What is an ADHD Test? (How to Create)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition impacting millions of people around the world. ADHD impacts people in a couple of ways, such as difficulty focusing and paying attention, hyperactive behavior, and impulsivity in actions.
Have you ever asked yourself questions like "Do I have ADHD" or "Where to go for ADHD diagnosis"? If that's the case, you're in the perfect spot. While, of course, you need to consult with a professional and get an exact diagnosis, the ADHD Symptoms Test can surely help you understand ADHD symptoms.
Passing an ADHD Test is crucial in understanding ADHD symptoms. ADHD Testing helps understand specific symptoms and the way these symptoms affect daily life, relationships, mental health, financial management, education, etc.
Besides this, conducting an ADHD Self Test can benefit those setting up the first WordPress Website. You can keep your website visitors engaged and can improve website traffic.
If you wonder how to test if you have ADHD, then, read this article to learn how to create your own Online ADHD Test on WordPress.
What is an ADHD Test?
ADHD Test is a tool that helps you identify the early signs and symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is a neurological disorder that affects people's lives in so many aspects, such as personal relationships, education, focus on tasks, mental health, finance management skills, family life, and many more. As you may guess, identifying ADHD symptoms is important for maintaining good and healthy relationships.
ADHD Self Test comes to identify 2 symptoms: Inattention and
The Inattention symptoms include difficulty
keeping attention on tasks, careless mistakes, problems when organizing
tasks and duties, frequent forgetfulness, etc. Hyperactivity symptoms
include the inability to remain seated, always interrupting people during
conversation, difficulty listening and waiting for other people, making
impulsive decisions, and many more.
While the ADHD Assessment doesn't serve as a professional diagnosis and you should consult with a doctor, it helps to identify the early ADHD symptoms and find a way to solve the disorder.
Why take an ADHD Self-Test?
As we already know what the ADHD Test is and what symptoms it has, it is high time to understand why people need to pass the ADHD Testing.
There are so many reasons one should pass the ADHD Test. The main reasons include:
- Early Recognition: Passing the ADHD Test will surely help you easily determine whether you have ADHD symptoms or not. And, if so, whether consulting a doctor is necessary or not.
- Identifying Symptoms: The ADHD Test helps you measure how often the symptoms occur and how these symptoms affect your daily life.
- Getting prepared for professional assessment: As we already mentioned, the ADHD Self Test doesn't provide a professional diagnosis and you shouldn't only count on it. Once you pass the ADHD Test and learn you have ADHD symptoms, it is compulsory to consult with a Doctor.
- Feeling relaxed: Taking the ADHD Symptoms Test will help you feel more relaxed and comfortable as you get a clear understanding of the further steps you need to take.
So, these were the main reasons why one must pass the ADHD Self Test and how it can positively affect people's lives.
Also, you can benefit from conducting an ADHD Test on your WordPress website. Passing a self-assessment test keeps your website interactive and helps to boost user engagement.
In the next part of the article, we will learn how to choose the correct Quiz Plugin and how to create an ADHD Test on your own.
Creating ADHD Test On WordPress
WordPress is a powerful platform where you can make your desired websites, design them, install different plugins, and create interactive content, such as WordPress Quizzes. If you want to create an ADHD Test on your WordPress website, then, you must choose the correct plugins that are easy to use and come to save you time.
In this section of the article, we will learn what Quiz Plugin to choose and how to create an ADHD test on WordPress in simple steps. So, let's delve in.
Choosing the correct WordPress Quiz Plugin
Nowadays, there are so many Quiz plugins you can choose to create online quizzes on WordPress. When choosing a Quiz Plugin, you must consider some important factors, such as:
- Ease of use.
- No need for any coding skills.
- Mobile-friendliness.
- Reviews and Users' Feedback.
- Pricing and Features, etc.
The WordPress Quiz Plugin covers all these criteria and you can rely on it when creating both simple and complex quizzes. The plugin is an all-in-one solution to create any kind of quiz, such as Trivia quizzes, IQ Tests, Personality Tests, Diagnostic Quizzes, Assessment Quizzes, and many more.
So, let's learn how to use the WordPress Quiz Plugin to create an ADHD Test for your WordPress website.
Installing WordPress Quiz Plugin
To create an ADHD Test, you need to get any of the WordPress Quiz Plugin Premium Packages. Start with download the plugin zip file by logging in to your account on the Ays Pro Official website. Then, follow these steps to install the plugin on your site:
- Head to your WordPress website > Plugins page.
- There, click on the Add New button and upload the plugin zip file.
- Click on the Install Now, then on the Activate buttons.
You can find all the details related to this process in the WordPress Quiz Plugin Installation Guide.
Creating ADHD Test Questions
Once you have installed the WordPress Quiz Plugin, the first step to creating an ADHD Test is to create questions. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Locate the Quiz Maker plugin > Questions page.
- Click on the Add New button.
- Choose the Radio question type. Then, type the questions, and write answer options.
Here, you must pay attention to one important factor. You need to correctly configure the Weight/Points system. Each question must have 5 answer options and you need to assign points from 0 to 4 to each answer option (0 to Never and 4 to Very Often). In the end, the corresponding symptom will be displayed based on the user's answer choices.
ADHD Test Question Example
The Question: How often do you find it difficult to maintain focus on a single task?
Answer options:
- Never (0)
- Rarely (1)
- Sometimes (2)
- Often (3)
- Very often (4)
You need to assign weight/points to all answer options of all quiz questions with this logic.
Configuring the ADHD Test Settings
Once you have created the quiz questions, it is high time to configure the Weight/Point System and the Intervals feature.
Weight/Point System
- Head to the Quizzes > particular quiz > Results Settings Tab.
- There, choose By Weight/Points for the Calculate the Score and Display Score features.
- Tick the Hide score option.
Intervals Feature
Once you have configured the weight/point system, you need to set the Interval messages.
- On the Results Settings Tab, find the Intervals feature.
- Choose By points method of calculation.
Then, add Interval Messages. For the ADHD Test, you need to have
3 Intervals with Min and
Max values:
Unlikely to have ADHD: Interval from 0- 13 (if you have 10 questions in the quiz)
You have ADHD Inattention Symptom: Interval from 14- 26 (if you have 10 questions in the quiz)
You have ADHD Hyperactivity Symptom: Interval from 27-40 (if you have 10 questions in the quiz) - Add text and image to each Interval.
By this, if the users appear in the first Interval (0-13), they will see the "Unlikely to have ADHD" text. When appearing in the 2nd Interval (14- 26), they will see the "You have ADHD Inattention Symptom". Finally, if the users appear in the 3rd Interval (27-40), then they will see the "You have ADHD Hyperactivity Symptom" text. So, based on the answers the user chose when passing the quiz, the corresponding message will be displayed on the Result page of the quiz.
You can customize the Interval feature the way you desire as the input is designed with the WordPress Editor and you can write code you like there, such as HTML tags, codes, etc.
Configuring the Result Message
You can configure the Result Message that will be displayed at the end of the quiz along with the Interval Messages. The Result Message option is developed via WordPress Editor and you can customize it the way you want.
Collecting Info From Quiz Takers
If you want to learn more about your quiz takers or use their names and email addresses for further email marketing campaigns, then, you can follow these steps:
- Head to the Quizzes > particular quiz > User Data Tab.
- There, enable the Information Form option.
- Take your desired fields from the Available Fields. Drop them into the Active Fields.
Publishing the ADHD Self-Test
Once you have configured all the settings of the quiz, it is high time to publish the quiz to see it live on the website. For that, please follow these simple steps:
- Copy the Quiz Shortcode.
- Head to the Posts/Pages and click on the Add New Post/Page button.
- Paste the quiz shortcode in the post/page.
- Publish the post/page or save it as a draft whatever you prefer.
That's all. These were all the simple steps to create an ADHD Test on WordPress.
So, in this article, we have explored how to create an ADHD Test on
WordPress. You can now conduct an ADHD Test on your website and assess the
ADHD Symptoms of your website visitors.
This will help your website
visitors understand the early ADHD symptoms and apply to a professional
doctor for a diagnosis. Also, as a website owner, you can benefit from
conducting ADHD Testing on your website as it will help you keep website
visitors engaged and will boost your website traffic.
You can check the video tutorial on How to Create ADHD Test on WordPress and see the ready-made ADHD Test Demo for more information.