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Survey Maker All Question Types Explained

Creating a survey involves choosing appropriate question types to gather the desired information from respondents.

The WordPress Survey plugin has more than 20 question types, and to make it easy for our users to use these essential types, we have created this article as a guide. In this article, you can find a detailed description of all the question types included in the plugin and learn more about their use cases. Before making your survey, make sure that you are familiar with the main advantages of each question type.

Each question type included in the plugin will allow you to gain the needed feedback and data from your WordPress website visitors. The choice of question types depends on the survey's goals, the type of information needed, and the preferred format for data analysis. A well-designed survey often combines various question types to gather comprehensive and actionable insights.

You can find all the question types available in the Survey Maker plugin listed and described below.

20+ Question Types Listed


The radio button question type presents respondents with a list of options, allowing them to choose only one response. It is named after the radio preset buttons on old electronic devices where only one button could be selected at a time. Respondents select their preferred option by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

This question type is ideal when you want respondents to make a single, specific choice from a list of mutually exclusive options. It ensures clarity in responses and is commonly used in scenarios where a singular decision is required, such as selecting a favorite product or indicating a primary preference.

Radio Question Type


The checkbox question type presents respondents with a list of options, and they can choose multiple responses by selecting the corresponding checkboxes. Unlike radio buttons, checkboxes are not mutually exclusive, allowing for the collection of diverse responses.

Checkbox questions are valuable when you want to capture a range of choices, opinions, or behaviors within a single question, providing flexibility to respondents and depth to your data.

Checkbox Question Type


The name question type is used to ask the respondents to provide their full names. It is commonly used when researchers need to personalize communication and attribute responses to specific individuals. Collecting names adds a personal touch to surveys and allows for more detailed interactions.

Name questions are often employed in scenarios where knowing the respondent's identity is beneficial, such as in customer feedback surveys, registration forms, or when addressing respondents by name is essential for establishing rapport.

Name Question Type


The email question type requests respondents to provide their email addresses. This question is crucial for scenarios where researchers need to establish a direct communication channel with respondents, such as for sending updates, newsletters, or follow-up surveys. Collecting email addresses enables personalized communication and facilitates ongoing engagement.

Email questions are commonly used in marketing research, customer feedback surveys, or any situation where direct communication is essential. It's important to handle email addresses with care, ensuring data security and obtaining proper consent for communication.

Email Question Type


The dropdown question type presents respondents with a list of options in a drop-down menu format. Respondents can click on the dropdown menu and select a single option from the list. Dropdowns are useful when dealing with long lists of options or when a compact survey layout is desired. This question type conserves space and offers a clean and organized appearance.

Dropdowns are commonly used in demographic questions, where respondents can select their country, state, or occupation from a predefined list.

Dropdown Question Type

Linear Scale

The linear scale question type prompts respondents to rate an item or express their opinion on a linear scale, often ranging from a minimum to a maximum value. Respondents can slide a pointer or click on a point along the scale to indicate their level of agreement, satisfaction, or preference.

Linear scales provide a quantitative measure, making them suitable for capturing numerical data on subjective experiences. This question type is commonly employed in customer satisfaction surveys, product reviews, or any scenario where a quantifiable rating is valuable for analysis and comparison.

Linear Scale Question Type

Star Rating

The star rating question type asks respondents to rate an item by selecting a certain number of stars. The stars serve as visual indicators of the rating scale, with a higher number of stars typically indicating a more positive response. Star ratings provide a visually engaging way for respondents to express their opinions on a scale.

This question type is commonly used in feedback forms, product reviews, and service evaluations where a quick and visually appealing rating is desired. Star ratings offer a balance between quantitative data and user-friendly interactivity, making them popular for assessing subjective experiences.

Star Rating Question Type

Star List

The star list question type combines a list of items with a star rating scale. Respondents are asked to rate each item individually by assigning a certain number of stars to each. This format is visually eye-catching and efficient for collecting ratings for multiple items in a structured manner.

Star lists are commonly employed in cases where researchers want respondents to provide individual ratings for a set of items, such as movies, products, or services.

Star List Question Type


The paragraph question type gives the ability to provide open-ended, detailed responses in paragraph form. Unlike closed-ended questions, paragraph questions do not impose character limits, allowing respondents to express their thoughts, opinions, or experiences at length.

This question type is valuable when researchers seek qualitative insights, in-depth feedback, or narrative responses. It encourages respondents to display their perspectives in their own words, providing rich data. Paragraph questions are commonly used in surveys where a comprehensive understanding of respondents' experiences, suggestions, or qualitative feedback is essential.

Paragraph Question Type

Short Text

Short text questions are for brief textual responses, typically limited to a specific number of characters. Unlike paragraph questions, short text questions are designed for concise answers. They are useful when researchers need specific information, such as names, addresses, or short descriptions.

Short text responses are efficient for collecting targeted data without overwhelming respondents with lengthy input requirements. This question type is commonly employed in contact forms, registration surveys, or when brevity is crucial for efficient data collection.

Short Text Question Type


The number question type requests respondents to input numerical values as their responses. It is suitable for gathering quantitative data on measurable variables, such as age, income, or quantities. Number questions ensure a standardized format for data entry, preventing issues related to textual or qualitative responses. Researchers can analyze and interpret the data numerically, facilitating statistical calculations and comparisons.

Number questions are commonly used in demographic surveys, financial assessments, or any scenario where precise numerical information is essential for analysis.

Number Question Type


The date question type is for inputting a specific date. This question type is particularly useful for requiring temporal information, event scheduling, or tracking time-sensitive trends. Date questions standardize the collection of temporal data, ensuring a consistent format for analysis. Researchers can use this data to understand patterns, track changes over time, or schedule events efficiently.

Date questions are commonly found in event registration forms, birthdate inquiries, or any survey where time-related information is critical for analysis.

Date Question Type


The time question type available in the WordPress Survey plugin gives the respondents a chance to input a specific time. This format is commonly used when researchers need to gather information about respondents' daily routines, preferences, or event scheduling. Time questions are particularly useful in scenarios where understanding the temporal aspects of respondents' behavior or preferences is critical.

Whether scheduling appointments, tracking daily habits, or assessing time-related patterns, the time question ensures a standardized format for collecting and analyzing temporal data. It allows for precision in understanding respondents' time-related experiences and preferences.

Time Question Type

Date and Time

The Date and Time question type combines inquiries about both date and time within a single survey question. Respondents are prompted to input specific information regarding not only the date but also the time, offering a comprehensive and detailed response.

This question type is invaluable in cases where understanding the temporal aspects of respondents' experiences, preferences, or behaviors is crucial. Whether scheduling appointments, tracking event occurrences, or capturing time-sensitive feedback, the Date and Time question provides the approach to collecting temporal data. 

Date and Time Question Type

Matrix Scale

The matrix scale question type organizes related questions into a matrix or grid format, where respondents can provide ratings or responses for multiple items in a structured manner. Each row typically represents a different item or statement, while columns contain the scale or response options.

Matrix scales are efficient for collecting responses on multiple dimensions within a single question, reducing survey length and respondent burden. This question type is commonly used in product evaluations, service assessments, or any scenario where responses need to be organized systematically across different attributes or criteria.

Matrix Scale Question Type

Matrix Scale Checkbox

The matrix scale checkbox question type combines the features of a matrix scale and checkboxes. It organizes related questions into a matrix or grid format, where respondents can provide ratings or select multiple options for each row. Each row typically represents a different item or statement, and columns contain checkboxes or a scale for respondents to indicate their preferences.

Matrix scale checkboxes are useful when researchers want to gather data on multiple dimensions within a single question and allow respondents to choose more than one option per dimension. This question type streamlines the survey process, reducing redundancy and making it efficient for respondents to provide feedback on various attributes simultaneously.

Matrix Scale Checkbox Type

Yes or No

The Yes or No question type seeks a binary response from respondents, requiring them to choose between two mutually exclusive options: “Yes” or “No.” This format simplifies decision-making for respondents and is effective in scenarios where a straightforward, definitive answer is required.

Yes or No questions are often used to understand respondents' agreement or disagreement with a statement, confirm a particular behavior, or assess the occurrence of an event. This question type streamlines the survey process, providing clear-cut data for binary analysis and decision-making.

Yes or No Question Type


The slider question type offers respondents a visual and interactive way to express their opinions or preferences on a scale. Instead of selecting from predefined options, respondents use a slider to indicate their position along a spectrum. Sliders are versatile and engaging, making them suitable for capturing responses or subjective experiences.

This question type is commonly used in scenarios where a quantitative measurement is desired, but the exact numeric input is less crucial. Sliders enhance respondent engagement and provide a dynamic alternative to traditional rating scales.

Slider Question Type

Slider List

In this question type, each item in the list is associated with a slider, allowing respondents to slide a pointer or select a position on the scale for each item. Slider lists are visually engaging and efficient for collecting ratings on multiple items in a structured manner.

This question type is particularly useful when researchers want to assess and compare individual preferences or opinions across a set of items. It enhances respondent engagement and provides a dynamic approach to gathering quantitative data.

Slider List Question Type

File Upload

The file upload question type allows respondents to submit files or documents in response to a survey question. This functionality is crucial in scenarios where researchers need additional context, evidence, or supporting materials from respondents. File upload questions enable respondents to attach images, documents, or other relevant files, enhancing the depth and richness of the data collected.

This question type is particularly valuable when visual evidence, screenshots, or other multimedia elements are essential for understanding respondents' experiences or providing detailed feedback.

File Upload Question Type

Phone number

The phone number question type asks the respondents to provide their telephone number. This format is essential when researchers need to have a direct communication channel with respondents, either for follow-up purposes or to verify identity. Phone number questions are commonly used when direct contact is necessary, such as customer support, appointment scheduling, or service callbacks.

Collecting phone numbers allows organizations to personalize communication and enhance customer engagement. It's important to note that when using phone number questions, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and obtaining consent for communication is paramount.

Phone Question Type


The HTML question type allows survey creators to embed formatted text, images, videos, or other multimedia elements directly into the survey. They are particularly useful for enhancing the visual appeal of the survey, creating interactive elements.

HTML questions allow for a more engaging survey experience by breaking away from traditional text-based questions. Survey creators can use HTML to customize the look and feel of the survey, adding visual elements that complement the overall design and align with the survey's objectives.

HTML Question Type


The hidden question type is not visible to respondents during the survey but collects data in the background. It is used for tracking purposes or recording information without influencing the respondent's experience. Hidden questions can capture metadata, such as the source of survey participants, referral codes, or any information that doesn't need explicit input from respondents.

This question type is valuable when researchers need to collect specific data points without directly involving respondents. It maintains a seamless survey flow while silently gathering additional contextual information. For using this question type in the Survey Maker plugin, you will also make use of the URL parameter feature. By adding the URL parameter, you will have a chance to track the survey participants.

Hidden Question Type


The ranking question type asks respondents to prioritize or rank a set of items according to their preferences. Ranking questions are valuable when researchers want to understand the hierarchy of preferences within a list.

This question type is commonly used in product comparisons, and feature prioritization. Analyzing ranking data helps identify top preferences and informs decision-making by highlighting the most and least favored options within a set.

Ranking Question Type

Net Promoter Score

In addition to all the above-mentioned popular question types, the WordPress Survey plugin has the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question type, which measures the likelihood of respondents recommending a product, service, or company to others. Respondents are typically asked to rate their likelihood on a scale from 0 to 10, with categorizations such as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6). The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

This question type is widely used in customer satisfaction surveys and provides a standardized metric for assessing customer loyalty and advocacy. The NPS helps organizations gauge overall customer sentiment and identify areas for improvement.


Besides all the mentioned question types, you can make use of the Calculation Question type as well. This question type allows respondents to immediately see the impact of their inputs, making the survey more engaging and informative. Whether used for budgeting, life insurance, construction, shipping forms or academic purposes, the Calculation question type provides a powerful tool for collecting and analyzing numerical data efficiently.

Calculation Question Type

Wrapping Up!

Now, creating a survey with various question types is easier, as you know about all the question types available. Use the right question type to target the audience and get the needed feedback and data. Collect rich data, and enhance respondent engagement. Each question type serves a unique purpose, providing opportunities to gather quantitative and qualitative insights.

From traditional Radio and Checkbox questions to interactive Slider Lists and NPS, survey creators can choose the formats that best align with their research goals. Make sure to check the 60-minute video guide for the Survey Maker plugin.

The Bundle consists 3 powerful plugins:
Quiz + Poll + Survey