write a message for those who aren't logged in.
  • Show Login form: Display the login form to not logged-in users.

6.3 Access only to selected user role(s): Make the form available only for your chosen user roles. By enabling this option, the Only for logged-in users option will be enabled automatically.

  • User role(s): Select the role(s) of the user. The option accepts multiple values.
  • Message: Write a message for the users who aren't included in the list and will not be able to take the form.

6.4 Access only to selected user(s): Make the form available only for the users mentioned in the list. By enabling this option, the Only for logged-in users option will be enabled automatically.

  • User(s): Select the user(s) and create a list. The option accepts multiple values.
  • Message: Write a message for the users who aren't included in the list.

6.5 Max count of takers: Choose how many users can participate in the form.

  • Count: Choose the number of users who can participate in the form.

6.6 Password for passing form: Set a custom password for the form, or use auto-generated password(s). In the case of choosing the General option, you will need to write a password, which will be the same for everyone.

But the Generated Password option will generate passwords instead of you.

  • Passwords Count: Write the needed amount of passwords you want to be created. Move the ones that you want from the Created list to the Active, and send it to the users. The passwords which are already used will be moved to the Used list.
  • Message: Write the message for users who must fill in the password for taking this form.

7. E-mail

Send emails that will keep you and the users aware of the results of the form.

E-mail settings

7.1 Send email to user: Activate the option of sending emails to your users after taking the form.

  • Custom/SendGrid: Choose whether you want to write a custom message or send it using your SendGrid account.
  • Email message: Write the message to send it out to your form takers via email. You can use Message Variables as well.
  • Send email for testing: Provide an email and click on the Send button to see what the message looks like. Note that you need to write a message in the Email message field beforehand. While testing the message variables will not work.

7.2 Send email to admin: If this option is activated the form data can be sent to the super admin of your WordPress site.

  • Admin: Send the form results to the super admin.
  • Additional emails: Write additional email addresses that will receive the form results. List the emails by separating them with commas.
  • Email message: Provide a text message to be sent to the super admin and/or the provided additional emails. Message Variables will be of help.
  • Send submission report: Send detailed submissions of the completed form to the admin and/or the provided additional emails.

7.3 Email configuration: Set up the fields of the sending email.

  • From email: Write the email address from which the results will be sent. If you leave the field blank, the sending email address will take the default value — form_maker@{your_site_url}
  • From name: Write the name that will be displayed as the sender of the results. If you don't enter any name, it will be Easy Form.
  • Subject: Fill in the subject field of the message. If you don't, it will take the form title.
  • Reply to email: Write the email address to which email the form taker can reply. If you leave the field blank, the email address won't be specified.
  • Reply to name: Write the name of the email address to which the form taker can reply. If you leave the field blank, the name won't be specified.

7.5 Send summary: Send a detailed summary of the form to the chosen group of people. Click on the "Send Now" button and the summary will be sent at that immediately with data collected before it.

  • To admin: Send a detailed summary of the form to the registered email of the super admin of your WordPress website.
  • To users: Send a detailed summary of the form to the form participants.
  • To additional emails: Write additional email addresses. These email accounts will receive a detailed summary of the form. List the emails by separating them with commas.

8. Integrations

The Easy Form plugin Integrates with the following tools and marketing services:

  • MailChimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Slack
  • Google Sheet
  • Zapier
  • Mad Mimi
  • GetResponse
  • ConvertKit
  • Sendinblue
  • MailerLite

9. Form Categories

Create categories for your forms and separate them based on them. For creating a category, you will need to click on the Add New button.

9.1 Title: In this field, you will need to write the form category title.

9.2 Description: In this field, you can provide the form takers with more information about the form. You can attach an image or any other media to it.

9.3 Category status: Choose whether the form category is active or not. If the category is a draft, it won't be shown anywhere on your website (you don't need to remove shortcodes).

10. Submissions

See the results of your forms and get detailed information about who has submitted them. See the Passed Users Count, the Unread Results, and the forms classified by their ID. Click on the particular form name to see detailed results.

Export: Choose the users, forms, start/end dates and export your submissions to CSV, XLSX, JSON files.

10.1 Submissions: See the submissions of your forms (by User IP, Username, User Email, Submission Date, Unique Code, and ID). You can select a user to see the submissions of that specific user. You can also see the Read and Unread submissions in separate sections, which makes your work easier. In case of having too many submissions, find the exact submission you need by filling in the username, user email, or any other property on the search box.

10.2 Individual: This field will allow you to see the individual submissions for form takers individually. Please, note that responses cannot be edited. You can export the individual submissions to PDF, XLSX, and print.

10.3 Analytics: The form data is displayed on the Analytics tab. You can see the Submission count per day and the Form passed users by user role in charts, Detected device, Detected Countries.

10.4 Export Submissions: You will be able to export the form submissions by filtering them to certain users and start/end dates, and export them to XLSX file.

10.5 Global Statistics: In this tab, you can see the global statistics of the forms. See the count of the form takers and the date.

11. Export/Import

This section is designed to help you export/import your already created forms from one website to another. It is designed for transferring your forms from the local or staging website to the live one, the old website to the new one, and similar cases.

Download example for import: Download an example file to import to your plugin.

11.1 Export forms

  • Select Form: Select the forms which you need to export, then click on the Export to JSON button.

11.2 Import Forms

  • Choose file: After exporting the form, move to the website where you are going to import those forms. Click on the Choose file button and pick the JSON file which you exported. Click on the Import Now button at the end.

12. General Settings

Make required changes to your forms with the help of the options included in this section.

General Settings

12.1 General

12.1.1 Who will have permission to Form: This option will allow you to enable the Easy Form only for the selected user role. Each selected user will see only their created forms and the results of those forms only. Note that only the admin can see all of them.

  • Select user role for giving access to Form menu: Give access to the Easy Form plugin to only the selected user role(s) on your WP dashboard. Each selected user will see only his/her created forms and the submissions of those forms.
  • Select user role for giving access to change all form data: Give permissions to manage all forms and submissions to these user roles. Please add the given user roles to the above field as well.

12.1.2 Default parameters for Form: Change the parameters of the form. Set default question type, answer count and textarea height for your forms.

  • Forms default field type: You can choose default field type which will be selected in the Add new form page.
  • Answer default count: You can write the default answer count which will be showing in the Add new question page (this will work only with radio, checkbox, and dropdown types).
  • Textarea height (public): Set the height of the textarea by entering a numeric value. It applies to Paragraph question type textarea.
  • WP Editor height: Give the default value to the height of the WP Editor. It will apply to all WP Editors within the plugin on the dashboard.

12.1.3 Users IP addresses: In this section you can manage the user IP addresses. Please, note that If this option is enabled then the 'Limitation by IP' option will not work.

  • Do not store IP addresses: If this optios is enabled, the users IP addresses will not be sotred in database.

12.1.4 Anonymity Form: Protect your form takers anonymity.

  • Do not store User Names: After enabling this option, User Names will not be stored in database.
  • Do not store User Emails: After enabling this option, User Emails will not be stored in database.

12.1.5 Excerpt words count in list tables: Set the word counts for form and submission list tables.

  • Form list table: Determine the length of the forms to be shown in the Forms List Table by putting your preferred count of words in the following field. (For example: if you put 10, you will see the first 10 words of each form in the Forms page of your dashboard.
  • Submissions list table: Determine the length of the submissions to be shown in the Submissions List Table by putting your preferred count of words in the following field. (For example: if you put 10,you will see the first 10 words of each submissions in the Submissions page of your dashboard.

12.1.6 Animation Top: Set parameters for top animation.

  • Enable animation: Enable animation of the scroll offset of the form container. It works when the form container is visible on the screen partly and the user starts the form and moves from one question to another.
  • Scroll offset(px): Define the scroll offset of the form container after the animation starts. It works when the form container is visible on the screen partly and the user starts the form and moves from one question to another.

12.1.7 Send automatic email reporting to admin(s):

  • Send automatic email reporting per session: Set up automatic email reporting to inform the admin, about the submissions of forms. It will indicate the times of submissions all forms will have at that given moment, will send a table which will include the names of all forms and the number of submissions each one will have and will show the statistics of the growth/decline of the submissions in percentage.
  • Session period: Specify the time for one session and the provided email(s) will receive an automatic email notification once during the period. It can be Hourly, Daily, Twice daily, Weekly
  • Email addresses: Provide emails to which you need to send the form's reports. Insert emails comma separated.

12.2 Integrations

Integrate your surveys with several popular tools — MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, Slack, Google Sheets, Zapier, SendGrid, GamiPress, Mad Mimi, GetResponse, ConvertKit, Sendinblue, MailerLite, PayPal and Stripe. Decide on your preferred application and fill in all the necessary fields in order to activate the integration.

12.3 Message Variables

Copy the message variables and paste them in the Thank you message, Send email to user, Send email to admin, Email configuration to get needed messages.

The plugin includes the following message variables.

  • user_name: The name the user entered into the form form. It will work only if the name field exists in the form.
  • user_email: The E-mail the user entered into the form form. It will work only if the email field exists in the form.
  • form_title: The title of the form.
  • fields_count: The number of the questions of the given form.
  • current_date: The date of the submission form.
  • unique_code: Use to identify the uniqueness of each attempt.
  • sections_count: The number of the sections of the given form.
  • users_count: The number of the passed users count of the given form.
  • users_first_name: The user's first name that was filled in their WordPress site during registration.
  • users_last_name: The user's last name that was filled in their WordPress site during registration.
  • creation_date: The creation date of the form.
  • current_form_author: It will show the author of the current form.

12.4 Button Texts: In this section you will be able to change the button texts. If you make a change here, these words will not be translatable via translation tools!

  • Next button
  • Previous button
  • Clear selection button
  • Submit button
  • Exit button
  • Log In button

12.5 Shortcodes: Use shortcodes for more advanced features.

12.5.1 All submission settings

  • Shortcode: Copy the given shortcode and insert it into any post or page to show all the submissions of the forms.
    • [ays_form_all_submissions]
  • Show to guests too: Show the table to guests as well. By default, it is displayed only for logged-in users. So if the option is disabled, then only the logged-in users will be able to see the table. Note: Despite the fact of showing the table to the guests, the table will contain only the info of the logged-in users.
  • Table columns: Select and reorder the given columns which should be displayed on the front-end. (User name, Form name, Submission Date)

12.5.2 User history settings

  • Shortcode: Copy the given shortcode and insert it into any post or page to show the current user's submissions history. Each user will see individually presented content based on their taken forms.
    • [ays_form_user_history]
  • User history submissions table columns: Select and reorder the given columns which should be displayed on the front-end. (Form Name, Submission Date)

12.5.3 Extra shortcodes

  • Show User First Name: Shows the logged-in user's First Name. If the user is not logged-in, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_user_first_name]
  • Show User Last Name: Shows the logged-in user's last name. If the user is not logged-in, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_user_last_name]
  • Show User Nickname: Shows the logged-in user's nickname. If the user is not logged-in, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_user_nick_name]
  • Show User Email: Shows the logged-in user's email. If the user is not logged-in, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_user_email]
  • Passed users count: Copy the following shortcode and paste it in posts. Insert the Form ID to receive the number of participants of the form.
    • [ays_form_passed_users_count id="Your_form_ID"]
  • Show form creation date: You need to insert Your Form ID in the shortcode. It will show the creation date of the particular form. If there is no form available/found with that particular Form ID, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_creation_date id="Your_Form_ID"]
  • Show form sections count: You need to insert Your Form ID in the shortcode. It will show the number of the sections of the given form. If there is no form available/found with that particular Form ID, the shortcode will be empty.
    • [ays_form_sections_count id="Your_Form_ID"]

12.5.4 Display field summary

Shortcode: Display each field summary individually on the front-end. To insert field ID, please click on the three dots located at the bottom right corner of the field(Forms the given form General tab).

If you still have questions and couldn't find the answers here, please feel free to contact us via this email address and our customer care team will always be happy to help you: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey