WordPress Secure Copy Content Protection Plugin User Manual
This is the official documentation(user guide) of the Secure Copy Content plugin. We are continually updating our plugin, and with each update, we are introducing new features that match the demands of the market and feedback that we receive from our clients. Any feedback that you have for us will be taken into consideration with great interest.
Let’s get started together!
Protect your website content from copying with the Secure Copy Content Protection plugin.
Easy to Use
Protect your website by using our Secure Copy Content Protection
plugin. Configure settings and enable the protection by just one click.
There are two ways to install the Secure Copy Content Protection plugin:
- You can install the Secure Copy Content Protection from your WordPress dashboard.
- You can install it from WordPress.org.
Before enabling the Secure Copy Content Protection, let’s get familiar with how product attributes work. We provide you with a variety of options that help you to protect your website content against getting stolen.
1. General
1.1. Enable copy protection: Turn on the protection of your website based on your configured options.
1.2. Enable for (PRO) : Select which part of your website you need to be protected. For the except and selected options, you can choose specific posts and post types.
- All
- Except (*available in Free)
- Selected
1.3. Enable text selecting: If the checkbox is ticked, it will be possible to select texts. Note to untick the Disable left-click option from the Options tab. This option will work only on the desktop, on mobile devices text selecting is always disabled.
1.4. Message: Write the warning text that will appear when the user tries non-permitted actions in the copy protection enabled areas on the website. For example: You cannot copy the content of this page.
1.5. Upload Audio: Add audio that will be played after the copy attempt.
1.6. Exclude input and textarea: If the checkbox is ticked, the input and textarea will not be protected by the plugin.
1.7. Enable copy protection for roles (PRO): Select the preferred user(s) from the list and enable the secure copy content protection only for them. For example, you can tick all roles except the Administration, and the admin can copy and do other functionalities on the website from the front-end.
2. Options
You can tick/untick the On/ Off, Show Message and Play Audio columns separately for all options.
2.1. Disable right-click: By enabling the option, the right-click will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.2. Disable Developer Tools Hot-keys: By enabling the option, the keyboard shortcuts which open the Developer Tools (CTRL+SHIFT+C/CMD+OPT+C, CTRL+SHIFT+J/CMD+OPT+J, CTRL+SHIFT+I/CMD+OPT+I) will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.3. Disable Drag and Drop: By enabling this option, the dragging of the texts and images will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.4. Disable F12: By enabling this option, the F12 key, which gives access to Developer Tools, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.5. Disable CTRL-C/CMD-C: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+C/CMD+C command, which copies the highlighted text, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.6. Disable CTRL-V/CMD-V: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+V/CMD+V command, which pastes text from the clipboard, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.7. Disable CTRL-S/CMD-S: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+S/CMD+S command, which saves a copy of the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.8. Disable CTRL-A/CMD-A: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+A/CMD+A command, which used to select all text, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.9. Disable CTRL-X/CMD-X: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+X/CMD+X command, which cuts the highlighted text from the textareas, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.10. Disable CTRL-U/CMD-U: By enabling this option, the Ctrl+X/CMD+X command, which opens the source code for the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.11. Disable search hot-keys: By enabling this option, the CTRL+F/CMD+F, CTRL+G/CMD+G, CTRL+SHIFT+G/CMD+OPT+G commands, which allows you to find words or phrases quickly in the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.12. Disable CTRL-P/CMD-P: By enabling this option, the CTRL+P command, which allows you to print the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.13. Disable CTRL-H/CMD-H: By enabling this option, the CTRL+H command, which opens the history page of the browser of the visitor, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.14. Disable CTRL-Լ/CMD-Լ: By enabling this option, the CTRL+L command, which goes to the address bar and selects the part of the current URL of the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.15. Disable CTRL-K: By enabling this option, the CTRL+K command, which moves to the address bar and performs a Google search, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.16. Disable F6: By enabling this option, the F6 command, which selects the current URL of the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.17. Disable ALT-D: By enabling this option, the Alt+D command, which selects the current URL of the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.18. Disable CTRL-E: By enabling this option, the CTRL+E command, which moves to the address bar and performs a Google search, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.19. Disable Print Screen: By enabling this option, the Print Screen key of the keyboard, which screenshots the page being viewed, will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.20. Enable Images Watermark (PRO) : If the checkbox is ticked, all images in the copy protection enabled areas on the website will be protected by the watermark with the form of text. You can customize the text of it with the Message option (the General tab).
2.21. Disable REST API (PRO) : If the checkbox is ticked, the incoming requests will be stopped from the rest API and your website will become extra-protected. *Recommended only for extreme cases.
2.22. Disable left click (not recommended): By enabling the option, the left-click will be not allowed in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.23. Disable scrolling over images (Mobile): By enabling theoption, the scrolling over the images becomes impossible in the copy protection enabled areas on the website.
2.24. Protect content when JavaScript is disabled: If the checkbox is ticked, it will block the site content when the user disables the JavaScript of the browser. It will whiten the entire screen and will show a notification message.
2.25. Block content header text: Write the header text that will appear when the block content is enabled and requires a password.
3. Styles
3.1. Tooltip position: Select the preferred position of the tooltip, when the user tries non-permitted actions in the copy protection enabled areas on the website. Allow the tooltip by ticking the Show Message column of your preferred option in the Options tab.
- Mouse current position
- Mouse first position
- Center Center
- Left top
- Left bottom
- Right top
- Right bottom
3.2. Tooltip show time (ms): Define the showtime of the tooltip after the attempt in milliseconds. The default value is 1000ms.
3.3. Tooltip background-color: Specify the background color of the tooltip.
3.4. Tooltip background image: Add a background image to the tooltip.
3.5. Tooltip opacity: Specify the opacity of thetooltip.
3.6. Tooltip text color: Specify the color of the text of the tooltip.
3.7. Tooltip Font size: Define the font size of the text of the tooltip.
3.8. Tooltip padding (px): Define the distance between the text and the border of the tooltip in pixels․
3.9. Tooltip border-color: Specify the color of the border of the tooltip.
3.10. Tooltip box-shadow: Specify the color of the shadow of the tooltip.
3.11. Tooltip border-width: Define the width of the border in the tooltip.
3.12. Tooltip border-radius: Define the radius of the corners of the tooltip. Allows adding rounded corners to the tooltip.
3.13. Tooltip border-style: Select your preferred design of the border in the tooltip.
- None
- Solid
- Double
- Dotted
- Dashed
3.14. Custom class for tooltip container: In this field, you can usen Custom HTML class for tooltip container. Use your class for adding your custom styles for tooltip container.
3.15. Custom CSS: In this field, you can write your own CSS code.
3.16. Reset styles: By clicking on the Reset button, tooltip styles will be reset to default values.
4. Block Content
Add new shortcode, set a password or block the content for all user roles except your selected ones and schedule the time of the blocking process. Copy the shortcode and paste it into your preferred post.
Shortcode: [ays_block id='1'] Content [/ays_block] You need to copy the first part of the shortcode ( [ays_block id='1'] ) and paste it before the content which you want to be blocked, and then copy the second part of the shortcode ( [/ays_block] ) and paste it after the content which you want to be blocked.
Password: Assign any password you desire to each shortcode separately. Moreover, you can set a limit to the usage of the password by the Limit option.
Except: Besides the block content by password option, you can also block content for all user roles except your selected ones.
Schedule: Define the time of the blocking process. If you do not give value to the option, it will block the content at all times.
Add new and Delete: You can add a new shortcode as many as you want and delete them as well.
5. Block IPs (PRO)
Block your content from a specific IP(s) with one click. Add a message to it to notify them and select either block from the admin or front page.
Add IP parts: There are four separate parts where you need to add the user IP by adding corresponding digits in each part( for example ). Besides the exact IP address, you can also write the first part of the IP( for example 88. or 88.259. ) and the copy protection enabled areas on the website will be blocked for the users whose IP address starts with that given range.
Message: When the visitor with blocked IP visits the copy protection enabled areas on the website, the entire screen will be whitened and will be shown this notification message. The default message is the following: "You have been blocked by site administrator".
Block Admin page / Block Front page: Select to block the user either from the admin or front page (or both).
Add new and Delete: You can add a new IP address(range) as many as you want, edit and delete them as well.
Search: If you have a large number of lines, you can use the search field and find your desired one.
Show X entries: If you have created a large number of lines, you can use this option and define how much of them to be shown on the page.
6. Block Country (PRO)
Block your content from the users of a specific country. You need to select the country(s), and the content will be automatically blocked for them.
Add country: You can add new countries as many as you want, edit and delete them as well.
Message: When the visitor from the blocked country visits the copy protection enabled areas on the website, the entire screen will be whitened and will be shown this notification message. The default message is the following: "You have been blocked by site administrator".
Block Admin page / Block Front page: Select to block the users either from the admin or front page (or both).
Search: If you have a large number of lines, you can use the search field and find your chosen one.
Show X entries: If you have created a large number of lines, you can use this option and define how much of them to be shown on the page.
7. Page Blocker (PRO)
Choose your preferred post or paste the URL of it, set a password and block the content of it by just one click.
Add new and Delete: You can add a new post(s) as many as you want, edit and delete them as well.
Post: Select the given post, which you want to be blocked.
URL: Paste the URL of the given post, which you want to be blocked.
Password: Assign any password you desire to each post separately.
8. PayPal (PRO)
Want to make money with your content as it is useful and beloved?
Enable paid content by connecting it to your PayPal account. Choose your preferred amount and corresponding currency.
PayPal Client ID: Please add your Client ID of the PayPal, which you want to attach to the plugin. You can get your Client ID from Developer PayPal.
Add new: Add new shortcodes as many as you want, edit and delete them as well.
Shortcode: [content id='1'] Content [/content] You need to copy the first part of the shortcode ([ays_block id='1']) and paste it before the content which you want to be blocked, and then copy the second part of the shortcode ([/ays_block]) and paste it after the content which you want to be blocked.
Amount: Choose the amount of the payment for each shortcode separately.
Currency: Choose the currency of the payment for each shortcode separately. Available options are USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY, INR, CNY, CAD, AED and RUB.
And, at the end of these steps, click on the “Save changes” button.
Subscribe to view
This field enables you to hide the content of any part of your post and show only when the user writes his/her email address.
Each time when the new user arrives your website, and scrolls down and comes across to the hidden content, it will require the email address to continue reading.
Do you want to know your website visitors? This feature will perfectly fulfill your need. It is an amazing tool for gathering leads.
It will allow you to implement a customer-centric strategy on your website by segmenting and remarketing your leads.
Moreover, its attention-capturing appearance will also help to increase user engagement and arouse curiosity.
Add new: Add new shortcodes as many as you want, and delete them as well.
Shortcode: [ays_block_subscribe id='1'] Content [/ays_block_subscribe] You need to copy the first part of the shortcode ([ays_block_subscribe id='1']) and paste it before the content which you want to be hidden, and then copy the second part of the shortcode ([/ays_block_subscribe]) and paste it after the content which you want to be hidden.
In the result field, we can see all the data of the users who have subscribed via the Subscribe to view option. There you can find the following information about the user:
- Subscriber ID
- User Email
- User IP
- WP User
- Date
- Read status
- City, Country
Upgrade Free to Pro (Or Update Pro version)
First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our product, as it is you and only you who helps us to grow much faster and improve our quality.
In this article, you will learn how to upgrade our awesome Secure Copy Content
Protection plugin from the Free version to PRO or upgrade your PRO version to a newer one. If you are currently
a free user and would like to upgrade to the Pro version then it's quite easy. And the good news is that All
your content, plugin settings
will remain unchanged
even after switching to the Pro version. You don't need to redo what you have already built with the free version.
To keep up with the plugin's updates check out the Changelog for Secure Copy Content Protection Pro.
Ready? Let’s get started together!
- Go to your website admin dashboard Plugins section.
- Click on the Deactivate button of the Free version, the popup will appear.
- Click the Upgrade button(it will keep all your assigned settings), after clicking the plugin will be deactivated.
- Uninstall the FREE version of the plugin.
- After the successful purchase of the PRO version, you will get the email with username and password.
- Login to our website https://ays-pro.com
- Go to the Secure Copy Content Protection plugin page: https://ays-pro.com/wordpress/secure-copy-content-protection
- You will see that your purchased plan is now available for download.
- Download the PRO version zip file and install it on your website.
Like what you see? Protect your website now.
If you are not ready to just yet, you can also try the Secure Copy Content Protection Demos ( Free and Pro ).