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How To Create Product Recommendation Quiz

(Best Product Recommendation Quiz)

AYS PRO product recommendation quiz

Quizzes, in general, are tools that help all of us to discover what we like, or what we are attracted to, and even find our motivation. When we find out something new about ourselves we automatically feel attached to that tool, and this is how quizzes became so popular. Now, going further there is another type called product recommendation quiz, which can help you promote your product, and lead potential customers with information about the product's benefits.

What is a Product Recommendation Quiz?

Product recommendation quizzes are a way of providing customer support on your website by creating a quiz. The usage is based on the products that you are offering. For example, many wine companies provide the possible favorite taste based on these questionnaires or help you choose a dress flattering your body type and so on. Customer approach is one of the key assets in marketing, other than the product's quality itself, to attract them into buying your product. And what better way to treat the customer than to give a personalized approach. With product quizzes, you can ask for their data, preferences, etc. These quizzes are also great for collecting email and growing your SMS marketing without using newsletters. These are also more trustable, as users give their personal information for other valuable information.

So to quickly sum up the information above, we can highlight the following four statements. Product Recommendation Quizzes help to Generate Leads, Engage New Customers, Keep Your Product Up To Date, and Show a Personalized Approach. 

How Do I Make a Product Recommendation Quiz?

Before starting the actual process of creating your quiz, you must identify your goal, which is "Why do I make this quiz" after you must understand who your audience is and what they seek, you must also know your outcome . And only after having answers to all these questions you must start creating.

It's obvious that there are nearly no limitations on the product recommendation quiz examples, like hair product recommendation quizzes, clothing, apartment, and even plugins. Mine for this article is going to be a Skincare Products Recommendation Quiz. I know, it's a little specific. However, there are products that can be misunderstood and inappropriately used by the customers if not being led on what they need. And skincare products are one of those.

What do you need for making a product recommendation quiz?

To make a recommendation quiz, you need products to recommend. But that was obvious, right?

Choose a suitable tool for making your quiz. Mine is a WordPress Plugin called Quiz Maker . AYS Pro Quiz Maker Plugin Logo

Quiz Maker plugin allows you to create powerful and engaging quizzes, tests, and exams within minutes. This WordPress personality quiz plugin offers dozens of options to build fully customizable and advanced-level exams. You can build an unlimited number of quizzes and questions. No limit on the count of participants taking the test at the same time. It has a responsive design and user-friendly interface: your website visitors will love to take your quizzes.
Trusted and used by thousands of WordPress users, this plugin is certainly the best WordPress quiz plugins. Give it a try and make sure by yourself!

To make a product recommendation quiz, you need to install the WooCommerce plugin in WordPress. AYS Pro Woocomerce Product Logo

After, installing and activating the plugins. You can see the quiz plugin's icon and its menu right under the icon. Before making the actual quiz, first, you must make questions. Now, let's speak a little about questions.

Build Product Recommendation Quiz

What Type of Questions to Ask?

Don't ask questions that are too broad. Know the target audienceand don't go back and forth with the questions. Do your research, for example, if you are making a recommendation quiz on skincare products, try to find the general aspects, like, their skin type, allergies, age, gender, whether they have daytime or night-time routine, and personal preferences. However, try to keep your questions as short as possible, in general, your quiz must be short and not bore the customer.

Coming back to our quiz! Click on the Quiz Maker icon from the dashboard. On the general settings give a title to your quiz, write a short description specifying why is the customer taking the quiz. Completing these steps we start inserting the questions that were previously made. After completing the first "General" sections, DO NOT forget to Save.

Next comes up the "STYLES" . This step is not less important as style represents your brand, appealing visual effects, such as images, fonts, and parameters can engage customers or DO THE SELLING FOR YOU , on the contrary, there are some common mistakes that can drive customers away.

The perfect example of a quiz-style

Now, this might sound very small but letting your quiz taker know the number of questions is very important. So that question bar should totally be included. Try not to make distractors by the pictures you add to your quiz. Especially for product recommendation quizzes, the images must direct and not puzzle the users. If the tool you are using gives you the opportunity to add hints to your questions and try to educate the users while taking the quiz, definitely put that in use, Quiz Maker plugin has that option, so you got lucky in this one.

Quiz Maker also offers such functionality as randomizing questions and answers, enabling copy protection . If you know that the questions are simply unskippable for an accurate result you can use the "Make the questions required" option. As I have mentioned Quiz Maker allows you to show question explanations, this can also involve giving a short description of the recommended products at the end. "Result Settings" allows you to use such functionality as redirecting the customer after submission, meaning if you don't want to display one or two products from the great variety that fits the customers' needs you can redirect them to a whole new page with the displayed products. Also, enable social media links after the submission. The "User Data" section allows you to choose options for storing the data or selecting roles and users whose data you want to collect. In the "Email, certificate" section send the message you want to the quiz takers. How appealing would it be to get an email, right after you complete the quiz, of the matching product with A VERY SPECIAL OFFER !

Email Marketing and Product Recommendation Quiz

If you found the link right away, you must be natural at marketing. One of the main advantages of creating a quiz is that it allows you to collect email addresses from quiz-takers to contact them through email. This is a "give and take" relationship, and email is a very small price to pay for the help they get. You might think why spend so much energy and time on product recommendation quizzes if you can use newsletters? Well, Newsletters are a bit annoying, but as this is a very weak argument on why to use recommendation quizzes instead, I will also mention that, passing the quiz and learning more not only about the products but also about themselves, customers are more likely to remember you and your brand. By collecting email addresses you can contact your customers later on with some fresh deals, and as you already have the list of their personal preferences by the quiz they took you can make personalized offers.

Now when all is said and done, the last step is to connect your products to your Woocommerce. First, download and activate the plugin, after you can see the Woocomerce icon on your WordPress dashboard, click on "products" and add all your products by clicking on "add new" . When you are done with adding and pricing your products on Woocommerce go back to your Quiz. Click on "Result Settings" scroll down to the "intervals" and check the scoring "by points" , based on your own calculations fill in the points and the product name that it is going to show as a result.

TO WRAP UP: Product Recommendation Quizzes are tools that help online shops to direct their customers and act as virtual sales specialists, guiding the visitors to the products they really want and thus boosting your sales. It is also a way to collect valuable information and insights of your customers, to know what people prefer and enjoy in the products, in general. Let's also not forget about collecting emails and generating leads. By collecting data from your customers you can be able to create highly personalized campaigns, those types of campaigns return more than three times the revenue per recipient.

And if you are at the finish line, we are probably worth a subscription. So before leaving make sure to follow our Facebook and Twitter pages, and for better understanding subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you can find tutorials on learning how to create content by using our WordPress Plugins Step By Step.

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey