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How to Create a CTA on Custom Content Popup with Basic HTML

Call-to-action buttons are the most important aspect of any campaign that is targeted to engage new customers and track data that could help to build an email list. Successful notification popup mostly depends on an effective CTA, for that you need a tool that can support your ideas, in WordPress, there are hundreds of plugins that can help you create notification popups and modules. With the WordPress Popup Box plugin, you can turn demographics into email marketing campaigns in seconds. But before that let’s see how to create custom CTA with basic HTML skills.

Step 1 

For creating a Custom CTA we will need a Custom Content popup type, you already know how it’s done: “Add New”“Custom Content” type →“Coral” template. Keep in mind that the templates are open for any type and are also fully customizable.

Here is how the blank Popup looks without any editing, there are also pre-designed templates available


Best WordPress Popup Builder Plugin

Let’s make this blank module stunning!

Step 2

In the General Settings, find the Custom Content field. In order to design a popup in custom content and add HTML elements, you need to switch from a visual to a text editor. Now, to simply add a button to this template you need to give a link to an element that you want to make clickable. In HTML links are made with <a> tag, here is an example <a href=””> Get Popup Box</a>. Find your link and then add the class=”button” to the tag.

To change colors and design your button here are several style attributes that can help:

background-color: #f44336;
color: white;
padding: 14px 25px;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;

Insert those values into your link tag like the given example:

Top Plugin in WordPress for Optin Modules

Step 3 

We are done with coding, now all that is left is customizing the popup, you can add text, images, and other attributes to your popup. You imagine Popup Box turns your ideas into reality. Also, keep in mind that with Popup Box coding experience is not necessary, and there are ready-made templates that include CTA buttons and data fields to make it user-friendly. You can let your marketing specialist build a notification popup and not hire someone who has coding skills.

Here is what I created with Custom Content Popup Type


Popup Box Plugin created by Ays Pro

To Wrap Up:

CTA buttons are extremely important for your campaign. Sometimes it might be tricky to make a CTA that stands out. To answer the simple question What makes a good CTA? In my personal opinion, CTA should not make the client think they are making any commitment after clicking, find words that makes them think they just get to know more and decide for themselves. Do not forget to check out our Youtube Channel and blog, to find out more about the best WordPress plugins, that will make your experience here easier.


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