Easy Form Business and Developer versions changelog
This is the official changelog page of the Easy Form Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
= 20.0.3 = (December 7, 2023)
* Added: Stripe field type (Demo)
* Added: Calculation field type (Demo)
* Added: HTML field type
* Added: Conditional logic for form fields (Demo)
* Added: Value calculation functionality (Demo)
* Added: Total option for calculation field type (Demo)
* Added: Prefix option for calculation field type (Demo)
* Added: Suffix option for calculation field type (Demo)
* Added: Message variable for each field type
* Added: URL Parameter for specific field types
* Added: Visibility by default option for form fields
* Added: Add new submenu
* Added: Lazy loading option for images on the general setting page
* Added: Confirmation Box before removing the forms/submissions and categories
* Added: Keywords for Gutenberg block search
* Added: User nickname message variable
* Added: User WordPress role message variable
* Added: Users ip address message variable
* Added: Users display name message variable
* Added: Current form author email message variable
* Added: Admin email message variable
* Added: Current form page link message variable
* Added: User WordPress email message variable
* Added: Current time message variable
* Added: Post author email message variable
* Added: Site URL message variable
* Added: Post title message variable
* Added: Post author message variable
* Added: Post ID message variable
* Added: User ID message variable
* Improved: PayPal field type payments
* Improved: Message variables section styles
* Improved: Add new button on the list tables page
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Fixed: Email validation message displaying issue
* Fixed: Issue connected to the maximum number of attempts per user option
* Fixed: Forms ordering issue in Gutenberg editor
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 20.0.2 = (May 18, 2023)
* Added: reCAPTCHA integration
* Added: Restart button option
* Added: Clear answer button option
* Added: Ability to show the current form title on the forms page
* Added: Entry export as PDF functionality
* Added: Redirect to another forms after clicking on them functionality on the forms page
* Added: Documentation link on the admin dashboard
* Added: MP3 format for Upload File type
* Added: Logo image title option
* Added: Show Form id message variable
* Added: Submission count message variable
* Added: Automatic activation/installation of the plugin on the Products submenu
* Fixed: Form duplication issue on the admin page
* Fixed: Duplicate question issue on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Translation issue on the admin page
* Fixed: Redirect delay option issue on the front page
* Fixed: Select form issue on the Gutenberg editor
* Fixed: Email content issues
* Fixed: Send email for testing option issue
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.2.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+
= 20.0.1 = (January 03, 2023)
* Fixed: Form Export/Import functionality issue
* Fixed: Duplicate section issue
* Fixed: Duplicate question issue
* Fixed: Send email to admin option issue
* Fixed: Connection issue with Google sheet integration
* Fixed: Chart displaying issue on the Global statistics tab
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+
= 20.0.0 = (November 30, 2022)
* Added: First Release