How to Add Privacy Policy Notice to Your Contact Form

You can find Privacy and Policy notice on nearly every website. The most popular types are cookie popups which are mainly to assure the search engines that you do not violate any privacy terms. The same box is commonly used on Contact Forms, or Survey and Quizzes which suggest collecting personal data from your website visitors. Let’s follow these 3 steps to add Privacy and Policy notice to your contact form popup in WordPress via Popup Box Plugin.

Step 1 

In the Popup Box dashboard let’s first set up our Contact Form Popup. For that click Add New, Choose the Contact Form type, and one of the ready-made templates, I suggest the template called forest as it is a perfect match for a contact form popup.

Here is how Contact Form Looks like in Popup Box
Note: This form is fully customizable 

WordPress Optin Plugin

Step 2 

You can see from the template that there are default fields that are common for the contact form. In the screenshots below you can also see how those fields look in the dashboard:

The User data function is for enabling new fields or making them required if necessary 

WordPress notification popup plugin

In order to add a new Privacy Policy note in the User Data fields section, you need to go to the Custom Fields tab from the Popup Box dashboard.

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Click on Add New. In the Name field write down the name of your notice, which would be Privacy and Policy Terms in our case. The Type field is to configure what type of field you want to add to your form, privacy and policy terms are mostly checkbox-type fields. In the Description field, you can add additional information or insert the link to the page that represents the privacy and policy terms of your website.

Privacy and Policy Notice Builder in WordPress

Step 3

Lastly, we need to enable the field. Go back to your form, in the User Data function, find the needed field and check the enable box, tick the required box if needed.


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To Wrap Up!

To learn more about how to create Popups with different triggers and display rules check out our Youtube Channel and Blog  Keep in mind that in order to reach your goal of engaging website visitors, building an email list, and carrying out successful email marketing campaigns you need to use a tool that can support the easy and quick process of creating the models. Popup Box has a lot to offer you can find out more about its functions in the Popup Box Documentation.



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