How to Practice and Memorize Words in WordPress

In our world dictionary is one of the most important tools in the sphere of education. Wordbook's main function is to help students enhance their knowledge in a particular sphere and rich their lexicon. The first association that people have when saying a dictionary; is a thick book with many pages filled with word definitions in alphabetical order. It is a well-known fact, that technological innovations are for easing our daily lives.

What if there is an option to create your own digital dictionary?

new plugin offering | personal dictionary WordPress is offering a new plugin called WordPress Personal Dictionary plugin with the help of which you can create a digital glossary, with a group of unknowing words for you about a particular subject or a language translation. I am well aware, that there are many online quizzes, mobile applications, and let's not forget about the classics: dictionary books.

ays library

digital dictionary creator Why do I need a digital dictionary creator?

There are a couple of reasons why you will need the dictionary plugin. First and foremost, let's admit that in today's world everything is more convenient, attainable, and easy to use on a digital platform. Hence, with a virtual dictionary, the users' experience will be more effortless. Second of all, as I have formerly mentioned dictionaries are an inseparable part of your time studying even subvocalizing.

Dear teachers, I think WordPress's new plugin is perfect for you. Can you think about a more ideal way to make your students want to learn and memorize new words? I guess, No.


personal dictionary perfect for eduacetion Why is the plugin perfect for education?

As it to me, this plugin is one of the best innovations for the sphere of education. Most of the students are getting bored or lazy while doing their homework or mastering a new topic. Agree with me, who would not get bored of it? For sure this can lead to a motivation loss toward the education. Do not forget that it is already the 21st century: time to make everything digital, easy, and enjoyable for human beings.

Imagine a game where you are competing with others and gaining points with the number of your learned words. You can think of online flashcards for a moment, but there is another way. With the WordPress dictionary plugin, you can track the success of the others, and that is another way to motivate students with the competition.

tarcking leaderboard Tracking Leaderboard

In a technological world, data space has a key role. Guess what?  The WordPress plugin saves all the provided information about the user; email address, name, surname, created words count, learned words count, games count,  groups count, percentage and rate. The data is important for the purpose of tracking leaderboards . The Tracking Leaderboard and Reports are available in the pro version of the plugin.

I think I have already guessed the question that has occurred in your head. How to practice and memorize the words? Continue reading to find the answers.


How to create a personal dictionary step by step

If you are a teacher or a tutor, or a student who is searching for a creative way to study a new topic it is a perfect time to start your quiz-making journey. The first thing you have to do is create your personal digital dictionary. Do not be afraid, this article is here to help with the whole process, and remember it is not rocket science you do not need any extra information in the field of programming and development, in order to create your personal digital glossary. WordPress is easy to access. Now, I am going to introduce you step by step creation of your personal dictionary.

            steps how to create personal dictionary

  • Create a Group  about a particular subject/topic or language translations.
  • Create Words  within the created group, provide their corresponding meanings and translations.
  • Go to the Games section and choose your vocabulary game type.

Ays dictionary plugin groups


How does the plugin consider the words as already learned?

For this matter, you have to add three important inputs. The inputs need to be specified as steps logo

  • Learned words
  • Right answers
  • Wrong answers

Do not forget to give a value to each word for several points, in order to define after how many attempts the word will be considered as already learned one. For example, if you give a value of 2 points for the right answer, 1 point for the wrong answer, and 10 points for the learned words, it can be inferred that if you answer 5 times correctly (5×2) the plugin will consider the unknowing words as already learned ones.

ays dictionary plugin general settings


share files via excel Make it easy! Share your files via Excel file format

Save your time with the help of the "Import" feature. It is worth mentioning, that the plugin allows sharing files via Excel file format. This implies that the dictionary creator can import a ready Excel file with words and their corresponding translations/meanings from their user dashboard, which will make the process more uncomplicated. What is great about this feature, is that you will only need 2 columns in your file; Words and Translations.

ays dictionary plugin file import

Why is the plugin perfect for teachers/tutors?

One of the reasons is, that the teachers will be able to track their students' activity, be aware of their progress and achievements. Another advantage of a digital dictionary for both and teachers and students is the objective calculation of marks. The dictionary game is on the digital platform, which means, that the points are calculating automatically . It is perfect because the grading system will be more unchallenging for teachers, tutors, inspectors and etc. Another superiority of this plugin is the limitation;   You are free to create your wordfinder with an unlimited group of words, terms, and practice as much as you want.


Hmm, how the digital dictionary can help me to memorize and practice words?

The WordPress platform has a limitless for all the plugins to help the creator feel free and use the whole specter of their imagination during their digital journey, which is amazing for several reasons.

Choose your own design You are free to choose your own design

Import the photos which will help you to easily memorize the unknowing words. In other words, you will be able to enhance your skills of being innovative and creative. Why are the designs or photos necessary?  Visual memorization is one of the most efficient tricks to make our brains remember the information and of course it is necessary to create associations. The dictionary plugin has the feature of importing photos, which I think is wonderful. This will allow the creator to make their own associations between words and images and make their study time more effective and enjoyable.

Unlimited access Unlimited access

The WordPress dictionary plugin provides you unlimited access to every feature during your dictionary creation process. You are free to generate as many quizzes and choose as many topics, subjects as needed. Also, there are no limitations for the number of word groups. Another thing worth mentioning too is the availability to practice as much as you feel you will never forget the unknowing wordlist. This plugin has even an option to make your time unlimited, isn't that awesome?


Perfect plugin for kids and parents The perfect plugin for kids and parents 

This plugin is perfect not only for the students but also for the kids who are starting to learn how to talk. Having a dictionary with their favorite cartoon or a fairytale character will help the children to develop their oral skills faster. Let's not forget about the kids who are about to attend elementary school and need a little practice for their vocabulary and enhance knowledge. Dear mothers, I think I have found a perfect way to encourage your child to rich his or her lexicon. Watch this video, to learn the step-by-step creation of a personal dictionary.

So, dear parents, I think this is the right time to create a fun dictionary for your beloved kiddo. Fill the dictionary with many colors and bright images for the purpose of arousing children's interest. Use all your imagination to make your child's study time enjoyable. In addition, I want to remind you about the effectiveness of this method of learning and enhancing your knowledge background.

To Wrap Up

All the above mentioned I want to assure you that, with the help of the personal dictionary plugin you will discover for you a joyful way to study. All we agree that the study-time has never been considered as a fun time. I think this is really amazing to have an opportunity to not only maintain some digital skills but also to create a fun way for your studying experience. And, If you are a teacher who owns LMS apps and teaches online you can use Image sliders and Flashcard Quizzes on your website to enhance the visualized content. Learn how to make an Image slider on WordPress Image Slider Plugin's manual.

Here I have tried to give answers to the questions which may have been occurred to you as a future user of this plugin.  Do not forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, also stayed tuned with us and subscribe to our Youtube channel, to learn more about WordPress plugins.

Wishing you luck during your study process and digital journey

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best plugin for memorizing words?

The best WordPress plugin for memorizing and practicing words is the WordPress Personal Dictionary plugin, as it allows users to add and remove words in different languages and practice them over and over.

How do I activate my online dictionary?

To activate your online dictionary install and activate the WordPress Personal Dictionary plugin, then go to Home > copy the sortcode > paste it on any post or page > save and use.

Can I see the number of learned words by students?

To see the number of learned words by your students you need to go to the Leaderboard of the Dictionary dashboard of the WordPress glossary plugin, where you can see the name, email, word count, and so on.

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey