Quiz Maker Business, Developer and Agency versions changelog


This is the official changelog page of the Quiz Maker Pro plugin. We are constantly updating our plugin, and adding new features in each update corresponding to the market demands and our customers' valuable feedback. We're very open to any of your suggestions concerning our plugins.
Feel free to give us your suggestions by taking this Quiz Maker Plugin Survey.

= 31.8.1 / 21.8.1 / 8.8.1 = (January 28, 2025)

* Added: 50+ options for the Quick Quiz Popup
* Added: Expand/Collapse Options Sections feature on the Quiz Edit page
* Added: Confirmation box for unsaved changes on the admin dashboard
* Added: Cancel button on the Quiz edit page
* Added: Japanese language support
* Added: Collapse/Expand functionality on the quiz edit page
* Added: Quiz content max-width option
* Added: Quiz content mobile max-width option
* Added: Current quiz author website message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: Show WooCommerce prices on the quiz result page
* Added: Display Question Title in the "Add Question" Window
* Added: Default text customization section on the General Settings Page
* Added: Customization option for the Dropdown Placeholder Text
* Added: Question categories count message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: Save and new button for the Question Category edit page
* Added: Default customization option for "Empty results" text on the General Settings page
* Added: Text transforming option for the Question explanation option
* Added: Text transformation option for the Right answer feature
* Added: Default customization option for "Wrong password" text on the General Settings page
* Added: Text decoration option for the Note text option
* Added: Text decoration option for the Question explanation option
* Added: Text decoration option for the Right answer option
* Added: Default customization option for the "Not answered questions" text on the General Settings page
* Added: Text decoration option for the Wrong answer option
* Added: Text transformation option for the Wrong answer feature
* Added: Letter spacing option for the Note text option
* Added: Default text customization option for the "Quiz Finish Confirmation Text" on the General Settings page
* Added: Hide background image during the quiz option
* Added: Letter spacing option for the Question explanation option
* Added: Letter spacing option for the Right answer option
* Added: Default customization option for "Enter password" text on the General Settings page
* Added: Font weight option for the Wrong answer text
* Added: Letter spacing option for the Wrong answer option
* Added: Font weight option for the Admin Note text
* Added: Font weight option for the Question explanation text
* Added: Cache note text on the quiz edit page on the admin dashboard
* Added: Site title message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: Font weight option for the Right answer text
* Added: Expand/Collapse Options Sections feature for the Quick Quiz Popup
* Changed: Quiz Maker Documentation link
* Improved: Some changes on the addons submenu
* Improved: Info Text for the Elementor and Gutenberg blocks preview
* Improved: Social buttons option styles
* Improved: Social Media links option styles
* Improved: The Quizzes edit page design
* Improved: The Questions edit page design
* Improved: The Quiz categories edit page design
* Improved: The Question categories edit page design
* Removed: INR Currency option from PayPal Integration
* Fixed: Security problem on the admin dashboard (Wordfence)
* Fixed: Quiz input styles problem in the FoxLMS Plugin
* Fixed: Question Background Image formatting problem on the quiz result page
* Fixed: Invalid data problem on the slack integration
* Fixed: Fill in the blank question type problem on the front-end
* Fixed: The PHP Excel problem with Visualizer and Learndash plugins
* Fixed: reCAPTCHA empty language input problem on the front page
* Fixed: Send Interval Message to User And Certificate problem
* Fixed: The issue related to importing simple XLSX question
* Fixed: Update existing questions option importing problem
* Fixed: Email subject and quote problem
* Fixed: Custom Dropdown field and required problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Equal Keyword redirection problem
* Fixed: Razorpay and postpay method problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Fill in the blank Question type and correct answer sound problem
* Fixed: Detailed report PDF export problem
* Fixed: Some text translation problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Navigation bar and clear answer option conflict
* Fixed: Amin Mail subject and quote character problem
* Fixed: Code correction on the front-end
* Fixed: The unpublished questions problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Question duplicate issue
* Fixed: Save buttons responsiveness issue on the questions page
* Fixed: avg_score_by_category message variable problem on the front page
* Fixed: Code correction on the quizzes list table
* Fixed: Moving to next question without waiting the specified time
* Fixed: Styling problem on the Gutenberg page
* Fixed: Extra shortcodes empty results problem on the front page
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.7.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

+     Suggest a new Feature

= 31.8.0 / 21.8.0 / 8.8.0 = (October 31, 2024)

* Added: Fox LMS plugin integration
* Updated: POT file
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

+     Suggest a new Feature

= 31.7.9 / 21.7.9 / 8.7.9 = (June 18, 2024)

* Added: The Check button for the Fill in the blanks question type
* Added: The Check button for the Checkbox question type
* Added: The PDF file attachment feature for the Intervals
* Added: File Upload Custom field type
* Added: Send the custom fields to the MailChimp account
* Added: Show Interval Messages for equal keywords
* Added: Columns for the Grid answers (from 2 up to 3-4)
* Added: The feature to show who reported the question
* Added: Separate options for the Grid view for image answers and List view for text answers
* Added: Styling options for the Intervals feature
* Added: The feature to select multiple questions with shift click
* Added: Ability to add shortcode in flashcard answer
* Added: Hide the Info Banner Question Text suboption for the Show question results option
* Added: Send the results to the user/admin via email without including the pictures
* Added: Question category name message variable
* Added: User points by question category message variable
* Added: User max point by question category message variable
* Added: Question category displayed questions count message variable
* Added: The ILS currency for PayPal and Stripe
* Added: Send the personality type text via email
* Added: Transfer some columns to Zapier integration
* Added: Navigation bar style option
* Added: Show question tags option
* Added: The Questions default tags option on the General Settings Page
* Added: Show/hide results based on pass score suboption
* Added: Show questions total count shortcode on the General Settings Page
* Added: Message variables section for the Password for passing quiz option
* Added: Confirmation Box before removing the List Table rows
* Added: Keywords for Gutenberg block search
* Added: Enable case-sensitive text for a new question option on the General Settings Page
* Added: Message variables section for the Rating form title option
* Added: Quiz id message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: Message variables section for the Schedule the quiz Pre-start message option
* Added: User id message variable on the General Settings Page
* Added: Quiz status option for the Quick Quiz Popup
* Added: Options section for the Quick Quiz Popup ( 20+ options )
* Added: Show User Name option on the general settings page
* Added: Show quiz category description suboption
* Added: Message variables section for the Thank you message suboption
* Added: Show User Email option on the general settings page
* Added: Information popup about the quiz after creating a quiz
* Added: Show User Phone option on the general settings page
* Added: Text transform option for the Note text option
* Added: Show correct answers suboption for the Enable question answers option
* Added: Result id message variable on the General Settings Page
* Improved: Enlarged the default keyword numbers
* Improved: Quick quiz popup design
* Improved: Some style changes on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Code correction on the front-end
* Improved: Add new button on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Code correction on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Transfer of some features (from one tab to another) for better accessibility
* Improved: Results settings tab options reordering
* Improved: Message variables tab on the General Settings Page
* Improved: Styles tab options reordering
* Improved: Exporting quizzes options on the front-end
* Changed: The name of the %%quiz_logo%% to %%quiz_image%%
* Changed: Custom Banner Question type name to Info Banner
* Updated: POT file
* Fixed: The problem with import of custom/banner questions
* Fixed: Buttons' texts translation problem on the front-end
* Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: CSS conflict with the AI Engine plugin
* Fixed: PHP problem on the WordPress Multisite Network
* Fixed: HTML elements problem for the Dropdown question type on the front-end
* Fixed: Security issue on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Quiz pass/fail message empty input problem on the front-end
* Fixed: The issue connected to the Enter button on the front-end
* Fixed: Image sanitizing problem on the admin/front page
* Fixed: Start button loader problem on the Gutenberg page
* Fixed: Tab saving problem on the question edit page
* Fixed: Name form field and the red border problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Removed user problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: JavaScript problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Score ordering problem on the results list table
* Fixed: The issue connected to the User page shortcode on the mobile version
* Fixed: Weight/points calculation type and PDF Export problem
* Fixed: Certificate name problem
* Fixed: Custom fields sanitizing problem on the front-page
* Fixed: PHP Problem when importing question
* Fixed: The issue related to clearing the answer option
* Fixed: The security issue on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: The issue connected to the Question Ban
* Fixed: The texts translatable problem on the front page
* Fixed: The issue connected to the table menu
* Fixed: The issue connected to the last question of each quiz
* Fixed: The issue connected to the Clear button
* Fixed: The issue connected to the matching question style formatting
* Fixed: The list view icon to the grid view
* Fixed: Duplicate question and question tags problem
* Fixed: Fill in the blank Question type problem in flashcard answer
* Fixed: Certificate generation problem caused by slash in username
* Fixed: The issue of the question number type
* Fixed: Chart displaying problem in the Result page
* Fixed: Dropdown type results displaying problem on the front-end
* Fixed: The issue of the Restart button
* Fixed: The issue connected to right/wrong answers ordering on the quiz result page
* Fixed: The MathJax fractions issue on the front-end
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.5.4
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

+     Suggest a new Feature

= 31.7.8 / 21.7.8 / 8.7.8 = (December 4, 2023)

* Added: Strong calculation for Fill in the blank and Matching question types
* Added: Language/voice option for text-to-speech functionality
* Added: Question Title column in Report Question List Table
* Added: Unique Code, Keywords, and Results by Categories information to exported files (PDF, XLSX)
* Added: user_points_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: The Tags column in the Simple XLSX file format
* Added: Quiz link to Quiz Orders Shortcode
* Added: detailed_result_column_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: avg_rate_stars_with_icons message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Message variables section for the Only for selected user role option
* Added: Enable No influence to score for new question option
* Added: Select with/without image filter on the questions list table
* Added: Quizzes total results count shortcode on the general settings page
* Added: user_corrects_count_pie_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: results_by_tags_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Question categories count shortcode on the general settings page
* Added: avg_res_by_cats_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: user_pass_time_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Home page URL message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Enable Hide question text for new question on the general settings page
* Added: results_by_cats_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Show average rating functionality on the Reviews tab
* Added: Filters icon on the insert questions popup
* Added: Show quiz average rate shortcode on the General Settings Page
* Added: Strip slashes for answers for a new question option on the General Settings Page
* Added: Message variables section for the Limitation count of takers option
* Added: Current quiz author nickname message variable on the general settings page
* Added: score_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
* Improved: Dashboard styles
* Improved: Default quiz styles
* Improved: Quiz Dashboard's theme design
* Improved: Add a new button on the list tables page
* Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
* Improved: Copy shortcode text on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Some changes on the admin dashboard
* Improved: Top banner style on the admin dashboard
* Improved: All users can see the export button in the front-end if a certain field is empty
* Changed: The position of Mark Question Icon
* Changed: Settings tab options ordering on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Create post for quiz Options Value if Create post for quiz Option is enabled
* Updated: POT file
* Fixed: Datatable problem on the front-end
* Fixed: HTML elements problem on the front end
* Fixed: Some changes on the General Settings Page
* Fixed: Unpublished question problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Deleted question category problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Esc button and overlay problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Empty Question count problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Problem with See result button
* Fixed: The problem of the same user's result being displayed in the exported PDF file
* Fixed: PHP problem on the front-end
* Fixed: CSS conflict with Colibri WP Theme
* Fixed: Same Google Sheets problem after the quiz duplicate
* Fixed: Matching question type results issue
* Fixed: Problem connected to the message variables
* Fixed: Problem connected to the matching type and 0 value
* Fixed: CSS conflict with Mesmerize theme
* Fixed: Fill in the blank question type CSS conflict with some themes
* Fixed: Matching question type issue connected to right/wrong answers message
* Fixed: Issue with the Text to Audio
* Fixed: Mozilla Browser and numeric values problem in custom fields
* Fixed: Matching question type issue with quiz timer
* Fixed: The issue of the Restart Button
* Fixed: Fill in the blank question type issue with input focusing option
* Fixed: Myer's test results page style problem
* Fixed: Matching question type (not answered) issue on the results page
* Fixed: Question hint style issue with RTL direction option
* Fixed: Text-to-speech option issue while submitting or changing the question
* Fixed: The issue connected to backspace on the matching type's dashboard
* Fixed: Matching question type result issue in detailed report
* Fixed: Front results page problem with checkbox type's min selection option
* Fixed: JS error on matching type, connected to apostrophe on answers
* Fixed: Multiple possible correct answers display issue on detailed report
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

+     Suggest a new Feature

= 31.7.7 / 21.7.7 / 8.7.7 = (August 14, 2023)

* Added: Fill in the Blank Question Type
* Added: Matching Question Type
* Added: Question marking option for the navigation bar
* Added: Enable question reporting option
* Added: Allow exporting quizzes option
* Added: Hook for Individual result
* Added: Custom Question Count per page option
* Added: Enable text-to-speech option
* Added: personality_result_by_question_ids message variable
* Added: Myers-Briggs test message variable
* Added: File and Clipboard Upload feature for the Generated Passwords
* Added: Send email to admin suboption for the Enable question reporting option
* Added: Reports list table on the admin dashboard
* Added: Information form settings section on the general settings page
* Added: Quiz intervals chart section on the general settings page
* Added: The ability to select a method for calculating Pass Score
* Added: The possibility to show the results by keywords with charts on each result page
* Added: Double-click functionality for the Information Form fields
* Added: Equal keywords text option
* Added: Disable input focusing option
* Added: Quiz Login Form Settings section on the general settings page
* Added: Results by Categories column in the Detailed Report popup on the admin dashboard
* Added: Results by Categories column in the User Page Settings Shortcode
* Added: Message variables section for the Limit Users message option
* Added: Enable users' anonymous assessment suboption
* Added: Duplicate functionality on the Quiz categories list table
* Added: Font size option for the Note text option
* Added: Message variables section for the Heading for social media links option
* Added: Duplicate functionality on the Question categories list table
* Added: User phone message variable on the general settings
* Added: Message variables section for the Only for logged-in users option
* Added: User website message variable on the general settings page
* Added: Menu notifications section on the general settings page
* Added: Mobile font size option for the Note text option
* Added: User website shortcode on the general settings page
* Added: Enable questions numbering by category suboption
* Improved: Quizzes ordering on the Gutenberg block
* Improved: The possibility to change the rating before sending the feedback
* Improved: Some variables in the Message variables section
* Fixed: The huge amount of questions and quizzes problem on the Gutenberg page
* Fixed: PHP problem with the WPVR plugin
* Fixed: Filtering problem on all list tables
* Fixed: Deprecated expression with PHP 8.2
* Fixed: Checkbox minimum selection problem on the front-end
* Fixed: PHP problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Animation problem after clicking on the flashcard
* Fixed: Question duplicate problem
* Fixed: Trash questions export problem
* Fixed: HTML elements problem on the front end
* Fixed: Question images export/import problem
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.3
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

+     Suggest a new Feature

= 21.7.6 / 8.7.6 = (May 3, 2023)

* Added: AMP compatibility ( developer and agency versions )
* Added: Timer per question functionality ( developer and agency versions ) (Demo)
* Added: Keyboard Navigation option
* Added: PLN ( Polish złoty ) currency in PayPal and Stripe integration
* Added: The possibility to include custom fields in the Leaderboard
* Added: Disable strip slashes for answers option on the questions edit page
* Added: Email address field on the All Results shortcode
* Added: Enable User avatar option on all Leaderboard
* Added: Lazy loading section on the general settings
* Added: Question Image Zoom option
* Added: Automatic activation/installation of the plugin on the Products submenu
* Added: Message variables section for the Information Form title option
* Added: Status column to the quizzes list table
* Added: Mobile font size option for the Right answer option
* Added: Display messages before the buttons option
* Added: Message variables section for the Quiz description option
* Added: The 0 value for the Redirect Delay feature
* Added: Detailed Report Options tab in the General Settings page
* Improved: Add question button style on quick quiz popup
* Improved: Styles tab view on the quizzes page
* Changed: The minus symbol for the top keywords
* Fixed: The huge amount of questions and quizzes problem on the Gutenberg page
* Fixed: Spanish translation problem on the front end
* Fixed: Backslash problem on the custom CSS option
* Fixed: Quiz Copy Protection problem on mobile
* Fixed: Redirection issue after restoring or deleting items in Trash tab
* Fixed: Navigation bar and Required questions conflict
* Fixed: Problem connected to the huge amount of results
* Fixed: Deprecated functions conflict with Elementor plugin
* Fixed: The Search box and pagination conflict on all list tables
* Fixed: Question Image problem on the results page
* Fixed: Date question type and UTC problem on the front-end
* Fixed: The problem connected to the review option on the Front-end/Dashboard
* Fixed: Decimal number problem for the Number question type on the questions edit page/Front-end
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Questions Count on the questions list table
* Fixed: Number question type input and arrow up key problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Decimal number problem for the Short text question type on the Front-end
* Fixed: Autocomplete problem on the front end
* Fixed: Styling problem on the general settings
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+

+    Suggest a new Feature

= 21.7.5 / 8.7.5 = (February 13, 2023)

* Added: Embed functionality for quizzes ( developer and agency versions )
* Added: Multilingual quiz functionality (Video)
* Added: Trash functionality for quizzes and questions
* Added: CZK (Czech koruna) currency in PayPal and Stripe integration
* Added: The results by cats by average message variable
* Added: Date custom field
* Added: Pagination for flashcard
* Added: Introduction page for flashcard
* Added: Behance link to social media links option
* Added: Select with/without description filter on the quiz category list table
* Added: Thank you message suboption for the Enable quiz assessment
* Added: Enable Comment Field suboption for the Enable quiz assessment option
* Added: Show quizzes count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Select with/without description filter on the question category list table
* Added: Show quiz categories count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Question explanation font size feature for the mobile version
* Added: None suboption for the Right/wrong answer icons option
* Added: Functionality to insert message variables into the WP editor on the quizzes page
* Added: Tooltip for Save buttons on the admin dashboard
* Added: Message variables section for Social buttons option
* Added: Wrong answer font size feature for the mobile version
* Updated: Filters style on the questions and results list tables
* Updated: POT file
* Changed: Sort the quiz and question categories in the alphabetical order
* Improved: Uppercase problem on the question import
* Improved: Change the quiz author option design
* Fixed: The issue connected to the Gtranslate plugin
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 conflict on the results page
* Fixed: the issue connected to the 0 weight/point when import simple XLSX file
* Fixed: The issue connected to the import of the Note message option
* Fixed: Select question type images displaying problem on the Results page
* Fixed: The issue of the redirection to the next question of the wrong answers
* Fixed: PHP error connected to the UTF 8 characters
* Fixed: Required question option and Show correct answers option conflict
* Fixed: PHP error on the General Settings tab
* Fixed: PHP problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Enable quiz assessment option problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Answers' table style ordering problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Style problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Make the review field required option and empty space problem
* Fixed: Translation problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Czech language problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Quick quiz icons style problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Styling problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Waiting time option conflict with Next button
* Fixed: Next and Previous buttons conflict on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: JavaScript problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Quiz assessment option problem on the front page
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.2
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2

= 21.7.4 / 8.7.4 = (November 01, 2022)

* Added: Recaptcha integration (Developer package)
* Added: Shortcode for showing Quiz orders (Developer package)
* Added: NZD (New Zealand Dollar) currency in PayPal and Stripe integration (Developer package)
* Added: Czech language support
* Added: User keyword point message variable
* Added: Max point keyword message variable
* Added: User keyword percentage message variable
* Added: Average user points message variable
* Added: Shortcode for showing the sum of the quiz points
* Added: Input field for Quiz main page URL on the settings page
* Added: Readmefirst file
* Added: Author filter on the quiz list table
* Added: Author filter on the questions list table
* Added: Question tags filter on the questions list table
* Added: Show only wrong answers Toggle in Result Popup
* Added: Waiting time suboption for Show correct answers option
* Added: Font size for the Right answer option
* Added: Font size for the Wrong answer option
* Added: Font size for the Question Explanations option
* Added: Filtering by Question Type from the Questions List Table
* Added: Instagram link to social media links option
* Added: Quiz title text shadow parameters
* Added: Show quiz questions count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Quiz category attribute for all results shortcode
* Added: Show only wrong answers option
* Added: Quiz title font size option
* Added: Quiz title font size for mobile option
* Added: Show quiz category title shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show quiz category description shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Youtube link to social media links option
* Added: Password input width option
* Added: Quiz description on the Quick Quiz Popup
* Added: Rating filter on the Reviews list table
* Added: Show user roles shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Article and Video Links section on the How to use page
* Added: Bulk publish/unpublish action on the quizzes list table
* Added: Current quiz page link message variable on the general settings
* Added: Current user ip message variable on the general settings
* Added: Hide variant for the Hint icon option
* Added: Current quiz author email message variable on the general settings
* Added: Confirmation box for deleting quick quiz questions/answers
* Added: Admin email message variable on the general settings
* Added: Redirect to another quizzes after clicking on them functionality on the quizzes page
* Added: Placeholder text suboption for the Enable quiz assessment option
* Added: Make the review field required suboption for the Enable quiz assessment option
* Added: Disable variant for the Show question explanation option
* Added: Disable variant for the Show messages for right/wrong answers
* Added: Enable the Show/Hide toggle suboption for the Show question results option
* Added: Select with/without comments filter on the reviews list table
* Added: Bulk Delete only review action on the reviews list table
* Added: Show quiz category title/description in a shortcode with a category ID on the general settings
* Added: Show quiz question category title/description shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show quiz unread results count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show quiz read results count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Next/Previous Question button on the Question Edit page
* Added: Next/Previous Quiz button on the Quizzes Edit page
* Added: Next/Previous Quiz category button on the Quiz categories edit page
* Added: Next/Previous Question category button on the Questions categories edit page
* Changed: The banner style on the admin dashboard
* Changed: Our Products submenu Interface design
* Changed: Community section style on the How to use page
* Updated: Quiz Questions export examples
* Updated: French Translated texts
* Updated: POT file
* Specified: Default values for the information form
* Transferred: Enable quiz assessment option to the Results Settings tab
* Fixed: The huge HTML loading issue for the Questions list table on the Quizzes Edit Page
* Fixed: Required question and navigation bar options cօnflict
* Fixed: Required question, navigation bar and finish button cօnflict
* Fixed: Question numbering problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Some translations on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Issue connected to the importing process of the Double-byte characters
* Fixed: PHP problem with the Gutenberg block
* Fixed: Question Bank Shortcode problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Issue connected with the user filters on the All results page
* Fixed: Custom select field and required option problem
* Fixed: The Timer issue with the Information Form option
* Fixed: Google Sheet integration and empty data problem
* Fixed: Flashcard question printing problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Flashcard and checkbox question type problem
* Fixed: Enable autostart and Password for passing quiz options conflict
* Fixed: Issue connected to the %%results_by_cats%% message variable
* Fixed: Quiz title text shadow displaying problem on the live preview
* Fixed: PHP problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Date translation problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Question Category problem on the Quick Quiz Popup
* Fixed: JavaScript problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Style conflict with Elementor plugin on the dashboard
* Fixed: Dropdown Question type arrow conflict with Twenty Twenty-Two theme
* Fixed: Results tab filters problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Responsive design on the results popup page
* Fixed: Icons conflict on the front-end
* Fixed: Select quiz issue on the Gutenberg editor
* Fixed: Text/Short text question type and quote problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Select all/Delete question buttons problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Video playing issue on the Quiz results page
* Fixed: Restart button font-size conflict on mobile devices
* Fixed: Responsive problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Answer and question font size negative values problem
* Fixed: Quiz and Question categories printing problem on the list table
* Fixed: Question table ordering style problem
* Fixed: Blank User role problem for the Only for selected user role option
* Fixed: Button resizing problem on the mobile version on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Redirect delay negative value problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Buttons position styling problem on the front-end
* Fixed: JavaScript error when user page table is empty
* Fixed: Issue connected to the Select2 library
* Tested: Compatible up to 6.1.1
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.1+

= 21.7.3 / 8.7.3 = (March 30, 2022)

* Added: Prepay and Postpay payment types for PayPal and Stripe
* Added: Apply points to top keywords (Video)
* Added: Update existing questions functionality
* Added: No grouping for Individual Leaderboard shortcode
* Added: Quiz column for the Reviews list table
* Added: Show User First Name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Most popular quiz shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show User Last Name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Heading for social media links option
* Added: Help Tab on the Admin Dashboard
* Added: Show User Nickname shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Some message variables for Timer suboptions
* Added: Show question category description option
* Added: Link to open the quiz category on the quizzes list table
* Added: Show User Display name shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Show user quiz duration shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Count attribute to the most popular quiz shortcode
* Added: Exclude general CSS file from home page option on the general settings
* Added: Random attribute to Display quiz bank shortcode
* Added: Link to open the count of completed quizzes on the quizzes list table
* Added: Button font-size for mobile option
* Added: Change current quiz creation date option
* Added: Show User Email shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Change the author of the current quiz option
* Added: Show quiz creation date shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Decimals to the Number question type
* Added: Show current quiz author shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Alt attribute for the Quiz, question and answers images
* Added: Enable question answers suboption for the Question bank shortcode
* Added: Quiz title text-shadow option
* Added: Confirmation box when deleting the interval table row
* Updated: German Translations of the texts
* Updated: Italian Translations of the texts
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Updated: Addons submenu
* Fixed: Empty password for passing quiz problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Multiple custom select type and required problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Each result export answers and custom field ordering problem
* Fixed: Question bank problem connected with the PHP
* Fixed: Some translations on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Questions numbering problem on the front-end
* Fixed: Issue connected to get users in the quiz
* Fixed: Certificate preview and current date message variable formatting problem
* Fixed: Question export issue connected to the Options column
* Fixed: Who will have permission problem on the list tables
* Tested: Compatible up to WP 6.0
* Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8

= 21.7.2 / 8.7.2 = (December 9, 2021)

* Added: Subscription system for PayPal payment method
* Added: Admin note in the details table (Video)
* Added: Limit attempts count for each user role option
* Added: Heading for share buttons option
* Added: Custom fields for shortcodes
* Added: User Leaderboard Position settings shortcode
* Added: Quiz autostart option
* Added: Store all not finished results option on General settings page
* Added: Enable toggle password visibility option
* Added: Passed quizzes count per user shortcode
* Added: All passed quizzes count per user shortcode
* Added: Question font size for mobile option
* Added: Answer font size for mobile option
* Added: Message suboption to password for passing the quiz
* Added: Enable confirmation box for the See Result button option
* Added: Enable animation option for the "Animation Top" functionality
* Added: Display form fields with labels option
* Added: Functionality that allows changing form fields texts
* Added: Minimum value of a number field option
* Added: Show error message option for number question type
* Added: Link to quizzes count column on the quiz categories list table
* Added: Link to questions count column on the question categories list table
* Added: Tags in the questions exported file
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: CSS conflict with Bootstrap Integration plugin on the front-end
* Fixed: Issue connected with characters while calculating the score
* Fixed: Short text question type issue when answer empty
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.9.1

= 21.7.1 / 8.7.1 = (October 15, 2021)

* Added: Tags functionality for questions
* Added: Turn on extra security check for PayPal payment
* Added: Quiz Category filter for Results list table
* Added: Quiz Category column for Results list table
* Added: Score / Points / Status rows to answer export file
* Added: Image column to questions list table
* Added: Bulk publish/unpublish action on the question categories list table
* Added: Status column to the categories list tables
* Added: Make responses anonymous option
* Added: Bulk publish/unpublish action on the quiz categories list table
* Added: Select question type icons
* Added: Enable to show all reviews button option
* Added: Excerpt words count option for question categories list tables
* Added: Excerpt words count option for quiz categories list tables
* Added: Excerpt words count option for reviews list table
* Added: Fields placeholders section on the General settings
* Added: Date(from/to) Attribute to the Leaderboard shortcodes
* Added: Enable pagination option for all leaderboards
* Added: Width option on the flashcard settings shortcode
* Added: Randomize flash cards option on the flash card settings
* Added: Color option for flash cards on the flash card settings
* Added: Question explanation on the flash cards
* Added: Enable Coupon option (Video)
* Added: %%quiz_coupon%% message variable
* Added: Note text option on the question advanced page
* Added: Category ID attribute to the user page shortcode
* Added: Add a new button at the end of each list table
* Added: Average score shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Passed users count shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Passed users count by score shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Failed users count by score shortcode on the general settings
* Added: Enable case sensitive text option for text/short text type
* Added: Message before timer option
* Added: Enable minimum selection count option for checkbox type
* Added: Top keywords count and percentage message variables
* Added: Assign corresponding word to each keyword functionality
* Improved: Made Global statistics tab performing via ajax
* Improved: Simple XLSX checkbox text on the question list table
* Updated: Question export file samples
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.8.1
* Changed: User position color on the Global Leaderboard shortcode
* Fixed: Responsive style problems on the general settings
* Fixed: Start button activation conflict with Elementor on the dashboard
* Fixed: String translation problem
* Fixed: Font awesome CDN problem
* Fixed: Interval Message Delay and Submission redirection options conflict
* Fixed: Quiz permissions and question bulk action problem
* Fixed: Strong calculation problem on the front-end

= 21.7.0 / 8.7.0 = (July 15, 2021)

* Added: Navigation bar option for quiz (Video)
* Added: Questions export filters
* Added: Guests results in the export
* Added: Export only guests results option
* Added: Turn on extra security check option for limitation (Video)
* Added: Hide attempts limitation notice option
* Added: Maximum selection number option on the question page
* Added: Pagination for user page shortcode
* Added: True/False question type
* Added: Short text question type to quick quiz popup
* Added: Number question type to quick quiz popup
* Added: True/False question type to quick quiz popup
* Added: Date question type to quick quiz popup
* Added: Display all questions on one page option
* Added: Turn on warning option of timer
* Added: Timezone option to Schedule the quiz
* Added: Button variant for the Hint icon
* Added: Status column to questions list table
* Added: Status column to all results shortcode
* Added: Message suboption to Limitation count of takers option
* Added: Enable/Disable the social buttons option
* Added: Image column to quizzes list table
* Added: Full control functionality of answers via keyboard on quick quiz popup
* Added: Full control functionality of answers via keyboard on the question page
* Added: Add answer field by pressing Enter button on quick quiz popup
* Added: Remove answer field by pressing Backspace button on quick quiz popup
* Added: Autofocus while adding a new answer on the question page
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: Symbols conflict on import questions from CSV file
* Fixed: Quote symbol problem on the quick quiz popup
* Fixed: DataTables warning problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Ruby characters problem in the question content
* Fixed: Bulk delete problem on the dashboard

= 21.6.9 / 8.6.9 = (May 25, 2021)

* Added: Mad Mimi integration (Article)
* Added: ConvertKit integration (Article)
* Added: GetResponse integration (Article)
* Added: Double opt-in option for Mailchimp integration
* Added: Flash Card shortcode (Article)
* Added: Recent quizzes shortcode
* Added: Full-screen option
* Added: Show points with maximum points option for individual leaderboard
* Added: Generate certificate without sending to the user option
* Added: Keyword count message variable
* Added: Keyword percentage message variable
* Added: Quiz default parameters functionality for the quick quiz
* Added: Certificate deletion functionality when deleting the result
* Added: Select user role for giving access to change all Quiz data option
* Added: Question title option for all question types
* Added: Mark as read/unread functionality for the Results and the All results list tables
* Added: Hide the correct answers option for the User Page shortcode
* Added: Keywords section in the report popup on the dashboard results page
* Added: Upload question image while importing questions
* Added: Arrow types for the Arrows instead buttons option
* Added: Text question type to quick quiz popup
* Added: Quiz categories shortcode in the general settings
* Added: Show wrong answers first option
* Added: Layout attribute for quiz category shortcode
* Added: Shortcode copy functionality on the quizzes and categories page
* Added: WP Editor height option on the general settings
* Added: Textarea height (public) option on the general settings
* Changed: Current date message variable format to WordPress default format
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.7.2
* Fixed: PayPal and Stipe integrations issue connected with a lifetime payment
* Fixed: Quick quiz question duplication issue
* Fixed: Gutenberg block and WP 5.1 version conflict
* Fixed: Quiz results shortcodes empty data problem

= 21.6.8 / 8.6.8 = (April 26, 2021)

* Added: Stripe integration (Developer version only) (Article)
* Added: Display quiz bank(questions) shortcode
* Added: Skipped questions count message variable
* Added: Answered questions count message variable
* Added: Score by answered questions message variable
* Added: Ctrl + S saving combination option in the admin dashboard
* Added: Add answer field by pressing Enter button on question page
* Added: Remove answer field by pressing Backspace button on question page
* Added: Quiz category option in the Quick Quiz popup
* Added: Question image width by percentage functionality
* Added: Quiz image height option
* Added: Hide background image on the start page option
* Added: Hide question text on the front-end option
* Added: Start button activation section in the general settings
* Added: Enable answers allow HTML for new question option
* Added: Quiz box-shadow parameters
* Added: Question text alignment option
* Added: The maximum length of a number field option
* Added: Button width option
* Added: Status by pass score column for the Results list table
* Added: Question image in the report popup
* Added: Close popups clicking outside on the admin dashboard
* Added: Temporary deactivation button within the deactivation popup
* Added: Community section on the "How to use" page
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: All results and single quiz results shortcodes responsive issue
* Fixed: JS conflict with Elementor plugin
* Fixed: Filters problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: WP 4.3 version compatible issue
* Fixed: Charset UTF-8 text printing problem on the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Correct answer option conflict with the previous button
* Fixed: Correct answer options issue when the next button is disabled
* Fixed: Audio/video CSS problem on the front-end

= 21.6.7 / 8.6.7 = (March 22, 2021)

* Added: Custom Field columns in Google Sheet integration
* Added: Limit users by Cookie functionality
* Added: Detect users by IP and Cookie functionality (Video)
* Added: Multiple select for WooCommerce products
* Added: Download certificate column for user page shortcode
* Added: Download report as PDF functionality for user page shortcode
* Added: Single quiz results shortcode
* Added: VKontakte share button
* Added: Answer numbering option
* Added: User role column in the global export
* Added: Keyword default count option in General Settings
* Added: Round the final score to two digits after the decimal point
* Added: Passing score for send email to the user
* Added: Passing score for send email to admin
* Added: Select all button on the top of select questions popup
* Added: The maximum length of a text/short text field option
* Added: Limit by characters/words suboption for the maximum length option
* Added: Points column in the user page shortcode
* Added: user_first_name message variable in general settings
* Added: user_last_name message variable in general settings
* Added: Custom gif functionality instead of the loader
* Added: Quiz loader custom gif width functionality
* Added: Bulk "Mark as read" functionality in the All results list table
* Added: Disable answer hover option
* Added: Show Single quiz results table to guests
* Added: Search input in the quiz categories list table
* Added: Loader while clicking on the Save and Close button
* Added: Quiz title transformation option
* Added: Close button inside deactivation popup
* Added: Show word/character counter option
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Changed: Some options position in the Setting tab
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.7
* Fixed: "Not finished" results issue on the All results page
* Fixed: Elegant theme style issue in the result page
* Fixed: Erase quiz data option redirection problem
* Fixed: Page saving issue in the general settings
* Fixed: Social share buttons icons displaying problem
* Fixed: Check button and input question type style conflict
* Fixed: Checkbox question type problem in some themes
* Fixed: Dropdown question type style problem on WP "Twenty Twenty-One" Theme
* Fixed: Answer border-radius problem in "Classic Light" theme
* Fixed: Style conflict with Customizr theme
* Fixed: Quiz Category problem in the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Limitation message issue
* Fixed: Question image problem in single PDF
* Fixed: Checkbox type calculation problem
* Fixed: XLSX publish/unpublish problem
* Fixed: Checkbox and Keyword DB error
* Fixed: Zapier integration empty request problem
* Fixed: Timer and Number of attempts conflict
* Fixed: Simple XLSX question import problem
* Fixed: Export questions in each results page problem
* Fixed: Each result tabs redirection problem
* Fixed: Only for logged-in users option message problem
* Fixed: Word wrap CSS issue on the results page
* Fixed: Check button and input white space CSS issue
* Fixed: Font-awesome CSS conflict with Elementor plugin
* Fixed: Correct answer displaying problem on the results page
* Fixed: Limitation and pass score problem
* Fixed: Pagination problem concerning show correct answers
* Fixed: Right/wrong answers and question explanation HTML conflict on the results page
* Fixed: PHP error in the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Reviews tab results problem
* Fixed: Required questions and Timer options conflict
* Fixed: Question date type autocomplete issue
* Fixed: Start button position issue in front-end
* Fixed: Style conflict with Link Library plugin

= 21.6.6 / 8.6.6 = (December 8, 2020)

* Tested: Compatible up to WP 5.6

= 21.6.5 / 8.6.5 = (December 2, 2020)

* Added: Google Sheet integration (Article)
* Added: AUD (Australian Dollar) currency in PayPal integration
* Added: Default category option for questions
* Added: Question category option for Quick Quiz functionality
* Added: Ability to view and delete quiz reviews
* Added: Ability to use Quiz in offline mode
* Added: Ability to translate DataTable default words
* Added: Bulk "publish/unpublish" functionality in the questions list table
* Added: "Not Finished" tab in each results page
* Added: "Reviews" tab in each results page
* Added: Hide correct answers option
* Added: Custom text functionality instead of the loader
* Added: View results option in Quizzes list table
* Added: How to use page
* Added: Ability to Show guests all results shortcode table
* Added: Ability to show or hide information form to logged-in users
* Added: Search input in the question categories list table
* Added: Users filter for all results list table
* Added: Show result by SUM option for global leaderboard
* Added: Ability to restrict the words count in quizzes list table
* Added: Ability to restrict the words count in results list table
* Added: Ability to generate certificate preview
* Added: Live progress bar style option
* Added: Show questions explanation option
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Improved: Speed of questions loading in the Results->Questions tab
* Tested: Compatible up to WordPress 5.5.3
* Fixed: Several browser tabs issue
* Fixed: All Results Data issue
* Fixed: All Results Shortcode DB issue
* Fixed: All Results Shortcode HTML issue
* Fixed: DB error in Leaderboard Shortcode
* Fixed: [ays_user_page] Details Question color issue
* Fixed: Text in case of wrong/right answer issue
* Fixed: Timer and Attempts count options conflict
* Fixed: Answer image saving issue
* Fixed: The last question container issue
* Fixed: See result button issue in front-end
* Fixed: Filtered quiz and question count in the list tables
* Fixed: PHP shortcode issue in quizzes list table
* Fixed: All results shortcode ordering issue
* Fixed: Style conflict with SMSAlert plugin
* Fixed: Dropdown question type style issue
* Fixed: Apostrophe issue in the Custom fields
* Fixed: Questions import issue with backslash character
* Fixed: Questions import issue with simple XLSX type


= 21.6.4 / 8.6.4 = (October 12, 2020)

* Added: Keywords functionality for answers
* Added: Save as default functionality for quiz options
* Added: All results tab in the results page
* Added: Interval calculation with keywords
* Added: Interval calculation with points
* Added: Generate password functionality for quiz
* Added: Export results with Simple XLSX functionality
* Added: Unanswered questions count message variable
* Added: Average score by categories message variable
* Added: Text instead of question hint icon option
* Added: Persian language support
* Added: Show timer option for quiz schedule
* Added: Reverse the ordering of the questions button
* Added: Question type functionality in quick quiz popup
* Added: Duplicate functionality in quick quiz popup
* Added: Enable confirm box option for the Finish button
* Updated: German language translations
* Updated: POT and Po files
* Changed: Quick quiz popup
* Tested: Compatible up to WordPress 5.5.1
* Fixed: Author functionality issue on the duplicate quiz
* Fixed: Creation date functionality issue on the duplicate quiz
* Fixed: Show author issue
* Fixed: Show creation date issue
* Fixed: Selected answers style issue on the finish page
* Fixed: Redirect URL issue
* Fixed: Finish button and Timer options issue
* Fixed: results_by_cats message variable issue
* Fixed: Interval message variable in the certificate body issue
* Fixed: WP List Table checkbox issue with WP 5.5.1 version


= 21.6.3 / 8.6.3 = (August 28, 2020)

* Added: Allow authors to view and change only their own quizzes
* Added: All results shortcode
* Added: Answers object fit option
* Added: Question font size option
* Added: Quiz width by percentage option
* Added: Custom CSS option for Leaderboards
* Added: Maximum number of attempts per user
* Added: Wrong answers count message variable
* Added: Do not store IP adressess option in the General settings
* Added: Question hint icon option
* Tested: Compatible up to WordPress 5.5
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Changed: Paths of scripts Select2 and font awesome and brings into the plugin
* Fixed: Pass score issue
* Fixed: Form mail issue
* Fixed: Quiz timer issue
* Fixed: Questions export issue
* Fixed: Questions list table pagination issue
* Fixed: Finish button and Timer options issue
* Fixed: Some bugs in Live Preview
* Fixed: Required questions conflict with previous button
* Fixed: Select all questions button issue in dashboard
* Removed: Use SMTP option


= 21.6.2 / 8.6.2 = (August 12, 2020)

* Added: "Custom" question type
* Added: Question title option
* Added: Download certificate variable
* Added: Export single report to PDF functionality
* Added: Title Attribute for each question in the questions list table
* Added: Enable confirmation box for leaving the page option
* Added: Questions List Table section in the General settings
* Added: Show only wrong answer option
* Added: Send mail to super admin option
* Added: Pass score option
* Added: Quiz pass message option
* Added: Quiz fail message option
* Added: Advanced settings button on the Edit question page
* Added: Turkish language support
* Updated: Italian language translation
* Changed: Text for showing after quiz completion option to Result message
* Tested: Compatible up to 5.5
* Fixed: Quiz logo variable issue
* Fixed: Admin dashboard responsiveness
* Fixed: Screen options confirmation issue for all list tables
* Fixed: Quiz and question category title issue in the admin dashboard
* Fixed: Modern themes issues


= 21.6.1 / 8.6.1 = (June 18, 2020)

* Added: Certificate download functional in the results (Demo)
* Added: Simple XLSX import / export functionality
* Added: Protect quiz by password functionality
* Added: Access only for selected users option
* Added: Admin mail message option
* Added: Unique code message variable
* Added: Enable audio autoplay option
* Added: Dutch language support
* Added: Buttons texts options in the General settings
* Added: Buttons styles section
* Added: Buttons size option
* Added: Buttons font size option
* Added: Buttons padding option
* Added: Buttons border-radius option
* Added: Leaderboards columns ordering and selecting functionality
* Added: Export functionality for individual quiz results
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Updated: Selecting WooCommerce products for intervals functionality
* Fixed: Points rounding issue in results exported file
* Fixed: JS and some CSS issues on iPhone 6 and old versions
* Fixed: Date transitions issue in the certificate
* Fixed: Mark as read functional issue in results
* Fixed: Some minimization issues
* Fixed: Some grammar mistakes


= 21.6.0 / 8.6.0 = (May 14, 2020)

* Added: Certificate orientation option
* Added: Certificate background image option
* Added: Certificate frame option
* Added: Reply-To Email option for email configuration
* Added: Reply-To Name option for email configuration
* Added: Make questions required option
* Added: Question type "date"
* Added: Allow multiple correct answers functionality for the text question type
* Added: Results by questions categories variable
* Added: Export single result as an Excel XLSX file feature
* Added: Quiz name in the results export file
* Added: Custom fields in the certificate as a message variables
* Added: Information form fields ordering feature
* Added: Show average rating after rate option
* Added: Buttons text color option
* Added: Buttons position option
* Added: Results by questions categories chart in the results page
* Added: Search feature in the quizzes list table
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Tested: Compatible up to: 5.4․1
* Fixed: Latex shortcode issue in answers fields
* Fixed: Message variables in Interval message issue
* Fixed: Erase quiz data issue
* Fixed: Questions count issue in the quiz edit page
* Fixed: Embedded URL problem in front-end
* Fixed: Style conflict with Popup Builder plugin
* Fixed: Cache problem on restart quiz
* Fixed: Gutenberg block error

= 21.5.9 / 8.5.9 = (April 21, 2020)

* Added: Italian language support
* Added: Enable to go next by pressing Enter key option
* Added: Points column in question export/import functionality
* Added: Points column in results export file
* Added: Duration column in results export file
* Added: Quiz category shortcode
* Added: Questions statistics export functionality in the results page
* Added: Send test email functionality into the quiz edit page
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Fixed: Information form issue on quiz start
* Fixed: Category column issue in question export/import functionality
* Fixed: Display duration of right/wrong answer text issue in front-end
* Fixed: Some grammar mistakes
* Fixed: Some style issue in the admin dashboard



= 21.5.8 / 8.5.8 = (April 7, 2020)

* Added: French language support
* Added: Spanish language support
* Added: Hide quiz background image on result page option
* Added: Category column to questions table in the quiz edit page
* Added: Edit question link to the questions table in the quiz edit page
* Added: Category filter for Quizzes list table
* Added: Required functionality for Quiz last question
* Added: Finish the quiz after making one wrong answer option
* Added: Text after timer ends option
* Added: Pre start message option for scheduling
* Added: Allow collecting information of logged in users option
* Added: Pass score of the quiz option for limitation
* Updated: POT file
* Updated: PO files
* Updated: Show correct answers duration functionality
* Updated: All categories dropdown selects ordering to alphabetically
* Tested: Compatible up to: WordPress 5.4 version
* Fixed: Used questions problem connected with DB
* Fixed: Displaying correct results information in the dashboard
* Fixed: Quiz duplication issue connected with intervals
* Fixed: Intervals issue in results page
* Fixed: Category filter and search conflict in questions list table
* Fixed: Results export filters issue
* Fixed: User filter issue in results page
* Fixed: Quiz Maker dashboard menu accessibility for user roles
* Fixed: Leaderboards MAX option issue for same user
* Fixed: Email and phone fields validation
* Fixed: Conflict with UpdraftPlus plugin
* Fixed: Quiz schedule date and time issue
* Fixed: Grammer mistakes

= 21.5.7 / 8.5.7 = (March 2, 2020)

* Added: Sounds option for Right/Wrong answers
* Added: Answer default count option
* Added: Quiz Score display option
* Added: Show interval message option
* Added: Answers padding option
* Added: Answers gap option
* Added: Answers border options - width, style, color
* Added: Answers box shadow option
* Added: Answers image height option
* Added: Show answers caption option
* Added: Answers image caption style option
* Added: Answers image caption position option
* Added: Right/wrong answers icons option
* Added: Live preview for answers styles
* Added: Descriptions for all options in plugin
* Added: Russian translation for plugin
* Optimized: Images in quiz-maker plugin folder
* Fixed: Emails subject slashes issue
* Fixed: Leaderboards mobile styles issue
* Fixed: Text for showing after quiz completion and interval message options conflict
* Fixed: Answers images conflict with quiz themes
* Fixed: Quiz schedule date and time issue

= 21.5.6 / 8.5.6 =

* Added: Use HTML for answers option
* Added: Autofocus for text question types
* Added: Press Enter to transition to next question functionality for text question types
* Added: Answer placeholder option for text type questions
* Added: Show question category option
* Added: German translation
* Fixed: Date translation issue
* Fixed: Text types questions points issue
* Fixed: Quiz results in finish page "pointer-events" issue
* Fixed: Strong calculation bug with correct answers in checkbox questions
* Fixed: Leaderboards duration column ordering issue
* Fixed: Admin mail from name option functionality

= 21.5.5 / 8.5.5 =

* Added: Results duration old data updating functionality
* Fixed: Global statistics diagram data issue
* Fixed: Certificate and email sending conflict

= 21.5.4 / 8.5.4 =

* Added: Question type "Short text"
* Added: Show quiz category option
* Added: Confirmation of finishing quiz before the quiz ends fully
* Added: Duration column for leaderboards
* Added: Send Report table to admin option
* Added: Send Interval message to admin option
* Added: Points column to results list table
* Added: Showing answer images in detailed report functionality
* Fixed: Question type "text" and "number" correct answers showing conflict
* Fixed: Number question type issue in Email message
* Fixed: Conflict with video, audio when transition of one question to another

= 21.5.3 / 8.5.3 =

* Updated: POT file
* Fixed: Conflict with date_default_timezone_set() function
* Fixed: User results page responsive design issues in mobile
* Fixed: Translation issues

= 21.5.2 / 8.5.2 =

* Added: “Save and new” button for question edit page
* Added: Enable clear answer button option
* Added: “Display duration of right/wrong answer text” option
* Added: Checkbox custom field required functionality
* Added: “Show details button” option in User results page
* Added: Show report clicking to the row functionality in the Results page
* Tested: Compatible up to: 5.3.2
* Updated: Quiz options description texts
* Updated: POT and PO files
* Changed: “Add question” button style in quiz edit page
* Changed: Select the custom field name as the first option
* Changed: Front end encoded information for privacy
* Fixed: Database errors on activate issues
* Fixed: Delete confirmation for all list tables issue
* Fixed: User and admin mails subject issues
* Fixed: Custom fields in mail message issue
* Fixed: Weight/points correct display in mail message issue
* Fixed: Empty title saving issue for quiz page
* Fixed: “Show users result” option issues in Leaderboard
* Fixed: Questions count issue in quizzes list table page
* Fixed: Translation issue
* Fixed: Questions ordering issue in quiz edit page
* Fixed: Variables issues in messages

= 21.5.1 / 8.5.1 =

* Added: Leaderboard new options - ordering, result showing and color
* Added: Delete items confirmation functionality
* Added: Points to results in email message
* Added: ID column for 'Add questions' table in quiz edit page
* Optimized: Plugin scripts loading time
* Fixed: JS and CSS loading issue
* Fixed: Categories tables bug connected default category
* Fixed: Internet Explorer JS issues
* Fixed: Gutenberg block bug
* Fixed: JS and CSS loading issue
* Fixed: Results correct view in email message
* Fixed: Questions not correct saving in quiz edit page

Get Started with Quiz Maker, and Create Interactive Quizzes

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey