How to create Trivia Quiz in WordPress

Trivia quiz


Have you ever thought about how many hearts does octopus has, or what is someone with Anuptaphobia afraid of? These questions seem to be unimportant, but it is very interesting to know the answers. That is what Trivia Quiz is all about . Trivia quizzes could concern general knowledge or logic. You can find Trivia shows absolutely on every TV channel: lots of people like them and tend to watch them because they are fun, interesting, and, of course, educational.

Nowadays everything has become much easier, and passing quizzes is no exception. Thanks to online quizzes, people entertain themselves and learn new things with challenging questions of little value. But for the website owners and marketers, these quizzes are not only just a way to entertain visitors or find out their knowledge level. They are great lead generators, that help to attract visitors and increase website traffic.


Here's an example of a question from a trivia quiz for you.

Trivia quiz example


When to use Trivia Quizzes

Of course, Trivia Quizzes are one of the best lead generation tools, but it is not their only function. They seem to be something funny and simple: obviously, everything is not as easy as it seems. Trivia Quizzes can also be conducted:

  • To build an effective mail list : No need to tell about the importance of a good email list, with people who are really interested in your content.
  • To increase website rankings : Good content will enlarge the number of your visitors, by helping them to learn and cheer themselves.
  • To make quiz takers learn in an interesting and easy way : A great number of teachers use quizzes to motivate students, and make them more engaged in the process of learning materials. For instance, building a quiz with certificate gives the students a great incentive to pass it.
  • To find out one's knowledge level: Sometimes the trick of conducting tests and quizzes is used by employers, to find out one's intelligence and way of thinking
  • To entertain and attract: Finally, educational content is good and effective for one's leisure time. Besides, it is not enough just to attract visitors, it is more important to make them stay on your website.


How to built Trivia Quiz with Quiz Maker plugin

Obviously, for using all the amazing opportunities of online quizzes you need to learn how to create Trivia Quiz. The best and easiest way to create quizzes is with WordPress. You can find various quiz maker plugins WordPress, with stunning features and themes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can create your own Trivia Quiz.

Quiz Maker logo

The Quiz Maker plugin is a perfect tool to create fully customizable trivia quizzes. No matter whats is the purpose of your quizzes, thanks to hundreds of features, Quiz Maker plugin will suit each of your purposes. With this plugin, you will be able to create not only Trivia Quizzes, but also every other kind of your desired quizzes.

1. Initially, you need to download and install the plugin on your WordPress dashboard. First step of your work will be creating questions. In Quiz Maker plugin, on the left, you can find Questions tab. When you click on it you can either click on Add New questions and create new ones or select your quiz questions from existing ones. If you have decided to create a question, you can add images (which sometimes is extremely important for Trivia Quiz), choose question types, create an unlimited number of answers. Do not forget to choose the right answer otherwise the system will not be closed. Here you can also choose question category, specify question weight, and so on.

Quiz Maker dashboard

2. When you have created all of your Trivia Quiz questions you can go to the Quizzes on the left side of your dashboard to create your quiz. Click on Add New button and step by step set up your quiz.

3. Set up of the General setting:

  • The first tab that you will see in General settings is the Title field, Anything you will tap here will be your quiz title.
  • The second one is Quiz Image which is the image of the starting page of the quiz.
  • The next field is Description: here you can provide additional information about your quiz, which you can either show to the users or not.
  • Then you can choose Category and Status of your quiz (Published or unpublished) and also Create post for quiz.
  • The final step of setting up general settings is adding questions to the quiz.

Trivia quiz questions

4. Set up of the Style settings:

  • With the help of Theme option, you can choose your desired template.
  • Then you can add animation effects and set up quiz colors (text, button text, background colors).
  • With next options you can change your quiz sizes.
  • You can add background images, enable box shadow or background gradient and so forth.
  • With Quiz Maker plugin you are also allowed to enter your own CSS code.

Trivia quiz style

5. Set up of the Settings:

  • Here you can randomize questions and answers of your quiz, enable question bank, navigation bar, copy protection, and timer: each of these features is very important and useful for building trivia quizzes.
  • You can add hint icon, enable buttons (Next. previous, finish and etc.) and enable background music.
  • With this plugin you will have possibility to schedule your quiz, enable confirmation box for leaving the page, enable sounds for right/wrong answers, and lots of other amazing features.

6. Set up of the Results Settings:

  • In the results setting you can make changes of the result page of your quiz, add interval messages based on the user's score.
  • The feature Enable Social Media links allows to display social media links at the end of the quiz so that the users could visit your pages.
  • You can also calculate the score of quiz taker(by correctness or by points), enable exit button, hide or display   score and etc. 

7. Set up of Limitation users:

  • In the limitation settings, you can enable Maximum number of attempts per user option or make your quiz Only for logged in users by ticking the box.
  • You can also set the password to your quiz, so that only the ones who knows it, could pass the quiz.
  • There is also a possibility to Access only selected users and set Limitation count of takers.

Quiz password limitation

8. Set up of User data settings:

  • In the user data settings you can enable information form, to require information from your quiz takers. For example, you can require name, surname, email address, telephone number and so on. As I mentioned before, this will make your Trivia Quiz a great marketing tool.
  • You can Show Information Form to logged-in users as well as Autofill logged-in user data.

Quiz information form

9. Set up of Email, Certificate settings: 

  • This tab allows sending emails or certificates to users after completing the quiz.
  • To make this feature much easier you can enable Send email to admin option and every time someone passes the quiz admin will get an email about each result.

10. Set up of I ntegrations settings:

  • Due to integrations settings, you can enable Mailchimp settings and select Mailchimp list.
  • Enable PayPal, set the amount and currency.
  • Enable Stripe and so forth.

These were the main features and options that will definitely help you to build unique and qualified quizzes. After setting up all options and settings you should click on the Save button either at the top or at the bottom of the page. If you want to activate your quiz you have to copy its shortcode and post it into post or page. If you would like faster results and more possibilities to use, you need to have the Premium version of this WP plugin.

The Pros and Cons of Trivia Quiz

The pros and cons of Trivia Quiz

That's obvious that there's no possibility for everyone to like Trivia Quizzes. Most people do, and there are reasons for both like and dislike them. Let's find out the main advantages and disadvantages:

  • Firstly, Trivia Quiz is a fun and quick way to find out what you know, where your knowledge is weaker. This is a great self-improvement method without any effort or any waste of time.
  • Secondly, it is a wonderful way to get quick feedback . Moreover, quizzes are easy to administer.
  • Thirdly, as I mentioned before, quiz is an effective lead generator tool . Without a doubt, they will help to increase traffic to your website.

On the other hand, everything has its disadvantages, and quizzes are no exception. These cons concerns both online quizzes/online education, and trivia quiz by itself.

  • Unfortunately, you can not find out someone's real knowledge level through just one quiz. That means, that if quizzes are used in online education, you can not be sure, that students do not cheat while taking tests. Sometimes the results are not quite accurate.
  • The second downside is that Trivia Quiz questions are always of little value, and they can not show general knowledge level entirely. They can show an exaggerated image of one's understanding.

Hope this article was useful and sool you will rock with your Trivia Quizzes made by Quiz Maker Plugin. Create your own online quizzes on various themes. Don't lose your chance to increase traffic significantly!

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The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey