How to Display an Auto-Open Popup on Time Delay

Auto Opening Popups on time delay can increase your website engagement if used correctly. Detecting and calculating the right timing to make your website visitors take action is an important step in turning potential clients into paying clients․ Let’s together go through the quick 3 steps of creating a WordPress Open Delay Popup via WordPress Popup Box Plugin.

Step 1

First, you need to set up a popup. For that click on Add New, and Choose the Popup Type you need: Popup Box offers 10+ Popup types, I’m sure you will find THE ONE for you. After you can choose one of the ready-made templates to make the creation easier. Now you have a designed modal ready to go.


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Step 2

In order to make your popup open automatically on time delay, set the trigger type to “On Page Load”.

WordPress Popup on Time Delay


Step 3

Finally, to configure the open delay go to the Settings tab, and find the Open Delay function, you must set the time in milliseconds. Just a quick tip: 1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds, so if you want to automatically display your popup in 15 seconds, write 15000 in the field, easy math!

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How to know when is the right timing for the popup opening

While timing can make drastic changes in the outcome of your campaign it is highly individual for each website. To target the right people at the right time you must overlook several aspects such as knowing how long it takes for your customers to exit the page. It is proven by Nielsen Norman Group‘s research that the average time the users stay on a website when first time entering is 15 seconds, so you must be sure to capture their attention within those seconds. However, you can not attract just anyone entering your website, and showing you a popup nearly immediately can be extremely annoying and can tempt the users to exit.  In my personal opinion, the best timing would be between 20 to 30 seconds. That would be displaying your campaign to almost 50% of the people entering.

In Popup Box, there are other functionalities for display settings. For example, opening the modal after the website user scrolls to a specific part of the page. This is a perfect way to make the right move and display a campaign that would specifically interest those who have already checked out some of the website content.

Now Let’s quickly answer the most frequently asked questions around Open Delay Popups

  1. How do you delay pop up?We have already answered this question together. However, there are various other tools that require coding experience for open delay popups. The first step to a successful campaign is finding a proper tool that is easy to use. WordPress Popup Box plugin does the job for you, so the choice is obvious.
  2. How long to wait before showing pop up?Usually, Popups are displayed within the seconds when on page load, we just talked about the 15-second rule as well. But keep in mind that your website analytics shows a lot about how your popups must behave. One thing is for sure, it must not interfere with the user experience on the website and be easy to close.
  3. Which trigger type to use for the open delay popup?If you want to display an open delay popup meaning to show your popup after a specific period of time you must use an On page load trigger, in some other tools the popup trigger is called Time Delay.


To wrap up!

To find out more about Popup Trigger types, Display Rules, Limitations, and many more check out our Youtube Channel and Blog. See what popup types WordPress popup plugin offers by checking out the Demo Version of the plugin.


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