WordPress Random Posts and Pages Widget User Manual
This is the official changelog page of the Random Posts and Pages Widget. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Let’s get started together!
Build internal linking and engage your website visitors with our easy-to-use Random Posts and Pages widget!
- Installation
- How to create a simple random post box in 4 steps
- Random Posts and Pages Settings
- Upgrade Free to Pro or Update the Premium Version
1. Installation
There are two ways you can install the widget:
- Install the widget from your WordPress dashboard (Free version).
- Install the widget by downloading the zip file (Free and Premium versions).
1.1 How to install the widget from the WordPress dashboard (Free version)
There’s quite an easy way for you to install the widget. Let’s see how.
- Go to the Plugins page on your WordPress dashboard.
- Click on the Add New button.
- Type in the name of the widget on the search bar.
- Click on the Install Now button, then hit Activate.
1.2 How to install the widget by downloading the zip file (Free and Pro versions)
A comparably complicated way of installing the widget is by downloading the zip file. You can download the zip file of the Free version from wordpress.org. Here’s how:
- Go to Wordpress.org.
- Search for the widget and open it.
- Click on Download.
- On your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins page.
- Click on the Add New button at the top left-hand corner.
- Hit the Upload Plugin button.
- Click on the Choose File button and select the downloaded file.
- Hit the Install Now button.
- Click on the Activate Plugin button.
You are done!
You can also install the Pro version of the widget by downloading the zip file. Go to the official website of Ays Pro and find the page of the corresponding plugin. Follow the link and know how you can upgrade the plugin in detail.
2. How to build a simple random post box in 4 steps with Random Posts and Pages
- Go to Appearance → Widgets on the sidebar.
- Activate the widget by dragging it from the Available Widgets to a sidebar.
- Select the post type and the post category, adjust other settings.
- Finally, click on the Save button.
Building with our random posts widget is this simple!
It’s worth your time to learn about the advanced settings of our plugin. You’ll soon find out how to use them to your advantage. Let’s start!
3. Random Posts and Pages Settings
3.1 Title: Give a title to your random post box.
3.2 Animation type: Decide how to display the random links. They can either move or remain in their places and fade in and out.
3.3 Post type: Choose which post types your random post box should display. Hold the Shift/Ctrl key and select more than one post type.
3.4 Post category: Display the posts according to the chosen categories. Hold the Shift/Ctrl key and select more than one post category.
3.5 Box width: Set the box width in pixels. Leave the field blank for 100% width. It’s set to 270px by default.
3.6 Box height: Set the box height in pixels. It’s set to 300px by default.
3.7 Box background-color: Pick the most preferable color for the box background. Also, define the opacity level if needed.
3.8 Background image: By clicking on the button, you can either upload a background image or choose it from the Media Library.
3.9 Box border-color: Choose a color for the box border. You can set the opacity level for the chosen color as well.
3.10 Box border thickness: Define the thickness of the box border in pixels. The pixel value is 3 by default.
3.11 Box border-radius: Give rounder borders to the container. The pixel value is 10 by default.
3.12 Box shadow: Apply a shadow to the container. Give the values according to the following example: 0px 0px 6px 8px #BCE7E9. The latter stands for the box shadow color code(Hex). You need to insert the corresponding color code for it.
3.13 Link count: Specify the number of links to be included in your random post box. It will randomly pick posts according to the specified number.
3.14 Character count: The option allows you to specify the number of characters included in your links.
3.15 Link background color: Choose the background color for the link container. Also, make it opaque if you wish.
3.16 Link color: Pick a color for the link itself. Again, you can define its opacity level.
3.17 Link padding: Define the distance between the text and the border of the link in pixels․ The value is 4 by default.
3.18 Link border-radius: Make the corners of link containers rounder by giving pixel values. The option allows you to control the curvature of each corner.
3.19 Font: Choose the font for your links. Choose among the following:
- Arial
- Lucida grande
- Segoe ui
- Tahoma
- Trebuchet ms
- Verdana
3.20 Animation speed: Choose the animation speed from the following options:
- Fast
- Normal
- Slow
3.21 Link hover image display: The links can move inside the box together with their featured images. For this, you need to edit the post and add a featured image to it.
- No image: the link will appear without any image.
- Hovered image: the featured image will appear while hovering over the link.
- Opened image: the featured image will stay open during the animation.
3.22 Link hover image height (px): Give the height of images in pixels.
3.23 Link hover image size: Decide how link images should be resized to fit the container. Choose between:
- Contain: maintains the aspect ratio.
- Cover: squishes the image to fit the container if needed.
3.24 Link hover background-color: Choose the background color which will appear while hovering over the link. You can define the opacity level as well.
3.25 Link hover color: Pick a color for the link that will appear while hovering over it. Make the chosen color opaque if you wish.
3.26 Link hover border-color: Select the color for the link border which will appear while hovering over the link. Again, you can set the opacity level of the color.
Reset: Click on the button to bring the default values back.
Delete: Delete the widget from the sidebar it is in.
Done: Close the widget.
Save: Save the changes you’ve made.
4. Upgrade Free to Pro or Update the Pro Version
Thanks to you and for you, we are growing faster and constantly improving our services. We put you and your satisfaction with our product as a priority.
Next, you’ll get to know how to upgrade our random posts widget to Pro or upgrade your Pro version to a newer one. The good news is that all the content will remain unchanged even after deleting the Free version. You just need to click on the Upgrade button before deactivating the plugin. Just in case, you can make a DB backup before upgrading. To this end, you can use Updraft Plus.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
- Head to the Plugins page of your website admin dashboard.
- Click on the Deactivate button of the Free version of the widget.
- As soon as the popup appears, click on the Upgrade button. This will keep all your random post boxes and settings applied to them. After that, the widget will be deactivated.
- Uninstall the Free version of the widget.
- After the successful purchase of the Pro version, log in to our website with your credentials.
- Go to the Random Posts and Pages page.
- The purchased plan will be available for you to download.
- After downloading the zip file of the Premium version, install it on your website.
Have you still got questions that are not answered in here? Please, feel free to contact us via this email address, and our customer care team will always be happy to help you: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Like what you see? Create your first Random Post box now.
If you are not ready to just yet, you can also try the Random Posts and Pages Demos (Free and Pro).