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Best WordPress Portfolio Responsive Plugin

WordPress Portfolio Responsive Gallery Plugin User Manual


This is the official changelog page of the Portfolio Responsive Gallery Plugin>. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.

Let’s get started together!

Take the chance to present your work in the best light with our WordPress portfolio plugin!

1. Installation

There are two ways you can install the plugin:

  1. Install the plugin from your WordPress dashboard (Free version).
  2. Install the plugin by downloading the zip file (Free and Pro versions).


1.1 How to install the plugin from the WordPress dashboard (Free version)

There’s quite an easy way for you to install the plugin. Let’s see how.

  1. Go to the Plugins page on your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the Add New button.
  3. Type in the name of the plugin on the search bar.
  4. Click on the Install Now button, then hit Activate.


1.2 How to install the plugin by downloading the zip file (Free and Pro versions)

Installing the plugin by downloading the zip file is a more complicated way. You can download the zip file of the Free version from Here’s how:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the plugin and open it.
  3. Click on Download.
  4. Go to the Plugins page on your WordPress dashboard.
  5. Click on the Add New button at the top right-hand corner.
  6. Hit the Upload Plugin button.
  7. Click on the Choose File button and select the downloaded file.
  8. Hit the Install Now button.
  9. Click on the Activate Plugin button.


You are done!

You can also install the Pro version of the plugin by downloading the zip file. Go to the official website of Ays Pro and find the page of the corresponding plugin. Follow up to see the upgrade guide.


2. How to create a simple portfolio in 4 steps with our WordPress portfolio plugin

  1. Go to the Portfolio Responsive Gallery page.
  2. Click on the Add New button to build your first portfolio.
  3. Create one by giving your portfolio a name, adding projects, and so on.
  4. Copy the shortcode ([portfolio_responsive_gallery id="0"]) and paste it into any post or page.

You are now ready to create your first amazing portfolio!

Let’s find out what the plugin offers to you. There are lots of options to apply to your album and make it absolutely perfect!


3. Portfolio Responsive Gallery

3.1 Projects

Add projects and set them up by uploading images and assigning attributes.

3.1.1 Portfolio name: Type in the name of your album in the given field.

3.1.2 Portfolio description: Give a description of your album and make any changes to it with the WordPress editor.

3.1.3 Add project: Create projects for your album. Click on the Add Project button, then start setting it up.
On the General tab, fill in the necessary fields:

  • Project name
  • Project description
  • Project URL

While adding images, you can also select more than one at a time. Don’t forget to pick the main image of the project.

You can decide whether to open the URL in a new tab or not on the Options tab.

On the Attributes tab, provide extra information about your project. To add new attributes, you need to go to the Attributes page. The added attributes will appear on this page, and you can fill in the necessary information such as Author, Creation date, Phone, Type, Email and etc.

You can change the order of the projects, delete any project or all of them at once.


3.2 Portfolio Settings

Set up your portfolio to your preference by assigning important features to it.

3.2.1 Show portfolio header: Choose whether to show the portfolio title and description or not. You can decide for each of them.

3.2.2 Project main image size: Define the size of the main images of your projects. For optimized page speed, it’s recommended to choose Medium or Medium_large.

3.2.3 Image loading: Decide how the images should be loaded:

  • Global loading: The album will open as soon as all the projects are loaded.
  • Lazy loading: The projects will appear when their own loading is over.

3.2.4 Portfolio width (px): Give the value for album width in pixels. For 100% view, leave the field blank or enter 0.

3.2.5 Portfolio view type: Your album will open in a Grid layout. You can decide the number of columns. The default count is 3.


3.3 Project Settings

Adjust the settings for your projects and make them more personalized.

3.3.1 Show title of project: Decide whether to show the project title or not. It will appear at the bottom of the thumbnail. There are two options you can choose between. The title will appear while hovering over the project thumbnail. The other option is that it won’t disappear and will be visible regardless of the mouse cursor position.

3.3.2 Lightbox image fit: Resize the image to fit the container. There are two properties:

  • Contain: Maintains the aspect ratio.
  • Cover: If needed, stretches the image to fit the container.


4. Attributes

Let your website visitors know more about the work you’re presenting. To create a new attribute, click on the Add New button.

4.1 Name: Give your attribute a name.

4.2 Slug: Slug is the unique identifier for an attribute.

4.3 Type: Choose the attribute type from the following:

  • Text
  • Textarea
  • E-Mail
  • Number
  • Telephone
  • URL
  • Date

4.4 Attribute status: Choose whether to publish your attribute or not. If it’s unpublished, it won’t appear anywhere. It means you can choose the Unpublished option instead of deleting the attribute.


5. Upgrade Free to Pro or Update the Pro Version

Firstly, we would like to thank you for choosing us, as it’s only you who helps us grow faster and improve our services.

In this guide, you’ll get to know how to upgrade our WordPress portfolio plugin from the Free version to Pro or upgrade your Pro version to a newer one. No need to worry, as your content and customized settings will remain unchanged even after switching to the Premium version. Yet, you can make a DB backup for your own safety before upgrading. You can use Updraft Plus.

Ready? Let’s go!

  1. Go to the Plugins page of your website admin dashboard.
  2. Click on the Deactivate button of the Free version of the plugin.
  3. As soon as the popup appears, click on the Upgrade button. This will keep all your albums and settings applied to them. Next, the plugin will be deactivated.
  4. Delete the Free version of the plugin.
  5. After the successful purchase of the Premium version, log in to our website with your credentials.
  6. Go to the Portfolio Responsive Gallery page.
  7. The purchased plan will be available to download.
  8. Download the zip file of the Pro version, then install it on your website.

Have you still got questions that are not answered in here? Please, feel free to contact us via this email address, and our customer care team will always be happy to help you: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Like what you see? Create your first Portfolio Responsive Gallery now.

If you are not ready to just yet, you can also try the Portfolio Responsive Gallery Demos (Free and Pro).

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